The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

Main Categories

Het Romance [1090]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around different sex couples.
Alternate Universe & Crossovers [643]
Where cast of the Naruto Universe are inserted into an alternate universe.
Essays & Tutorials [17]
An area to submit intelligent essays debating topics about the Naruto Universe and writing tutorial submissions.
General Fiction [1738]
Any Naruto fanfiction focused without romantic orientation, on a canon character in the current Naruto Universe.
OC-centric [860]
Any Naruto fanfic that has the major inclusion of a fan-made character.
Non-Naruto Fiction [290]
Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance [1575]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around male same sex couples.
MadFic [194]
Any fic with no real plot and humor based. Doesn't require correct spelling, paragraphing or punctuation but it's a very good idea.
Shojo-ai/Yuri Romance [106]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around female same sex couples.
Fan Ninja Bingo Book [124]
An area to store fanfic information, such as bios, maps, political histories. No stories.

Site Info

Members: 12004
Series: 261
Stories: 5874
Chapters: 25331
Word count: 47377178
Authors: 2160
Reviews: 40727
Reviewers: 1750
Newest Member: shikimarus left ball
Challenges: 255
Challengers: 193

Titles - J
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other


Title: Just Step Back and Think a Moment by ineedacat9
Rated: 12/12A Liked [Reviews - 5]
Summary: Various moments throughout Naruto in which certain characters stop and use a little common sense before acting. Mostly crack.
Category: General Fiction > Naruto
Characters: All
Genres: General
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 6 | Completed: No | Word count: 7506 | Read count: 5664 [Report This]
Published: 14/09/12 | Updated: 01/10/12

Title: Just Married by GokusDonut
Rated: PG [Reviews - 0]
Summary: Chi-Chi would have never guessed she would have two weddings in her lifetime. She wants to salvage her marriage, but the law just won't allow it. Does Goku love her enough to stay with her, or does the thrill for adventure mean more to him?
Category: Non-Naruto Fiction > Dragon Ball
Characters: None
Genres: Drama, Romance
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 5 | Completed: No | Word count: 13788 | Read count: 5151 [Report This]
Published: 30/06/12 | Updated: 11/07/12

Title: Justice Heroes Elite by RaphaelTMNT
Rated: R18 [Reviews - 0]
Summary: An MK, DC, Marvel crossover story. It contains a lot of adventure and intensity. starring Batman, Spiderman, Subzero, Liu kang, Wonder Woman, Scorpion, and many other favorites. A new villian has stepped in with a plan to destroy all the heroes!
Category: Non-Naruto Fiction
Characters: None
Genres: Action/Adventure, Dark, Mystery, Romance
Warnings: Sexual Themes
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 44 | Completed: No | Word count: 184203 | Read count: 4657 [Report This]
Published: 15/02/11 | Updated: 22/03/12

Title: Just Like Me by Rokudaime Kunoichi
Rated: 15 Liked [Reviews - 3]
Summary: When Naruto hits his lowest moment, Sasuke reminds him of their similarities.
Category: General Fiction > Naruto
Characters: Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha
Genres: General
Warnings: AU, OOC
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 1406 | Read count: 1773 [Report This]
Published: 18/05/11 | Updated: 18/05/11

Title: Just Another Day by AkatsukiLemonLover23
Rated: PG Liked [Reviews - 1]
Summary: The Akatsuki are the most well known villians ever, and they enjoy trying to take over the world, but what happens when its a normal day at the base? As usual, Deidara's Gender is on the forefront, along with... other.... things..
Category: General Fiction > Naruto
Characters: Akatsuki
Genres: Humor
Warnings: OOC
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: No | Word count: 544 | Read count: 1869 [Report This]
Published: 18/01/11 | Updated: 18/01/11

Title: Just Your Everyday Fairytale by MyKissofDeath
Rated: 15 Liked [Reviews - 2]
Summary: justa secccccc
Category: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Warned (Shonen-ai/Yaoi), Alternate Universe & Crossovers > Minor AU, Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Top Pairings > Sasuke and Naruto
Characters: Itachi Uchiha, Kisame Hoshigaki, Pair SasuNaru
Genres: Fantasy, Graphic lemon, Humor, Romance
Warnings: AU, Sexual Themes, Yaoi
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: No | Word count: 3317 | Read count: 2452 [Report This]
Published: 10/11/09 | Updated: 10/11/09

