The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

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Site Info

Members: 12001
Series: 261
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Reviews: 40727
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Secret Keepers by KiyomiChan

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Table of Contents

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Chapter notes: Warnings: yaoi, some limes

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto
Chapter 1: Welcome to Konoha

"NOOOOO… COME ON PEOPLE WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE," Yuri shouted out from the stands in the auditorium. He was on the verge of pulling all of his spiky blonde hair, which was strikingly similar to the anime character Naruto, out. "You people are all useless, every one of you," he shouted out more in frustration. The reason behind all of this anger directed at all the people in Naruto cosplay was actually for several different reasons.

Due to a little too much partying the night before, he slept in late for the last rehearsal, and had to run all the way to the event center (which is pretty far). That leads to number two.

His sister and his best friend ditched him because they claimed he took too long, even though they didn't even try to wake him up instead just ate breakfast the entire time.

He missed breakfast.

In his rush to get to the auditorium he forgot to put on pants, causing him to run all the way there in just boxers.

He ran into the girl of his dreams outside the center, who discovered that he really did love Naruto via his boxers.

He also found out that Hiroshi, who was starring as Lee, broke his ankle and couldn't perform.

He had to wear baggy white pants from his Minato cosplay.

Due to all of this his mind became warped (even more than it already was). So he decided to take out all his frustrations on everyone else except his sister who scares the living hell out of him. Even though they were doing everything they were supposed to, he still found them useless.

"Hey what got your panties in a bunch," Hiro, Yuri's best friend, asked out loud from behind him.

Yuri spun around back towards him.

"What the hell are you doing sitting back there, when you're ass is suppose to be on stage," Yuri yelled pointing a finger at him.

"On break," Hiro said in his emotionless voice.

That seemed to have really pissed him off. Hiro knew but didn't care. So then that caused Yuri to throw a huge let's say 'bitch fit'. Hiro was really used to Yuri's temper tantrums. This part of him added to the character of Naruto which Yuri played in all of their performances. Yuri has been obsessed with Naruto since the first episode. He died his hair static blonde just like Naruto's, his eyes already being the same shade of blue. Yuri acts almost just like Naruto; he's a little impulsive and can throw temper tantrums just like him. But Yuri is more calm and conserved outside of the center; even though he is still a goof ball. Yuri also plays Minato Namikaze. Hiro is more emotionless and calm. He tends to tease people a lot with his main victim being Yuri. Hiro has extremely long black hair that stops just below his butt and really light grayish-violet eyes. Hiro mainly plays his favorite Neji Hyuuga, also performing as Itachi Uchiha and Madara Uchiha.

Yuri finally stopped yelling after he started to get out of breath. Hiro just stared at him with no expression.

"Done," Hiro asked.

"Yeah," Yuri mumbled.

"Feel better," Hiro asked.

"Yeah," Yuri repeated as his younger sister, Miyu, and his other best friend, Ryuichi came up next to them.

"That was kind of long aniki," Miyu told her big brother who was twice her age.

"Miyu where were you," Yuri asked since he hadn't seen her since the start of rehearsal.

"I was watching the AniNerds practice next door," Miyu informed him.

"Didn't I tell you not to go off somewhere without telling me," Yuri half yelled.

"I did but you were being so bitchy so you probably didn't hear me," Miyu replied.

Defeated, "oh yeah that's, true," Yuri said, "And watch your mouth, 10 year olds shouldn't speak that way."

"Sure, aniki," Miyu replied sipping on her slurpie.

Yuri's attention averted to the slurpie.

"Where'd you get that," he asked, his mouth watering a little.

"I took her to get one," Ryuichi spoke up.

"Hey aren't you supposed to be on stage," Yuri yelled at the Kiba look a-like.

"If you haven't noticed but we're the only ones here," Hiro informed Yuri.

Yuri looked around. Sure enough they were all alone. Yuri let out an exasperated sigh, too tired to yell.

His attention diverted back to the slurpie in Miyu's hands. His eyes studied the strawberry mango slurpie. In his yelling, he guessed his throat became dry, but it still conjured up a little bit of moisture to make his mouth water.

"Want some," Miyu asked taking the straw out of her mouth.

