The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

Main Categories

Het Romance [1090]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around different sex couples.
Alternate Universe & Crossovers [643]
Where cast of the Naruto Universe are inserted into an alternate universe.
Essays & Tutorials [17]
An area to submit intelligent essays debating topics about the Naruto Universe and writing tutorial submissions.
General Fiction [1738]
Any Naruto fanfiction focused without romantic orientation, on a canon character in the current Naruto Universe.
OC-centric [860]
Any Naruto fanfic that has the major inclusion of a fan-made character.
Non-Naruto Fiction [290]
Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance [1575]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around male same sex couples.
MadFic [194]
Any fic with no real plot and humor based. Doesn't require correct spelling, paragraphing or punctuation but it's a very good idea.
Shojo-ai/Yuri Romance [106]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around female same sex couples.
Fan Ninja Bingo Book [124]
An area to store fanfic information, such as bios, maps, political histories. No stories.

Site Info

Members: 11998
Series: 261
Stories: 5874
Chapters: 25331
Word count: 47363839
Authors: 2160
Reviews: 40827
Reviewers: 1750
Newest Member: KpopOt7Bias
Challenges: 255
Challengers: 193

Name: ren uchiha (Signed) · Date: 12/05/08 - 01:09 pm · For: I can see clearly now, the rain has gone...
Sorry about the writing i am not very good commas and stuff heh heh.
I apologyse that i am bothering you so much gomen gomen gomen.
your sincerly ren uchiha

Author's Response: It's not that much of a problem, seriously. Stop beatin' yerself up about it! Look, if you really want help on your story, e-mail me. You can reach me at and I'll be happy to help with whatever you need, kay?

Name: Miki Everless (Signed) · Date: 09/05/08 - 01:51 pm · For: Cat Scrach Fever!
omg dont stop writiiing plz;; its awesome. heh. sakura's annoying again.

Author's Response: I shant stop, and I'm glad you like it! And... yes. Sakura is annoying till Shippuden starts then she's totally super-special-awesome.

Name: ren uchiha (Signed) · Date: 09/05/08 - 09:52 am · For: I can see clearly now, the rain has gone...
sorry to bother u but i am having trouble coming up with something to write about i want to do a yondaime x anko but i am not sure how i put the info like characters but that is not important i need a good story and i kinda need ya to help me on this one until i can figure it out and develope the story a little oh also i have a OC ryako asakora last of the asakora clan and heir to the arashigan and its abilaty to control storms and electricity and ren uchiha is a OC i made up too same with minoru sabaku but i much prefer the ryako OC and my OC demons lunato [a 10 tailed wolf but not one of the original bijuu and yes he has a human form] and kymika [a angel and yes a female] wow i got off track sorry that happens alot can ya help me anyways? thnx if u can b ut if u cant i understand srry for bothering u so srry ^_^'''

Author's Response: Well, first off, it you're going to write a story, you should type a little more literately. Not to be mean or anything, it just hurst my brain to read things that use no capatalization, no commas, not enough periods, and say things like 'u' instead of 'you.' I will not respond to any other reviews that are posted in this manner after this. I'd be happy to help you, if you'd give me more of an idea about what you want to do plot wise.

Name: ren uchiha (Signed) · Date: 08/05/08 - 03:22 pm · For: I can see clearly now, the rain has gone...
YAY i got my own account sorted [formly ryako asakora/ryako hyuuga/ryako uchiha] great story and now i can get my new OCs and stories ^_^ sorry i bothered u frosty it won't happen anymore -bows down- please forgive me i am a jashinist too -kills random person- anyways sorry so much and great story ^_^ please forgive me and don't sacrifice me

Author's Response: 'Tis no troubble, doll. And... I am a real-life Jashanist. My religion - of which I am the High Preistess - has a god in it by the name of Jashin, whom I am the main commune for, meaning I'm the one in charge of all Jashin-related worship,, etc.

Name: Tige321 (Signed) · Date: 08/05/08 - 04:26 am · For: Cat Scrach Fever!
LMBO! Great! 'and that kids is why we don't do drugs'

Author's Response: Lolz. Yes, I am a living example of that... except I /don't/ do drugs... so am I encouraging them TO do them? Hmm... Thanks for the review! Love the support!

Name: Vixkill (Signed) · Date: 08/05/08 - 02:48 am · For: Cat Scrach Fever!
eh, i got creeped out by my own sudden disposition to reviewing a while a go, then suddenly stopped, even for the ones i actually wanted to review.
which would have been more obvious here if there were more chapters in between...
but yeah, i'd totally be needling characters if i knew their dramatic pasts too.