Title: Just Your Everyday Fairytale by MyKissofDeath
Rated: 15 [Reviews - 1]
Summary: Just a minites
Category: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Warned (Shonen-ai/Yaoi), Alternate Universe & Crossovers > Minor AU, Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Top Pairings > Sasuke and Naruto
Characters: Itachi Uchiha, Kisame Hoshigaki, Pair SasuNaru
Genres: Fantasy, Graphic lemon, Humor, Romance
Warnings: AU, Sexual Themes, Yaoi
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: No | Word count: 3317 | Read count: 1951 [Report This]
Published: 10/11/09 | Updated: 10/11/09

Title: Just Your Everyday Fairytale by MyKissofDeath
Rated: 15 Round robin [Reviews - 0]
Summary: Deep in the heart of Kohanaville, Prince Sasuke needs a new 'assistant.' Fortunately for us fans, Naruto Uzumaki is the only one that appealed to him, in ways that poor blonde could've never imagined. SasuNaruSasu. ItaKisa-Side pairing.
Category: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Warned (Shonen-ai/Yaoi), Alternate Universe & Crossovers > Other, Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Top Pairings > Sasuke and Naruto
Characters: Pair SasuNaru
Genres: Graphic lemon, Humor, Romance
Warnings: AU, Sexual Themes, Yaoi
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: No | Word count: 3327 | Read count: 2281 [Report This]
Published: 10/11/09 | Updated: 10/11/09

Title: Just Naruto. by Xx_sakura_blossom_xX
Rated: 12/12A Liked [Reviews - 2]
Summary: He could see their hate and anger, he could see how much they wanted him to dissapear but he refused. He wanted to live, to be ALIVE, to find someone who could accept him for who he was, for what he was, just as Naruto
Category: General Fiction > Naruto
Characters: Naruto Uzumaki
Genres: Angst, General
Warnings: Drabble, OOC
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 407 | Read count: 1738 [Report This]
Published: 01/10/09 | Updated: 01/10/09

Title: Jealousy to the Max: a NaruSaku fanfic by inuyashas_only_1
Rated: PG Liked [Reviews - 47]
Summary: Naruto and Sakura are assigned to a mission to recover a kidnapped clan leader. The punishment for not getting him back is death. Naruto and Sakura are ready for anything, except...this "prince" is a first-class pervert who's hitting on Sakura! Can Naruto keep his cool for the sake of their mission?
Category: Het Romance > Fluff, General Fiction > Naruto Shippuuden, Het Romance > Top Six Pairs > Naruto and Sakura
Characters: Naruto Uzumaki, OC, Pair NaruSaku, Sakura Haruno, Tsunade
Genres: Action/Adventure, General, Romance
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 14 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 22171 | Read count: 107752 [Report This]
Published: 23/02/09 | Updated: 23/04/09

Title: Just An Illusion by yuurimaoh
Rated: 18 Liked [Reviews - 4]
Summary: The only way they could be told apart was by the minute difference in the colors of their eyes. . The smile on his brother's face was the most mischievous he had ever seen...SasuNaru, KisameItachiKyubi...
Category: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Top Pairings > Sasuke and Naruto
Characters: Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha
Genres: Angst, Drama, General, Romance
Warnings: AU, Yaoi
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 6 | Completed: No | Word count: 10579 | Read count: 2114 [Report This]
Published: 06/04/08 | Updated: 16/04/09

Title: Just Dance by kirachan
Rated: 18 Liked [Reviews - 1]
Summary: "So, this is the girl, no?" Someone said. I opened my eyes to see Kabuto standing above me.
"Yes. This is she." Orochimaru came into view. I, unfortunately, had been chained to the wall. You know, my arms in handcuffs that were oh-so-conveniently placed so that I was against the wall, standing. How did I get here? Dunno...but if I have anything to say about it, Snakeman won't be seeing much of me! MUWAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Category: Alternate Universe & Crossovers > Crossovers, General Fiction > Naruto
Characters: All
Genres: General, Supernatural
Warnings: Death, Sexual Themes
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: No | Word count: 370 | Read count: 499 [Report This]
Published: 24/02/09 | Updated: 24/02/09

Title: Just A Dream by Kariya
Rated: U Liked [Reviews - 4]
Summary: I deleted my first and here is my second. Kariya is back with Sandy and Calvyn. They go around ruining the show like it's nothing. Because after all, it is just a dream. Right?
Category: OC-centric, General Fiction > Character-Centric, General Fiction > Naruto
Characters: All
Genres: Action/Adventure
Warnings: AU, OOC
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: No | Word count: 1371 | Read count: 1540 [Report This]
Published: 08/10/08 | Updated: 08/10/08

