Titles - A
Title: A Cloud for Konoha by antilogicgirl
Rated: [Reviews - 0]
Rated: [Reviews - 0]
Summary: Amaya is a former jounin from the Hidden Village of Cloud. Now living in the Earth Country, she has the misfortune to meet Orochimaru. This results in much confusion, a little romance, and a good deal of fighting. Watch out. She's got quite a mouth on her...
Please Review...I need to know what I'm doing right, and what's totally jacked up about my story!!
Standard disclaimers apply.
Category: OC-centric
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 10 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 34377 | Read count: 17487 [Report This]
Published: 04/11/05 | Updated: 02/08/06
Please Review...I need to know what I'm doing right, and what's totally jacked up about my story!!
Standard disclaimers apply.
Category: OC-centric
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 10 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 34377 | Read count: 17487 [Report This]
Published: 04/11/05 | Updated: 02/08/06
Title: another typical day. . . by Rachel
Rated: PG
[Reviews - 1]
Rated: PG

Summary: Settings are in different places: The mall, movie theatre, Rachel's and Layla's house, Rach's bedroom, Layla's bedroom, etc. I'm introducing Rachel's 2 yr. old son, Ryan Hyuga. Neji Hyuga's son. . .Also, Layla and My sister is Ino so she'll be appearing in this story too! I'm also introducing Joel, Rach's new bf
Category: OC-centric
Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: No | Word count: 530 | Read count: 1697 [Report This]
Published: 31/07/06 | Updated: 31/07/06
Category: OC-centric
Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: No | Word count: 530 | Read count: 1697 [Report This]
Published: 31/07/06 | Updated: 31/07/06
Title: An Early Morning Surprise by inu_luvver10
Rated: [Reviews - 0]
Rated: [Reviews - 0]
Summary: Naruto wakes up one morning and things are not how they should be. NxS
Category: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance
Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 5 | Completed: No | Word count: 2108 | Read count: 7582 [Report This]
Published: 12/07/06 | Updated: 20/07/06
Category: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance
Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 5 | Completed: No | Word count: 2108 | Read count: 7582 [Report This]
Published: 12/07/06 | Updated: 20/07/06
Title: A Spiral Death Dream by panda_chan
Rated: PG
[Reviews - 0]
Rated: PG

Summary: Girl name Yume goes to sand and meets someone and comes back to Konoha..
and she's rooming with sasuke?!
Category: OC-centric
Characters: Sasuke Uchiha
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 | Completed: No | Word count: 2652 | Read count: 4155 [Report This]
Published: 18/07/06 | Updated: 18/07/06
and she's rooming with sasuke?!
Category: OC-centric
Characters: Sasuke Uchiha
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 | Completed: No | Word count: 2652 | Read count: 4155 [Report This]
Published: 18/07/06 | Updated: 18/07/06
Title: Aftermath by Sabyr
Rated: U
[Reviews - 3]
Rated: U

Summary: Set in the future of Naruto. Sasuke's last attack on Konoha destroys almost everything he loves, Naruto gives up hope. But after it is rekindled, how can Naruto end this battle for good?
Category: General Fiction > Post-Naruto
Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: No | Word count: 1302 | Read count: 2085 [Report This]
Published: 16/07/06 | Updated: 16/07/06
Category: General Fiction > Post-Naruto
Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: No | Word count: 1302 | Read count: 2085 [Report This]
Published: 16/07/06 | Updated: 16/07/06
Title: A Turn of Event by Dirtyangel
Rated: 15
[Reviews - 3]
Rated: 15

Summary: You've got a plan, and you've aimed to stick to it. But of course, something must go differently. Under 1500 word Drabble. SasuNaru
Category: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Top Pairings > Sasuke and Naruto
Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 1678 | Read count: 1590 [Report This]
Published: 05/07/06 | Updated: 05/07/06
Category: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Top Pairings > Sasuke and Naruto
Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 1678 | Read count: 1590 [Report This]
Published: 05/07/06 | Updated: 05/07/06
Title: Asleep by Acerbitas
Rated: 15
[Reviews - 1]
Rated: 15

Summary: The war will be over when Sasuke awakens. Gaara looks to Tenten for forgiveness. GaaraxTentenxSasuke, LeexTenten
Category: Het Romance > Angst
Characters: Gaara, Rock Lee, Sasuke Uchiha, Tenten
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 1392 | Read count: 2239 [Report This]
Published: 05/07/06 | Updated: 05/07/06
Category: Het Romance > Angst
Characters: Gaara, Rock Lee, Sasuke Uchiha, Tenten
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 1392 | Read count: 2239 [Report This]
Published: 05/07/06 | Updated: 05/07/06
Title: A Long Friendship by Anika
Rated: U
[Reviews - 1]
Rated: U

