Reviews For The Interview
Name: KKEYA2008 (Signed) · Date: 16/12/08 - 03:50 pm · For: Redfox50
Ooh! Ooh!!! I have a question for Sasu-chan~~~~~
Which do you prefer: SASUnaru or naruSASU???? X3
Name: ren uchiha (Signed) · Date: 15/09/08 - 02:41 pm · For: Let us begin!
may i ask some questions?
1. naruto why sakura she just puts you down
2. sasuke why not go out with one of the girls you said you want to rebuild your clan
3. neji why are you obsessed with destiny
4. gaara temari and kankuro what are your favorate colours
5. lee why sakura i mean she just goes for emo guys maybe you should go emo -sniggers- i would love to see that XD
6. tenten what is your favorate weapon
7. and to all teams sand siblings and team gai who is your favorate character
ren uchiha [son of itachi uchiha] out!
Name: beautifullybroken14 (Anonymous) · Date: 31/12/07 - 06:07 am · For: Redfox50
lol! Sasuke is so funny! keep going off into emo corner haha!
Name: beautifullybroken14 (Anonymous) · Date: 31/12/07 - 06:05 am · For: Let us begin!
HAHAHAHA!! i like this! :D tehe!
Name: Redfox50 (Signed) · Date: 24/12/07 - 10:31 am · For: Let us begin!
Hehe...Can I ask questions?
1. Sasuke,why are you such a emo?
2. Naruto,why the heck are you so obsessed with ramen?
3. Shikamaru,why are you so lazy?
4. Tenten,why are you so wepon obsessed?
Author's Response: wayhey! i got questions already! i didn't know whether anyone would take to this idea! i'll try and answer asap! ^^