Yuri shook his head yes in a daze.

"Will you take me to the park then and I'll give it you," Miyu compromised.

Yuri gave a big smile and rapidly shook his head yes. Miyu handed it to him happily. Miyu wasn't your average 10 year old. She was highly intelligent, serious, and was more mature then all three of the older boys standing around her. She still however loved to hang out with her favorite person in the world… her aniki, Yuri. She loved Yuri more than anything and would put her life on the line for him in a minute. She even came to his Naruto cosplay performances and rehearsals even though she hated Naruto. She also swindled him into doing all kinds of things with her, mainly playing in the park. Miyu hated 'acting her age' but it made Yuri happy so she did it anyway. She despised playing with other kids because of their immaturity but made an exception to playing with her aniki and his best friends. They didn't mind Miyu tagging along when they hung out since she wasn't your typical 10 year old. Miyu was extremely popular at school both in the negative sense and positive. Positive because all the boys like her and thought she was so pretty with her raven hair and extremely blue eyes. Negative because she never associated herself with others and doesn't have any real friends.

Ryuichi looks almost identical to Kiba just without the wild eyes, his were hazel and green. His hair was also the same but in the back he had long ponytail and was a little lighter shade.(Imagine Ray's hairstyle from beyblade.) He was the youngest of the three boys; Ryuichi -14, Yuri-15, and Hiro was 16. He was the girls everyone thought of as a sweetheart. He was always polite and respectful. He often came in between the fights between Yuri and… almost everyone in Tokyo. He often plays Kiba do to their similarities, but Sasuke was his favorite.

"So I guess we're all going to the park then right," Ryuichi asked smiling.

"Yeah I guess so," Hiro said watching Yuri slurp the slurpie like his life depended on it. He made a slightly disturbed face. "I have to get my car keys from the dressing room."

Hiro started walking down the aisle to the back. Miyu glanced at Yuri then followed Hiro.

"Come on slurpie boy," Ryuichi said grabbing Yuri's arm and pulling him along.

Yuri's attention was still focused on the deliciousness of his slurpie.

Hiro was at the door of the dressing room as everyone arrived. Yuri was suffering from a brain freeze and Ryuichi was trying to comfort him. Miyu just looked up at Hiro.

"What's wrong Hiro-nii-chan," Miyu asked Hiro.

"The door won't open but it's not locked. I think it's jammed or something," he stated.

"Just got to push harder," Yuri said fully recovered, walking towards the door.

He grabbed the doorknob and started pushing on the door trying to open it. Then he started kicking the door. He was worn out and panting hard.

"How about you all just work together and push it open," Miyu asked simply.

"That could work," Hiro said walking over to Yuri.

Ryuichi followed. They all counted to three and then slammed into the door. It swung up with great force and all three of them collapsed on the ground on top of each other. Miyu walked up behind them and looked down at them. She then looked up when a breeze made her bang sway. Her lips tightened a little and then her face turned back to her normal passive expression. Miyu surveyed their surroundings while the boys argued and groaned the ground. She stepped into the former dressing room around the boys. Former because no longer was there a dressing room. They were surrounded by anime forest as the door faded away. The sky was above them and below them grass. A soft breeze blew that tickled Miyu's skin.

"Ryu-nii-chan, Hiro-nii-chan, Aniki," Miyu said loud enough to get their attention.

They all looked at her.

"Miyu how you get all animey," Yuri asked.

Hiro punched Yuri on the head, but not too hard.

"Oww," Yuri groaned rubbing his head.

Hiro stood up dusting his pants off as Yuri recovered. He surveyed their surroundings. They weren't in Japan anymore… well their Japan at least. Ryuichi stood and also looked around. Everyone was sort of worried… except Yuri.

"Oi, you guys, do you think we're in the Naruto world," Yuri shouted and they all turned to look at him.

"It shouldn't be possible," Ryuichi said as Hiro punched Yuri for being so loud.

"Oww, that hurt," Yuri said rubbing his skull, "anything is possible!"

"Kiddo what do you think," Hiro asked, knowing the girl was more intelligent but never would admit it.

"I think it's possible to be able to travel through dimensions with the right technology and circumstances," Miyu informed him.