Author's Response: It's okay! You reveiwed, even through that, so I'm REALLY happy. I'dve put up more chapters inbetween if I had more reviews... Well, I'm really glad that you stopped your review-fast to do this.

Name: Uchiha_Kima (Signed) · Date: 25/04/08 - 07:57 am · For: If You Were Gay!
Go Frosteh! I'm sorry, I think I missed a couple things in editing...FORGIVE ME!! T_T

Author's Response: 'Sokay. I fixed 'em myself... some of 'em, anyway. Don't worry 'bout it, Keemz.

Name: Karaneke Miyuki (Signed) · Date: 25/04/08 - 04:30 am · For: If You Were Gay!
WHoot breakfast! YUM now i'm hungry...
I discovered I'm too lazy to finish my fic...
watever... I'll do it after exams...

Author's Response: Heh. Gomen. I'm hungry to. I skipped breakfast this morning... Do finish it! Don't be like Shika! Though... you aren't, Shika's to lazy to /start/ a fic...

Name: Tige321 (Signed) · Date: 24/04/08 - 10:14 pm · For: If You Were Gay!
O_O LMBO GO FOOD SUMMONS AND GAY PEOPLE!. O_O Thanks for this,I was depressed and this cheered me up a lot. xD *slams fists on table* UPDATE!

Author's Response: I did? YAYZ! I feel so happy for doing that! Are you still enjoying yoru free fame? You have one more chapter to enjoy it! As to the food summons... YES! GO FOOD SUMMONS! (Sadly, I can only do apple-related ones, but what more do you need?) and as for the gay people? YES! GO THEM TOO! THEY ROCK! JUST LIKE LEE! Now, if only I could convert Sasuke... and, last but not least... I'LL UPDATE WHEN I FEEL LIKE IT, DAMNIT! STOP NAGGIN' MEH, WUMMAN!

Name: Kuusou~ (Anonymous) · Date: 21/04/08 - 09:01 pm · For: Follow the Yellow Brick Road!
OMG you used my song! And this was by far the most hilarious chapter yet!
The scrunchie that Dei-kun would probably kill for & emo king's lip glo- I mean chap stick ROFLOL
That, and the apple summoning!
WOw, I feel so flattered....
And I think I know who the cameo-nin is, I might be dead wrong though...
(I have a severe chronic case of AWS and it's sad.) v.v

Author's Response: Of course I used your song. It's the awesomeness! *** Yes, Dei /would/ kill for that scrunchie. He's my father. I know these things! *** Well, yeah! How could I LIVE without my apples? *** Who do ya think it is? WHO? WHO?

Name: Rnadom_fan (Anonymous) · Date: 13/04/08 - 04:39 pm · For: Follow the Yellow Brick Road!
I was laughing the whole time, especially when you started using you're knowledge to say what Kakashi was going to.
From then on I couldn't stop laughing, keep up the brilliant work.

Author's Response: Glad ya like it! YAYZ! I have so many fans! I feel loved...

Name: ryako-uchiha (Anonymous) · Date: 13/04/08 - 02:40 am · For: I can see clearly now, the rain has gone...
trust he is very interesting he almost never uses ninjutsu its only for emergancies he has aurons blade tied to his back which he uses alot and he made his abilaty to grow metal from anyplace on his body or from the ground he uses tht alot too he hates sakura and well u can minus the fox ears and the tail ya know his goal in life is to kill itachi and deidara and then after tht to settle down and enjoy life oh and he has a second abilaty to put wotever songs he wants in the background i would make my own fanfiction but its too troublsome getting on to tonfa but ya know just think bout it k remember besides isnt there always a 3rd person to help ya out and dont worry bout the how did he get to there he isnt even the start thing dont worry bout tht after all i would be like the cookie exsept less random to the tia and piscilla ya? thnx for ya time later

Author's Response: I'm sorry, I tried to make it clear that I don't want to used your character, but apparently not, so I'll just say it flat out: I don't want to use him. I don't use others characters, especially not those of people I don't even know. Sorry.

Name: Tige321 (Signed) · Date: 12/04/08 - 05:57 pm · For: Follow the Yellow Brick Road!
Eeeee! Free fame. LMBO This story just gets better and better. -bows- MORE!!