Title: Just Imagine... Because I Can't by Psychic_Pineapple_Detective
Rated: PG Liked [Reviews - 2]
Summary: Naruto and Sasuke sit together in the after math of their final fight. Orochimaru is dead and Sasuke is soon following after, but not before he asks one last favor from his best friend.
Category: General Fiction > Timeskip
Characters: Sasuke Uchiha
Genres: Angst
Warnings: Death
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 641 | Read count: 1725 [Report This]
Published: 15/09/08 | Updated: 15/09/08

Title: Journals of Teenage Ninja by gaaras_girl343
Rated: 15 Liked [Reviews - 3]
Summary: Just the journals of the Genin in Konoha and Suna. Some Akatsuki too. Please read and review.
Category: General Fiction
Characters: Shino Aburame, Chouji Akimichi, Deidara, Gaara, Sakura Haruno, Kisame Hoshigaki, Hinata Hyuuga, Neji Hyuuga, Kiba Inuzuka, Shikamaru Nara, Rock Lee, Temari, Tenten, Tobi, Itachi Uchiha, Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki, Ino Yamanaka
Genres: Dark, Humor
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 | Completed: No | Word count: 482 | Read count: 7611 [Report This]
Published: 12/12/07 | Updated: 15/09/08

Title: Just a single day... by Keiko Hyuuga
Rated: U Liked [Reviews - 13]
Summary: She was the only one who remembered. The only one who remembered that this day was more than just a day of sorrow. Hinata...she was the only one who remembered his birthday.
Category: Het Romance > Top Six Pairs > Naruto and Hinata
Characters: Gaara, Sakura Haruno, Kakashi Hatake, Hinata Hyuuga, Neji Hyuuga, Kiba Inuzuka, Jiraiya, Konohamaru Sarutobi, Maito Gai, Anko Mitarashi, Shikamaru Nara, Orochimaru, Temari, Tenten, Tsunade, Itachi Uchiha
Genres: Action/Adventure, Dark, Drama, General, Horror, Mystery, Romance, Tragedy
Warnings: AU, Dark, Death
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 | Completed: No | Word count: 2016 | Read count: 7023 [Report This]
Published: 29/02/08 | Updated: 14/08/08

Title: Jutsu Creation Specialist: Uzumaki Naruto by stained_circle
Rated: U Liked [Reviews - 4]
Summary: [Slight Final Fantasy Crossover] Naruto is the heir of a powerful clan that specializes in jutsu creation and jutsu manipulation. Jiro, a man whose bloodline is to summon beasts called Aeons, wants to adopt him.
Category: Alternate Universe & Crossovers > Fusion
Characters: Ino Yamanaka, Naruto Uzumaki, OC, Shino Aburame
Genres: Action/Adventure
Warnings: AU
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 7 | Completed: No | Word count: 21277 | Read count: 17185 [Report This]
Published: 08/02/07 | Updated: 07/08/08

Title: Just another chatroom... by Hyuuga Anmari
Rated: 12/12A Liked [Reviews - 4]
Summary: This is a chatroom for me, John (Master_jeriah_slayer), and some of the naruto characters. What'll happen? Not even I know!! ---kudos to master_jeriah_slayer for a few ideas. and kudos to the people who deal with my bull long enough to comment me!---
Category: Alternate Universe & Crossovers > Real World, MadFic > Other
Characters: All
Genres: Humor
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 8 | Completed: No | Word count: 3177 | Read count: 15649 [Report This]
Published: 24/12/06 | Updated: 05/07/08

Title: Just Above the Surface by Antic Nin
Rated: 15 Liked [Reviews - 2]
Summary: Blue eyes look beneath the water, black eyes look up. A hand reaches out, to gently touch the liquid. Does Sasuke reach as well? This simply touch will forever change his outlook on humans and change the relationship between the walkers and the swimmers. Is he willing to take the risk to find out what lurks just above the surface?
Category: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Fluff (Shonen-ai/Yaoi), Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Warned (Shonen-ai/Yaoi), Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Top Pairings > Sasuke and Naruto
Characters: Jiraiya, Kiba Inuzuka, Orochimaru, Sasuke Uchiha
Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Romance
Warnings: AU, Yaoi
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: No | Word count: 1711 | Read count: 2091 [Report This]
Published: 09/06/08 | Updated: 09/06/08