"So we're really in the Naruto universe," Yuri shouted.

Miyu simply nodded her head. Yuri started jumping up and down all over the place extremely excited.

"How is it possible," Ryuichi asked Miyu.

"There must have been a rift in our dimension and here's that caused this. Most likely the beliefs of others and imagination have created the Naruto world into something of reality. I don't fully understand why it happened or how. There is probably some sort of complication in the space and time continuum within the dressing room to put it simply."

"Amazing," Ryuichi said.

Hiro just simply nodded his head. Yuri finally calmed down.

"Hey guys what we going to do now," Yuri asked.

"We're going to have to find the main village and speak to the leader about our situation," Miyu remarked.

"I agree and looking at our surroundings I say we're most likely in Konoha," Hiro remarked.

"Yeah I agree," Ryuichi said.

"Yay, I get to meet Naruto," Yuri shouted happily.

Hiro let out a small smirk. 'And I get to meet a certain Hyuuga'. Ryuichi blushed at the thought of meeting Sasuke. 'What will he think of me,' Ryuichi wondered unconsciously playing with his long ponytail. Miyu resisted the urge to roll her eyes at all the boys' faces. Miyu knew exactly what was going on through their heads.

"So which way do we head to," Yuri asked Hiro.

They all looked at Hiro including Miyu with him being the oldest put him in responsibility of the others.

Hiro's eye twitched a little and he crossed his arms across his chest.

"I've never been here before so how would I know," he stated defensively.

They all let out a sigh and Hiro rolled his eyes. A branch being crushed alerted Miyu and she turned around to see where it could have come from. Miyu could sense someone out there, watching them. She also sensed that there were more of them, maybe three or four. Miyu had no idea how she could sense their presence but she could. She assumed it was probably because of this world.

"We're being watched," Hiro whispered softly enough for everyone to hear.

Miyu nodded her head in agreement. Hiro's body tensed up ready for a fight. He knew whoever these people were, were possibly dangerous. The bushes startled to rustle and another branch broke. They all turned their head towards one bush in particular. Yuri started to grab on to Hiro's arm. Out of the bush stepped a small tan dog. The dog was known as Akamaru. Ryuichi's face softened and he smiled. It meant that his second favorite character was close by… Kiba Inuzuka.

"Hey look isn't that Akamaru," Yuri shouted out.

Hiro rolled his eyes at Yuri and relaxed a little. Miyu knew that her brother was an idiot but learned to ignore it. Ryuichi was just smiling and thinking about how they could possibly meet and become friends with Kiba. He always thought him and Kiba would become best friends if they ever met. Hiro hit Yuri lightly over the head.

"How do you his name," a voice shouted out from behind them. They all turned around to see the one and only Kiba Inuzuka and his team. There was Hinata Hyuuga, Shino Aburame, and Kurenai Yuhi sensei all together standing behind Kiba.

Ryuichi's heart skipped a beat and a light blush came across his face. 'Wow Kiba is even cuter in person.'

Kiba and his team looked at Yuri. Yuri was rubbing his head.

"Hey doesn't he look a lot like Naruto," Kiba remarked towards Yuri.

"I agree," Kurenai replied.

Yuri was on the verge of bursting, when Ryuichi slapped his hand across his mouth before he said something stupid. Yuri tried to struggle and get free.

"Ryuichi loves dogs and has taken his time to study the loyal companions within the Inuzuka clan, that's how Yuri has come to know his name," Miyu said gesturing towards Ryuichi.

It looked like the team was pondering this for a minute. They looked at Ryuichi and he simply smiled his cheeks taking on a little hint of red.

"What are you four doing out here, you don't seem to be shinobi or anything," Kurenai asked.

"We got lost on our way to your village," Hiro replied.

Yuri finally calmed down and Ryuichi removed his hands.

"What business do you have in coming to Konoha," Kurenai asked him.

"Our own village was destroyed and we are the only ones left of it. We've heard of Konoha and thought that maybe we should get a new start there. You may have already noticed but we are clearly unharmed and pose no threat to Konoha. We simply want the chance to start over by becoming citizens," Yuri informed them.

