Name Meaning:Jasmine Child and I don't know what my last name means
Birthday:January 15
Theme Song:Ike Ike
Height:4 ft (I'm short!)
Weight:80 pounds
Location:I will never tell. I'm afraid of internet phychos
Hair Color:Jet Black
Eye Color:Kinda greenish
Average Look:I'm usually seen around with some decorated pants wearing a white t-shirt saying "You drink you drive you walk". I wear my hair down and I wear shorts with skulls on it over my pants.
Favorite Food:Pizza,Lasagna,and spaghetti
Favorite Color:Green
Sports:Batmitten,football,soccer,and basketball
Relations:I share a relationship with my mom and older sister. I also have an imaginary friend named Sicily
Loyalty:I show great loyalty to my family,friends,God,elders,LINK OF ZELDA! HE'S AN ELF!
Personality:I'm very hyper active! Don't give me chocolate at all. I'm fun to be with. I can have a weird side and stuff but if you want to be friends no one is stopping you
Quotes:Give me chocolate! Hersheys will do!
Weapons:Fists I can break someone's arm and break from a choke
Abilities/Skills:I take karate class called Ninjutsu class. It is really awesome. I can do really great in science.
Likes:A whole lot of things. TONFA! Wii!
Dislikes:Bullies, know it alls, yaoi, yuri, and hentai (Nothing personal but it's not right. Girls are meant to be paired with boys. How would we exist if we didnt?) DID I FORGET TO MENTION YAOI,YURI AND HENTAI? GOOD BECAUSE THAT'S HOW MUCH I LOATH IT! WISH IT DIDN'T EXIST! O AND SASUKE AND NARUTO COUPLE!
Future Goals:To travel to Japan and become and world wide doctor
Hobbies:Playing games,sitting at the cpu
I found such a hilarious photo of Sasuke dancing!

And a whole lot more. I love dancing! O and feel free to email me. Look at the dancers!

Haruhi Dance