The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

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Site Info

Members: 11993
Series: 261
Stories: 5874
Chapters: 25331
Word count: 47363839
Authors: 2160
Reviews: 40827
Reviewers: 1750
Newest Member: twsjyte
Challenges: 255
Challengers: 193

The Demon King and The Human Prince by angelgirl555

[Reviews - 16]   Printer Chapter or Story
Table of Contents

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Chapter notes: My computer crashed so I won't be able to upload more chapters for a while. But I will make as many as I can for now.
The Demon King and The
Human Prince

A/N: My computer crashed so I won't be able to upload more chapters for a while. But I will make as many as I can for now.
Desclaimer: I do not own any of the Naruto characters, nor will I ever.

Chapter 1: Prolog

Once upon a time there lived a Demon King named Uchiha Sasuke. Now this was no ordinary Demon, he was the only one left of the Uchiha family. Sasuke was very handsome and he could get anyone he wanted but he had no one. There were girls that would kill to even touch him, but they are to scared of him.

Sasuke had jet black hair and eyes, but when he was really angry his eyes turned red with three dots in them. He had two long bangs that framed his face and the back stuck up like a chickens butt.

Now even though Sasuke pushed everyone away he was very lonely and wanted someone to spend his life with. But none of the women that he saw, motal or human, none of them pleased him. They all wore to much make-up and Sasuke thought some of them were sluts. But that is what he thought.

The only other person that live with him was a man named Kakashi. Kakashi had his entire face covered by a mask except for his right eye (A/N: I think it is the right eye, correct me if I am wrong). He long spiked gray hair and always carried around an orange porn book that was written by a mortal.

Sasuke had know idea why he carried it around but kid not ask why, because he does not like people prying into his business. Kakashi was and still is his sensei so that is the reason he does't throw him out, even though Kakashi really gets on his nerves.


Normal P.O.V.

One day Sasuke was in his studies looking over some papers when he heard a horse outside his castle. He went to look who was out there, no one even dared to go near his castle. When he looked outside he saw a blond flash and then it disappeared from sight , then is appeared again but this time Sasuke got to see it was a blonde male rideing a black stallion.

Riding next to the blonde was a man with brown hair riding a white stallion. But when Sasuke first saw the blonde his heart started to beat loudly in his chest and for some reason he felt angry that someone was riding next to the blonde male. Was this love? What are there feelings Sasuke has for the blonde? Who is this blonde male? So many question were running through Sasukes mind right know, he didn,t know what was wrong with himself.

Ok, so this is my first chapter please tell me if you like and if you do I will keep going, but if you don't like it I will quite wrighting it. I don't know if I will do a yaoi scene because I don't know how to but please give me some pointers.
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