They all looked at Yuri. Miyu, Ryuichi, and Hiro more because they were shocked the dumb blonde came up with such a great story. Kurenai seemed to ponder this.

"That seems reasonable; we'll take you the rest of the way to Konoha and to the Hokage tower to see what he thinks of your situation," Kurenai told them.

"Arigato," Ryuichi said.

The group walked along with Kurenai leading the way.

"What are your names," Kiba asked them.

"I'm Yuri, this is my little sister, Miyu, and my best friends, Ryuichi and Hiro," Yuri introduce them.

"I'm Kiba, that's Hinata, this is Shino, and that's Kurenai sensei," Kiba informed them, even though they already knew.

"It's nice to meet you, Kiba-kun," Ryuichi said with his sweet smile.

"Uh… yeah," Kiba said looking away.

'Man this guy is too cute,' Kiba thought to himself looking out at the forest. 'There's no way a guy can be so cute and not be a girl. Man, this is so wrong, how am I finding a guy attractive. I'm not gay.' Kiba looked back at Ryuichi, who was talking to Yuri. 'There's no way I'm gay, I've never found any guy attractive before. This is so frustrating… but maybe it's alright. He does look like a girl. He's even kind of built like one but has a little more definition in his arms. So this can't be too bad. He looks like a girl and doesn't even have a single scar or anything. He walks elegantly too like a girl. I think it's alright for me to be attractive to him since he's almost like a girl just without 'those' parts…right?'

Kiba kept thinking about Ryuichi and watching him. Ryuichi felt someone's eyes on him and looked around to see Kiba staring at him intensely. His cheeks were a little rosy and his face made him look like he was thinking hard about something. Ryuichi blushed slightly when Kiba started to smile. 'Why is he looking at me like that?' Ryuichi thought as he unconsciously combed his hair with his fingernails. He does that often when he's nervous or embarrassed. Kiba had no idea Ryuichi was looking at him to until his eyes traveled up to a pair of emeralds. Kiba's cheek darkened and he quickly whipped his head away. Ryuichi softly smiled and looked at the ground.

"So Miyu-chan how old are you," Hinata asked Miyu.

Miyu glanced at Hinata than back at the road ahead. She was contemplating on whether or not to speak back to her. She knew Hinata posed no threat to her from the shows she had seen. But her past with other girls and women told her not to trust her. But Miyu decided to speak to her anyway.

"I'm 8,"Miyu replied without any emotion.

"Wow, you seem more mature than any 10 year olds I've ever met," Hinata said with a soft smile.

"I may look it but I'm nothing like your typical 10 year old," Miyu said as the Konoha gates came into view.

Hinata looked at Miyu for a minute. 'I'm positive what she says is true…she is really different.'

"Finally," Yuri shouted with his hands in the air.

"Don't you have a pretty big mouth," Kiba said to him.

Yuri pouted and stuck his tongue out at him. Kiba just grunted and rolled his eyes.

"Childish," Kiba mumbled.

"What did you say," Yuri shouted.

"Childish," Kiba said louder looking over at Yuri.

"Who asked you dog boy," Yuri retorted.

"Excuse me," Kiba said gritting his fangs.

"You heard me," Yuri responded unfazed.

Kiba opened his mouth to say something but Kurenai cut him off.

"Enough boys," Kurenai said strictly.

Kiba and Yuri held a death glare for a couple minutes before turning away from each other.

Ryuichi giggled softly. Kiba blushed slightly and Yuri stuck his tongue out at him.

Yuri, Miyu, Ryuichi, and Hiro were walking to the Hokage tower after getting directions from Kurenai. They walked through the streets of the large village. It looked just like it did in the anime. The streets were near crowded with vendors and townspeople.

"Wow it's so nice here," Yuri said looking around and sniffing the air full of different foods and flowers.

"It is pretty nice," Ryuichi agreed.

"Whatever," Hiro said simply.

"Hiro why are you always in such a bad mood, we're in the land of our dreams," Yuri said happily.

"I'm thinking about my car," Hiro replied glancing down at him.

Yuri rolled his eyes. "Are you serious, Hiro?"

"Yes, I'm serious that was my baby," Hiro replied with a straight face.

Yuri just sweat dropped."Wow Hiro."

