Real name: Jessica
Membership status: Member
Member since: 31/07/07
Website: As soon as I figure out on how to make a website
Beta-reader: Yes
Well,a few things is going to be a little different in my stories...
1. My stories are probally going to most of the time,by typed different,like...
"Hello,how are you?" I spoke to you
Instead of...
Me: Hello,how are you?
2. I got my characters more advanced out so they arnt going to be either having mixed personalities,be retards (unless they are xD) or act like what they arnt suppose to be... (Learnt that part from a story from a friend,they put Hopeon in the story,and made her a fangirl...and a few other character wrongs... X_X )
3. I do NOT support the OCsXNarutopeople pairings anymore,I support either NarutopeopleXNarutopeople or OCsXOCs,it doesnt mean I wont write any for a friends request though. ^.^
4. I have been into romance stuff a lot recently so you might see something other then random humor. xD
5. I probally will be posting stories or stuff with just my OCS on a jottit site,wich I will eventually put. x_X
6. Im gonna have to use a spell check. X.X
I will take story requests...this is what I will take from people.
People I dount know well - One-shot humor stories,One-shot romance stories with certain pairings (I dount know about OCsXNarutopeople unless you give me info about your character and maby a rp somewhere so I can hopefully play his/her personality right.),Anything with mine or your characters doing something or just your characters xD
From friends (I know who they are >:<): Stories that can be longer then one-shots on Humor,a full or one-shot romance story with any pairings that isnt Yaoi or Yuri (Ill even do OCsXNarutopeople because I know how my friends characters act xD),OCS parties or anything with a OCs in them.
Rated: 12/12A

Category: General Fiction
Characters: Neji Hyuuga, Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki
Genres: General, Humor, Parody
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: No | Word count: 1050 | Read count: 2781 [Report This]
Published: 23/03/08 | Updated: 23/03/08