Name: Boo (Anonymous) · Date: 12/04/08 - 01:26 pm · For: We are the champions!
Hi Frosty! Great Story and the song names totally fit the chapters. I know you need song names and I am suggesting when you wish upon a star cuz then you can have another good thing happen in the story, possibly something to do with a ninja from the village hidden in the sand who's name starts with G. Its just a suggestion and you don't have to do it but atleast I have put in one of the seven reviews that you need to put up another chapter.

Author's Response: Glad you finally reviewed, Boo! And... I'll think on that, though I have my Gaara stuff pretty much planned out...

Name: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: 12/04/08 - 08:50 am · For: Follow the Yellow Brick Road!
lmao I love the chapter. I cant wait for the next one.

Author's Response: I'm really glad! You people make my day! My weeks, really. I'll try and get a new chapter up before I go MIA for a week...

Name: ryako uchiha [once hyuuga gone uchiha] (Anonymous) · Date: 12/04/08 - 06:11 am · For: I can see clearly now, the rain has gone...
awesomness ahh if only if this dumb computer could get tonfa up so i can help u with my OC blaze would be awesome the basically same story as ember u know the naruitadei crack flic thing exsept his fox ears and tail are optional and he looks more like itachi with blonde on the ends on his fringe he basically wears a uchiha style kimono tht auron wears from final fantasy a jashinist and a born emo he has the same hair as auron lol a final fantasy naruto cross over aurnaruitadei crack flic if u like this idea my msn is tht all u guys rock yahtzeee!!!!!!

Author's Response: Well, I don't use other characters, and he just seems like a male copy of Ember with his blonde streaks in a differen't place. I don't like creating duplicate characters, in fact, I abhor it. He sounds interesting thought.

Name: Karaneke Miyuki (Signed) · Date: 12/04/08 - 04:47 am · For: Follow the Yellow Brick Road!
lolz im guessing u know what's gonno happen and ur gonno eat rite? WOOT COCO MOO * MOOZ HAHAHAZZZZ

* Watch kim possible ( HAHAHAZZZ)

Author's Response: 'Course I know whats gonna happin! ... sort of... not really... I'm making it up as I go...

Name: Vixkill (Anonymous) · Date: 12/04/08 - 03:19 am · For: Follow the Yellow Brick Road!
yay update!
i'm still left wondering what the other characters are doing while you guys have lengthy discussions about stuff that should make their heads explode.

Author's Response: Theyz pro'lly trkyin' ta either a) figure out what the hell we're saying, or b) keep their heads from 'splodin'

Name: Miki Everless (Signed) · Date: 11/04/08 - 11:08 pm · For: Follow the Yellow Brick Road!
write more. i like this story

Author's Response: Glad you do.

Name: tori (Anonymous) · Date: 11/04/08 - 03:40 pm · For: We are the champions!
hey ur story is cute! lol I luv the characters in it. They are so goofy but the story is interesting... IT WAS FUN TA READ!!! ThankS For Writing It And Good Job!!!

Author's Response: I'm glad you think so and... DOMO!

Name: Vixkill (Anonymous) · Date: 11/04/08 - 05:37 am · For: We are the champions!
yay update! whoo!

Author's Response: Yes. Update... Must... write... new... chapter...

Name: Karaneke Miyuki (Signed) · Date: 11/04/08 - 03:22 am · For: We are the champions!
Wootz felt like wooting coz ive been gone 4 awhile. Writing another anime's fanfic ^0^

Author's Response: Coca milk... ROCKS!

Name: Miki Everless (Signed) · Date: 11/04/08 - 01:54 am · For: We are the champions!
my favorite story so far

Author's Response: Really? YAYZ!

Name: Random_fan (Anonymous) · Date: 10/04/08 - 04:09 pm · For: We are the champions!
So funny, I especially laughed at the mysterious girl hitting Naruto, is it just me or is Naruto getting hit comedy gold.
Great choice of song, I was singing along or I would have been were I not in my school's library.

Author's Response: Yes. EVERYONE SING WITH US! Someday Ember will rule the world... Fnord...

Name: Kuusou~ (Anonymous) · Date: 09/04/08 - 11:32 pm · For: We are the champions!
Comedic timing is golden!
AH! mystery nin! who? how? when?? awesome!
*pokes the twitching* >>;

Author's Response: You mean... Cameo Appearance Girl? As for the how... When a mommy and a daddy ninja love eachother very much... *goes on to explain in gruesoem detail* When? Who knows. Gaara's screwed everything up with his Time Paradox No Jutsu...

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