Penname: kibas girl 1013 [Contact]
Real name: Kayla
Membership status: Member
Member since: 11/06/07
Real name: Kayla
Membership status: Member
Member since: 11/06/07
Hey! My name is Kayla and I love anime! Well.....hmmmm I guess I should describe myself. Uh, like I said before I love anime. Especially naruto! My fav. characters are Kiba, Gaara, Kankurou, and Naruto himself! Okay well hers some more info. on me!
Name: Kayla (as I said before)
Height: (I have to go measure myself)
weight: (Wheres my scale)
Lives: (Wouldn't you like to know)
Personality: (Heres some stuff I can tell you!) Okay, I get really hyper really fast. But only around my friends. I fI'm near someone I don't really know I go super quiet. Um, I love animals. I guess that's why I have seven dogs! WOOHOO! MY HOUSE IS AN ABSOLUTE MAD HOUSE! I love drawing, pretty much anything. well, uh, yeah so I gotta go but here's some pics that I found that I think resemble me. In some sort of way. Oh, and feel free to IM be anytime if you want to talk, or email me at!
Favorite Series
Stories by kibas girl 1013
Title: Building a new life by kibas girl 1013
Rated: 15
[Reviews - 3]
Rated: 15

Summary: It's been 3 years since Keira left Kohona. Rumors spread that she was dead. Only a hand full of people actually know what happened to her. Kiba went into depression but with the help of his friends he finally came out of it. Everyone just began to forget about Keira, all losing hope that she would come back. But what if she were to come back? Impossible, right?
Sequel to The New Girl
Category: OC-centric
Characters: Shino Aburame, Hinata Hyuuga, Kiba Inuzuka, Kurenai Yuuhi
Genres: Action/Adventure, Romance
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: The New Girl
Chapters: 5 | Completed: No | Word count: 4811 | Read count: 10075 [Report This]
Published: 08/10/07 | Updated: 24/12/07
Sequel to The New Girl
Category: OC-centric
Characters: Shino Aburame, Hinata Hyuuga, Kiba Inuzuka, Kurenai Yuuhi
Genres: Action/Adventure, Romance
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: The New Girl
Chapters: 5 | Completed: No | Word count: 4811 | Read count: 10075 [Report This]
Published: 08/10/07 | Updated: 24/12/07
Title: Lee's mermaid by kibas girl 1013
Rated: 12/12A
[Reviews - 8]
Rated: 12/12A

Summary: Think you know everything about the Naruto world? Well you don't now. When Lee sees a strange....person in a lake he tells people. But they don't believe him. He goes back to the lake only to find a girl who's completely lost and barely knows how to walk. Lee helps the girl, but to his surprise she tells him she's afraid of him. How could a love possibly come out of this? Especially when two more strangers show up. One who wants the two together. And the other who wants every guy to stay away from her. Join Lee and his three new friends on a journey you'll never experience again in your life.
Kind of like mermaid melody meets naruto. but not exactly!
Sorry, suck at summaries. But just read it!
Category: OC-centric
Characters: Neji Hyuuga, Maito Gai, Rock Lee, Tenten
Genres: Action/Adventure, Fantasy, Romance
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 5 | Completed: No | Word count: 3994 | Read count: 6755 [Report This]
Published: 08/08/07 | Updated: 13/11/07
Kind of like mermaid melody meets naruto. but not exactly!
Sorry, suck at summaries. But just read it!
Category: OC-centric
Characters: Neji Hyuuga, Maito Gai, Rock Lee, Tenten
Genres: Action/Adventure, Fantasy, Romance
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 5 | Completed: No | Word count: 3994 | Read count: 6755 [Report This]
Published: 08/08/07 | Updated: 13/11/07
Title: An unexpected guest by kibas girl 1013
Rated: 15
[Reviews - 19]
Rated: 15