"Don't worry about your car Hiro, that's not important. Think about the more important things that are here… like umm…. Neji-kun," Ryuichi told Hiro positively.

Hiro smirked thinking about all the things he could do to the little 14 year old.

"You're such a perv Hiro," Yuri said looking at him.

Hiro just ignored him. Yuri gave him a short death glare before averting his attention.

"I wonder where Naruto is, and I wonder what time period we're in," Yuri wondered.

"Most likely sometime before the chuunin," Ryuichi responded.

"Cool," Yuri said smiling.

"We have things to talk about after we meet with the Hokage," Miyu stated.

"What about," Yuri asked.

"We'll discuss it later in private," Miyu responded.

"Hmm, ok," Yuri said smiling.

They eventually arrived at the Hokage tower. There was a bunch of shinobi walking all around the place, even some anbu.

"Wow, it's so busy in here," Yuri said.

"I wonder where the Hokage's office is in all this mess," Ryuichi wondered out loud.

"Can I help you a," gentle male voice asked the group.

They all turned around. There stood the brown-haired chuunin with the scar across his nose. It was Iruka Umino. Hiro quickly covered Yuri's mouth when it opened. Yuri pouted and started mumbling stuff.

"We're looking for the Hokage's office," Ryuichi said smiling.

"May I ask what for," Iruka questioned looking at Yuri.

"We're trying to become citizens here in Konohagakure. Our village was attacked and destroyed by some rogue ninja," Ryuichi said trying to sound a little sad.

"I'm really sorry to hear that," Iruka said glancing at Yuri, "what's your name?"

"Yuri," Yuri said as Hiro removed his hand.

He took a big step away from him towards Iruka.

"Yuri… you look alike one of my old students," Iruka said looking at him.

"Is it Naruto," Yuri said happily.

"Umm… yeah…how did you know," Iruka asked a little surprised.

"Kiba Inuzuka told me," Yuri said.

Miyu watched the guys have a conversation with this man. She remembered his name being Iruka. Although Miyu hated the anime Naruto, she watched it all the time with her brother. Miyu found herself losing interest in the conversation they were having and began to leave to search for the Hokage's office herself. She saw Hiro glance at her but said nothing. He knew Miyu was perfectly capable of taking care of herself unlike Yuri, who he worried about constantly. Yuri was the one who overprotective of her. Miyu liked it a lot but sometimes found it to be annoying. Miyu walked down a long hallway with shinobi just passing her by. She saw a guy leaning against the frame of a doorway with an orange book in his hand. He had silver hair that pointed up at an angle and he wore a mask. Miyu stood in front of the man who had only one eye showing. She knew his shinobi headband hid his sharingan eye. She stared at the man trying to recall his name. She didn't find this odd at all. She always did this to people whose name she couldn't recall. The man finally looked up from his book and down at Miyu. He stared in to her eyes. They were some of the bluest eyes he had ever seen. They were bluer than any ocean. They were almost hypnotizing.

"Can I help you," Kakashi asked the young girl.

Miyu tilted her head a little. Kakashi thought it was kind of cute.

"My name is Miyu, what is your name," Miyu asked him.

"I'm Kakashi Hatake," he told her, "it's nice to meet you Miyu-chan".

Miyu pouted a little but quickly went back to her expressionless face. She hated being called Miyu-chan. She only let Ryu-nii-chan and aniki call her that, but she still disliked it. Everyone though seemed to want to call her Miyu-chan. She thought it made her sound like a little kid and Miyu refused to be considered a little kid. Kakashi noticed her small gesture of a little anger.

"Something wrong," Kakashi asked.

"No," Miyu responded.

"Ok, then Miyu-chan," Kakashi said a little confused, "can I help you with something?"

"I'm looking for the Hokage's office to speak with him about my brothers and me becoming citizens of your village," Miyu informed him.

"Ok, I guess I can take you there," Kakashi said a little bewildered that this young girl was so mature, "follow me, please."

Kakashi began walking down the hall to a staircase. Miyu followed silently. She didn't want to talk so much to this man, she barely knew personally. She didn't have a choice though because she wanted to help her aniki. Miyu followed Kakashi all the way up the stairwell to the third floor and down two different hallways. They eventually came to a door with two anbu standing guard.

