Reviews For Middle School
Name: Dragonblade (Anonymous) · Date: 28/10/07 - 11:07 pm · For: The Twins
Sorry didn't mean to post that twice
Author's Response: That's ok it doesn't matter.
Name: Dragonblade (Anonymous) · Date: 28/10/07 - 11:05 pm · For: The Twins
Wow!! you'r such a talented author. I like Highschool Drama and I know I'm gonna like Middle School
P.s. I can't go to sleep
Author's Response: Try and get some sleep kk?
Name: Dragonblade (Anonymous) · Date: 28/10/07 - 11:04 pm · For: The Twins
Wow!! you'r such a talented author. I like Highschool Drama and I know I'm gonna like Middle School
P.s. I can't go to sleep
Author's Response: Thanks.
Name: Redrum (Signed) · Date: 07/10/07 - 10:50 am · For: The Twins
Pretty cool.
Author's Response: ^-^ I made a new Highschool Drama story. Can you read it for me please Redrum-san?
Name: kibas girl 1013 (Signed) · Date: 08/08/07 - 02:02 pm · For: Chapter 1
This sounds good! I can't wait to see what will happen once they go to school.
-- Oshiyama : Thanks. I would have made more but I wanted to add pictures.
Name: Wild_Flower (Signed) · Date: 18/07/07 - 01:04 am · For: The Twins
Eimi-san and Yuki-san seem so much like me! I can't wait to read they're story!
-- Oshiyama : Aww thanks a lot Wild_Flower-san. ^-^ Much appreciated.