Summary: The sand siblings are getting ready to head off to Kohona when an unexpected guest arrives. Temari hasn't seen her in four years. Why is she here? What does she want? And what happened to her that made her so.......heartless?
Category: OC-centric
Characters: Gaara, Temari
Genres: Action/Adventure, Romance
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 11 | Completed: No | Word count: 8832 | Read count: 29864 [Report This]
Published: 05/07/07 | Updated: 04/11/07
Category: OC-centric
Characters: Gaara, Temari
Genres: Action/Adventure, Romance
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 11 | Completed: No | Word count: 8832 | Read count: 29864 [Report This]
Published: 05/07/07 | Updated: 04/11/07
Title: The peasant and the princess by kibas girl 1013
Rated: 15
[Reviews - 21]
Rated: 15

Summary: Naruto is a peasant and has a dream of one day serving for the king. The princess just wants to live a normal life but that's out of the question. When these two meet the only thing that comes out of it is......You'll have to read it to find out!
I've read some stories like this and now inspired to write my own. I am not copying anyone else's ideas.
Category: Orphan
Characters: Deidara, Gaara, Sakura Haruno, Hidan, Kisame Hoshigaki, Hinata Hyuuga, Neji Hyuuga, Kiba Inuzuka, Jiraiya, Shikamaru Nara, Rock Lee, Temari, Tenten, Tsunade, Itachi Uchiha, Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki, Ino Yamanaka
Genres: Action/Adventure, Fantasy, Romance
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 14 | Completed: No | Word count: 11141 | Read count: 27061 [Report This]
Published: 28/06/07 | Updated: 23/10/07
I've read some stories like this and now inspired to write my own. I am not copying anyone else's ideas.
Category: Orphan
Characters: Deidara, Gaara, Sakura Haruno, Hidan, Kisame Hoshigaki, Hinata Hyuuga, Neji Hyuuga, Kiba Inuzuka, Jiraiya, Shikamaru Nara, Rock Lee, Temari, Tenten, Tsunade, Itachi Uchiha, Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki, Ino Yamanaka
Genres: Action/Adventure, Fantasy, Romance
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 14 | Completed: No | Word count: 11141 | Read count: 27061 [Report This]
Published: 28/06/07 | Updated: 23/10/07
Title: The new girl by kibas girl 1013
Rated: 15
[Reviews - 29]
Rated: 15

Summary: All of the teams are on their way to the next chuunin exams. While on their way Kurenai's team run's into a girl. She tags along with them. At first glance she seems like a helpless girl. But she soon proves herself to everyone. She seems familiar in a way to Kiba and he grows very suspicous of her. She tries hard to keep her past hiden but it soon leaks. And as soon as her past is revealed a new guest comes for her. Now she has to make a choice to leave her friends behind or get herself probably killed.
Characters: Shino Aburame, Gaara, Sakura Haruno, Kakashi Hatake, Kisame Hoshigaki, Hinata Hyuuga, Neji Hyuuga, Kiba Inuzuka, Jiraiya, Maito Gai, Shikamaru Nara, Orochimaru, Rock Lee, Sai, Temari, Tenten, Itachi Uchiha, Sasuke Uchiha, Iruka Umino, Naruto Uzumaki
Genres: Action/Adventure, Romance
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: The New Girl
Chapters: 21 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 14758 | Read count: 45380 [Report This]
Published: 12/06/07 | Updated: 07/10/07
Characters: Shino Aburame, Gaara, Sakura Haruno, Kakashi Hatake, Kisame Hoshigaki, Hinata Hyuuga, Neji Hyuuga, Kiba Inuzuka, Jiraiya, Maito Gai, Shikamaru Nara, Orochimaru, Rock Lee, Sai, Temari, Tenten, Itachi Uchiha, Sasuke Uchiha, Iruka Umino, Naruto Uzumaki
Genres: Action/Adventure, Romance
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: The New Girl
Chapters: 21 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 14758 | Read count: 45380 [Report This]
Published: 12/06/07 | Updated: 07/10/07
Title: All of my ocs! by kibas girl 1013
Rated: U
[Reviews - 10]
Rated: U

Summary: Just profile's on all of my ocs!
Category: Fan Ninja Bingo Book
Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 12 | Completed: No | Word count: 1809 | Read count: 35119 [Report This]
Published: 26/07/07 | Updated: 21/08/07
Category: Fan Ninja Bingo Book
Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 12 | Completed: No | Word count: 1809 | Read count: 35119 [Report This]
Published: 26/07/07 | Updated: 21/08/07