Summary: A member from the Saeyunn clan, Clan of the Cats, has arrived at Konoha village and is instructed to stay with Kakashi's group. Things go wrong quickly as on of the Saeyunn enemies finds her and scares her with... physical contact. Sasuke finds himself caring for her as a sister, and is getting angry because her care is getting in the way. The member, Mera, finds herself falling head over heels in love too: for Naruto. Hopefuly, she can live her normal life, become an ANBU, and end up strong enough to kill her clan's murderer: Uchiha Itachi.
Category: OC-centric
Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: No | Word count: 4136 | Read count: 1832 [Report This]
Published: 07/06/06 | Updated: 07/06/06
Category: OC-centric
Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: No | Word count: 4136 | Read count: 1832 [Report This]
Published: 07/06/06 | Updated: 07/06/06
Title: A Faint Color by tsubaki_hana
Rated: PG
[Reviews - 1]
Rated: PG

Summary: Made to fade. [For some, there is no peace in knowing the Hokage is dead.]
Category: General Fiction > Timeless
Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 1275 | Read count: 1443 [Report This]
Published: 29/05/06 | Updated: 29/05/06
Category: General Fiction > Timeless
Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 1275 | Read count: 1443 [Report This]
Published: 29/05/06 | Updated: 29/05/06
Title: A Misunderstanding by narnar
[Reviews - 2]

Summary: Sasuke has long harbored an affection for Naruto, and when he overhears Naruto mumble his name in sleep, he starts getting (wrong) ideas...
Category: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Top Pairings > Sasuke and Naruto
Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: No | Word count: 2841 | Read count: 1594 [Report This]
Published: 22/05/06 | Updated: 22/05/06
Category: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Top Pairings > Sasuke and Naruto
Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: No | Word count: 2841 | Read count: 1594 [Report This]
Published: 22/05/06 | Updated: 22/05/06
Title: And We Pass the Days by scarlet
[Reviews - 1]

Summary: Ino likes someone. Chouji plays the best friend. Shikamaru tries to stay indifferent.
Category: Het Romance > Top Six Pairs
Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 327 | Read count: 1321 [Report This]
Published: 25/04/06 | Updated: 25/04/06
Category: Het Romance > Top Six Pairs
Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 327 | Read count: 1321 [Report This]
Published: 25/04/06 | Updated: 25/04/06
Title: Aachifakuto by Kayley
[Reviews - 2]

Summary: Team 7 has a new mission: To dig up an important artifact. But when they touch the artifact, they are transported into a different world. NarutoFMA Crossover. EdNaru, SasuNaru, and, if you squint, AlSaku. One-shot.
Category: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance, Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Top Pairings > Sasuke and Naruto
Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 6638 | Read count: 1923 [Report This]
Published: 15/04/06 | Updated: 15/04/06
Category: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance, Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Top Pairings > Sasuke and Naruto
Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 6638 | Read count: 1923 [Report This]
Published: 15/04/06 | Updated: 15/04/06
Title: A Blackened Mist by Mana_Mihara
[Reviews - 2]

Summary: When an enemy threatens the future of Konoha, Naruto, now Hokage, is the only shinobi powerful enough to counter the strike. While he rages in battle, Sakura hurries toward the fight, her mind flashing with remembrances of how their lives have unfolded up. [NaruSaku]
Category: Het Romance > Top Six Pairs
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 10691 | Read count: 1184 [Report This]
Published: 14/04/06 | Updated: 14/04/06
Category: Het Romance > Top Six Pairs
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 10691 | Read count: 1184 [Report This]
Published: 14/04/06 | Updated: 14/04/06
Title: A Beautiful Death by TheSharpieBitch
[Reviews - 1]

Summary: When I awoke Sakura was on top of me. I didn’t see Naruto in my line of vision, but I did see Haku. He was laying there, blood running down his chin and innocence radiating from his corpse. I was too weak to move, and too horrified to speak. SasukeHaku. Character Death. Oneshot.
Category: Orphan
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 4571 | Read count: 1416 [Report This]
Published: 13/04/06 | Updated: 13/04/06
Category: Orphan
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 4571 | Read count: 1416 [Report This]
Published: 13/04/06 | Updated: 13/04/06
Title: A Midnight Snack by Porcelain Orchid
[Reviews - 7]

Summary: What happens when a hungry Naruto discovers that Sasuke is also hungry, but for something other than food? OneShot Yaoi... SasuNaru... lemony.
Category: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance, Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Top Pairings > Sasuke and Naruto
Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 1256 | Read count: 3080 [Report This]
Published: 11/03/06 | Updated: 11/03/06
Category: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance, Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Top Pairings > Sasuke and Naruto
Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 1256 | Read count: 3080 [Report This]
Published: 11/03/06 | Updated: 11/03/06
Title: Aishiteru Naruto by Angel Crack
[Reviews - 10]

Summary: A three year old Naruto learns very early that life can be very hard, more so for a child who can not understand the things that we do. When every other little boy and girl is living a semi normal life, Naruto lives a hard one.
Category: Orphan
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 4 | Completed: No | Word count: 11822 | Read count: 7060 [Report This]
Published: 10/05/05 | Updated: 06/03/06
Category: Orphan
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 4 | Completed: No | Word count: 11822 | Read count: 7060 [Report This]
Published: 10/05/05 | Updated: 06/03/06
Title: Apples by Uozumi
[Reviews - 4]