Title: Just Different by kaori
Rated: 15 Liked [Reviews - 8]
we're not monsters
we're just different
we laugh, and cry,
we love and hurt,
we're kind and sweet,
we're not monsters, we're just different than you...
Category: OC-centric, General Fiction > Character-Centric, General Fiction > Naruto Shippuuden, Het Romance > Top Six Pairs > Shikamaru and Temari
Characters: Gaara, Kankurou, Naruto Uzumaki, OC, Pair OCGaa, Sakura Haruno, Shikamaru Nara, Temari
Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, General, Mystery, Tragedy
Warnings: Death
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 | Completed: No | Word count: 4098 | Read count: 6272 [Report This]
Published: 01/06/08 | Updated: 05/06/08

Title: Just Some Simple Observations by Sand_Sibling_Sushi
Rated: PG [Reviews - 0]
Summary: Hyuuga Hinata is crushing on Uzumaki Naruto.
Uzumaki Naruto is dating Haruno Sakura.
Hyuuga Hinata is crushed, and on top of that is engaged to Sabaku no Gaara against her will and to her horror.
Sabaku no Gaara is scary/pyschotic beyond belief.
He also is irresistably intruiging when he accidently shows you his real smile.
Category: General Fiction, Het Romance > Top Six Pairs
Characters: Hinata Hyuuga
Genres: Romance
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: No | Word count: 1184 | Read count: 2233 [Report This]
Published: 20/03/08 | Updated: 20/03/08

Title: Jocks by Soul Orchard
Rated: R18 Liked [Reviews - 16]
Summary: After Naruto hears rumors about his roommate Kiba, he wants to know how many of them are true

This is the start to a very smutty story.
Category: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance
Characters: Kiba Inuzuka, Naruto Uzumaki
Genres: Graphic lemon
Warnings: Yaoi
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2 | Completed: No | Word count: 1891 | Read count: 2621 [Report This]
Published: 02/11/07 | Updated: 12/02/08

Title: Japanese Lessons for Writers by Yumi
Rated: PG Liked [Reviews - 6]
Summary: Okay, I've been told three times that I haven't been spelling Japanese words right, when I known darn well that I am and why. . .

Thus, I'm making short Japanese lessons for all the writers on this site. I hope you take them to heart, because I don't want to explain why I spell the word 'otooto'.

- Yumi
Category: Essays & Tutorials > Cultural Tutorials
Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2 | Completed: No | Word count: 688 | Read count: 5656 [Report This]
Published: 28/01/08 | Updated: 28/01/08

Title: Jealousy And Regret by rasengan_welch
Rated: 15 Liked [Reviews - 19]
Summary: Naruto has always asked Sakura out.But when he gets rejected by her one too many times,He somehow sees Ino in a different way,and they end up as a happy couple.

Sakura doesn't know why,but she gets jealous and wishes that Naruto would treat her like he treats Ino,but Sakura never gave him the chance to.She wishes she hasn't done those things to him,by always knocking him up-side the head and yelling bad names at him.She tries to get Sasuke but he wants nothing to do with her.

So she's alone,no one else wants her.not even Lee,who's lost interest in her.She tries to win Naruto over but he for once,rejects her.

And now Sakura is alone and swallowed up by the one word that makes her cry by herself each night.the word know as,

Category: Het Romance > Top Six Pairs
Characters: Sakura Haruno, Hinata Hyuuga, Neji Hyuuga, Kiba Inuzuka, Shikamaru Nara, Rock Lee, Temari, Tenten, Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki, Ino Yamanaka
Genres: Dark, Romance
Warnings: Dark
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 | Completed: No | Word count: 2793 | Read count: 9241 [Report This]
Published: 16/09/07 | Updated: 13/01/08

Title: Just Soggy from the Chemo by Archaic Aphorism
Rated: 15 Liked [Reviews - 9]

Cancer ran in the family; Sasuke remembered when his older brother had gotten it, remembered cutting off most of his hair and offering it to Itachi when all of Itachi's hair had fallen out.

Sasuke's tired of the chemo and the experimental drugs, but he misses Naruto.

For a fic exchange with the wonderful and talented A Vampire's Butterfly, whom I adore.
I love you, Violet!

Category: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Top Pairings > Sasuke and Naruto
Characters: Sakura Haruno, Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki
Genres: Angst, Dark, Romance, Tragedy
Warnings: AU, Dark, Death, Yaoi
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 4244 | Read count: 1948 [Report This]
Published: 02/01/08 | Updated: 02/01/08