The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

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Site Info

Members: 11991
Series: 261
Stories: 5874
Chapters: 25331
Word count: 47363839
Authors: 2160
Reviews: 40827
Reviewers: 1750
Newest Member: Toki-doki
Challenges: 255
Challengers: 193

Parody of Love by uzamaki_fluff

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Chapter notes: oh boy, making fun of something that I am so proud of!! great idea Dai!!

Disclaimer: Sasuke yea we don't own him...enjoy...also this is supposed to be weird
Rissa heard a frantic knock at her door, and moaned slightly. At this point she didn't want to be disturbed, she was sleeping rather peacefully. In fact in her mind she thought it was best to answer the door, throwing kunai at the idiot that dared to disturb her from the peaceful slumber she was in. The knocking didn't dull down or go away, and she groaned her way out of the bed, grabbing her trusty katana as she made her way to the door. She opened it Katana held in the air, she was ready to strike as she open the door, but stopped herself when she saw Suiru standing there scared. "What is it now, Suiru," Rissa asked bringing her large sword down.

"Daisuke and I are in danger," Suiru said and looked out the window. "Look the sky is crimson, that means blood will spill."

Rissa looked out the window and saw the sun shining and a clear blue sky, and looked back a Suiru, I shoulda stabbed her when I had the chance to, she thought as she looked down and shook her head. "If that is crimson you can call me the queen of england," Rissa said to Suiru who appeared to be fearful of what seemed to be nothing. She watched as the bird flew by the window singing a song, and then looked back at Suiru, sighing.

"Trust me me on this, I can see this," Suiru started but was cut off by Rissa shoving her out of the door. She was in disbelief that Rissa was not trusting the words coming out of her mouth. "But Sasuke and Daisuke are really in danger," once again she was cut off by the door slamming in her face.

"Go home and go back to sleep Suiru," Rissa called out to Suiru who was still standing on the other side helpless. "You probably had a bad dream that seemed all to real. Look outside the sun its shining!! There is absoultly nothing to worry about." Rissa turned on her heels and headed back to her bedroom, and fell on to the bed next to Jayden, who was now awake.

"Who was at the door, Ris," Jayden asked as he stuck a cigarette in his mouth, lighting it.

"Suiru, again," Rissa said annoyed and turned over, "god that woman treats Daisuke as if he is a child. She was talking about blood being spilled today."

Sasuke stood in the kitchen holding his nostrail together in order to keep the blood from exiting his nose. Just a few moments ago his face came into contact with a door that was swung open by Daisuke. Daisuke came rushing up with and ice pack for the swelling nose, "here this should dull it down."

"NO," Sasuke called out as his lover attempted to place the ice pack on Sasuke's nose. Although Sasuke dogded each of Daisuke attempt, and then grabbed his hand and hissed, "that will just make it worse."

"I'm sorry, I just want to fix what I had caused," Dai said to Sasuke lovingly. "I just didn't expect you to be walking by at that moment. If I did I probably wouldn't have swung that door open so violently." The only blood that was spilled all day was the simple nose bleed that Sasuke had, because of Daisuke.
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