Summary: Before school started, Ino encountered a mysterious boy while playing.
Category: Het Romance > Top Six Pairs
Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 8 | Completed: No | Word count: 23422 | Read count: 10583 [Report This]
Published: 17/12/05 | Updated: 02/03/06
Category: Het Romance > Top Six Pairs
Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 8 | Completed: No | Word count: 23422 | Read count: 10583 [Report This]
Published: 17/12/05 | Updated: 02/03/06
Title: Aoginozomi Amanohara by Ignorant Sorrow
[Reviews - 1]

Summary: AU:: Living life is already hectic, and for one Uzumaki Naruto, it can’t be any easier. Event after the other, she tries hard to find a place of her own in the world. Can love and friends help her through?
Category: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Top Pairings > Sasuke and Naruto
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2 | Completed: No | Word count: 7916 | Read count: 2090 [Report This]
Published: 17/02/06 | Updated: 22/02/06
Category: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Top Pairings > Sasuke and Naruto
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2 | Completed: No | Word count: 7916 | Read count: 2090 [Report This]
Published: 17/02/06 | Updated: 22/02/06
Title: A Lover's Tale by LeMoNs Chan
[Reviews - 3]

Summary: Sasuke and Naruto throught they were going to have the best summer ever, in such a secluded house, with their own room. So what if Sasuke's parents and brother are there? But when things start appearing.. and people start changing.. that summer getaway begins to feel like hell.
Category: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Top Pairings > Sasuke and Naruto
Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 | Completed: No | Word count: 3358 | Read count: 4842 [Report This]
Published: 27/11/05 | Updated: 19/02/06
Category: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Top Pairings > Sasuke and Naruto
Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 | Completed: No | Word count: 3358 | Read count: 4842 [Report This]
Published: 27/11/05 | Updated: 19/02/06
Title: All About Us by RaveaAnn
[Reviews - 1]

Summary: Naruto SongFic using the song “All About Us†by t.A.T.u. This story is a look at Sasuke and Naruto’s friendship. It’s not supposed to be slash but you can see it that way if you choose.
Category: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance, Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Top Pairings > Sasuke and Naruto
Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 2266 | Read count: 1858 [Report This]
Published: 25/01/06 | Updated: 25/01/06
Category: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance, Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Top Pairings > Sasuke and Naruto
Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 2266 | Read count: 1858 [Report This]
Published: 25/01/06 | Updated: 25/01/06
Title: All About Sex by JBMcDragon
Rated: 15
[Reviews - 2]
Rated: 15

Summary: Kakashi is late AGAIN, so Iruka pokes around the Jounin's apartment, trying to keep himself busy.
Category: MadFic > Other
Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 923 | Read count: 1860 [Report This]
Published: 20/01/06 | Updated: 20/01/06
Category: MadFic > Other
Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 923 | Read count: 1860 [Report This]
Published: 20/01/06 | Updated: 20/01/06
Title: All-know-it-tree by DRT
[Reviews - 2]

Summary: Sasuke and Naruto are telling stories to each other,and are mistaken as a coupl and start becoming one.KAkashi makes a move on Saruka.Gaara is with himself.Kiba and Shikamaru have a serect relationship. What have gotten into these ppl's sick minds.XDXDXD
Category: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Top Pairings > Sasuke and Naruto
Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 | Completed: No | Word count: 3736 | Read count: 9448 [Report This]
Published: 05/12/05 | Updated: 07/12/05
Category: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Top Pairings > Sasuke and Naruto
Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 | Completed: No | Word count: 3736 | Read count: 9448 [Report This]
Published: 05/12/05 | Updated: 07/12/05
Title: An Upward Decent by Kalika
[Reviews - 1]

Summary: Iruka is reminiscing about his childhood when an unexpected visitor shows up. Lemon in future chapters. OCCness.
Category: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance, Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Top Pairings > Kakashi and Iruka
Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 | Completed: No | Word count: 9931 | Read count: 3873 [Report This]
Published: 07/11/05 | Updated: 24/11/05
Category: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance, Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Top Pairings > Kakashi and Iruka
Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 | Completed: No | Word count: 9931 | Read count: 3873 [Report This]
Published: 07/11/05 | Updated: 24/11/05
Title: A Reflection of You by Wicked Enough
Rated: 12/12A
[Reviews - 2]
Rated: 12/12A

Summary: [OneShot][Sasuke Centric] Will you allow me to become blind like you, brother? You have already spoilt me for the world... Will you allow me to become blind, too?
Category: General Fiction > Character-Centric
Characters: Sasuke Uchiha
Genres: Angst
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 812 | Read count: 1668 [Report This]
Published: 22/11/05 | Updated: 22/11/05
Category: General Fiction > Character-Centric
Characters: Sasuke Uchiha
Genres: Angst
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 812 | Read count: 1668 [Report This]
Published: 22/11/05 | Updated: 22/11/05
Title: Algolagnia by Wicked Enough
[Reviews - 1]

Summary: [One-Shot] My scars with yours. My blood with yours. My pain with yours. My death with yours.
Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 838 | Read count: 1842 [Report This]
Published: 02/07/05 | Updated: 02/07/05
Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 838 | Read count: 1842 [Report This]
Published: 02/07/05 | Updated: 02/07/05