Reviews For Dancing Letters
Name: Akumu_Kage (Anonymous) · Date: 02/04/07 - 06:14 am · For: Prolouge: The first letter
Okay that is scary.
Name: Akumu_Kage (Anonymous) · Date: 02/04/07 - 06:02 am · For: Prologue of a Prologue
Oooookay? Why would i chase you? I thought it was funny how you began bitching about the thing! And I want those cookies damn it!!!!!! ^^
Name: Satoyuki (Signed) · Date: 18/03/07 - 03:19 pm · For: Prolouge: The first letter
Ohhhhh. I can't wait for the next chapter.
Name: lunaryu (Signed) · Date: 14/03/07 - 10:17 pm · For: Prolouge: The first letter
Ahahahaha! It's hell a bit confusing, but! I love it!! This is so funny!! Keep going!!
Name: marionette (Signed) · Date: 14/03/07 - 08:31 am · For: Prolouge: The first letter
I like this a lot.
It's an interesting style.
Update soon. ^^
- Clary < 3
Name: naruto_newbie (Signed) · Date: 14/03/07 - 07:31 am · For: Prolouge: The first letter
nice, it's interesting, and funny...good job.
Name: naruto_newbie (Signed) · Date: 14/03/07 - 07:17 am · For: Prologue of a Prologue
lol, nice 'prologue of a prologue', don't worry this sounds interesitng.