"Hey Kakashi," one of them stated from behind there owl mask.

"Is Lord Hokage in," Kakashi asked them.

"Yeah, he just got finished in a meeting; I think he's free," the owl masked man said knocking on the door and opening the door.

Kakashi followed the man into the room with Miyu tailing behind.

"Lord Hokage, Kakashi wishes to speak with you," the owl man informed them.

Lord Hokage nodded his head and the anbu stepped out. The old man looked up from his desk over at Kakashi then Miyu.

"How can I help you Kakashi," the Hokage asked.

"I was just showing this girl here they way, she wants to talk about citizenship," Kakashi informed them.

The Lord Hokage looked at Miyu. "Ok, Kakashi, thank you."

Kakashi looked at Miyu. "See you later Miyu-chan." He did a hand sign and left in a cloud of smoke.

Miyu stepped towards the Hokage's desk and lightly bowed her head. The Lord Hokage smiled gently and gestured for Miyu to take a seat.

"So you would like to become a citizen of Konoha," the Hokage asked.

"Yes, my brothers and I would like to become citizens," Miyu responded.

"Where are your brothers," he asked.

"There downstairs waiting for me," Miyu answered.

"Ok, umm Miyu is your name," the Hokage asked.

"Miyu Suzuki," Miyu replied.

"Can you give me a description of your situation and why you chose to come to Konoha?"

"My brothers, Yuri Suzuki, Ryuichi Kabuki, and Hiro Kio are from a small village on the border of the fire country. Our village was attacked by rogue shinobi and we managed to escape. We've visited your village before and my brothers thought it would be good idea to start over in a place where we were familiar with."

"You have different last names than the other two," the Lord Hokage stated.

"There not my brothers by blood but they're still my brothers nonetheless," Miyu responded.

"Hmm…you are very mature for a young girl, Miyu," he replied with a soft smile.

"Arigato," Miyu replied.

"So Miyu how old are you, 10?"

"I'm 10," Miyu responded.

"Are you able to fill out the information necessary on forms?"

"Yes," Miyu stated.

The Hokage took out four information packets and handed it to Miyu with a pen.

"Just complete these and hand them back to me," the Hokage said standing up, "I'll return very shortly."

He walked passed Miyu and out the room. Miyu began writing.

Yuri was running all around the halls of the Hokage tower looking for Miyu. When he noticed Miyu was gone and Hiro told him she went down the hall, he freaked out. Hiro just casually followed behind him. He knew Miyu could handle herself with her being so mature. Yuri on the other hand wasn't as mature.

Hiro though it was kind of pathetic how Yuri's 10 year old sister was more mature than him.

"Miyu," Yuri began to shout looking all over the place.

Hiro kind of glared at him a little for how much of an ass he was making out of himself, but he did find it to be kind of entertaining. Ryuichi and Iruka were looking for Miyu in another part of the building. Hiro just hoped they would find Miyu soon before Yuri did anything too stupid. A loud crash sounded from another room. Hiro sighed and went around the corner to find a big mess of papers flying everywhere. He surveyed the surroundings seeing two blonde heads in the middle of it. Hiro couldn't see how this day could get any worse. It was obvious the other blonde was none other than Naruto Uzumaki. They were both groaning and rubbing their heads in pain. Hiro realized how much Yuri really looked like Naruto. They could almost pass for twins. Yuri was just a little taller and had more muscles, plus he didn't have the whiskers.

"Naruto you idiot look at the mess you have caused," a pink haired kunoichi shouted.

Hiro glared at her for a moment. He wasn't really fond of Sakura, mainly because of Sasuke. Sasuke was Hiro's least favorite character. He then averted his attention back to the blondes. Hiro walked over and grabbed the taller blonde, hoisting him up. Yuri started dusting his pants.

"Dammit watch where you're going, "Naruto shouted.

"How about you watch where you're going," Yuri shouted back as the other blonde made it to his feet.

They both paused when they noticed the similarities of each other. Hiro wasn't about to wait for the inevitable freak out of Yuri meeting his obsession. Hiro grabbed Yuri by the collar and started dragging him out the room.

"Come on let's go," Hiro told him.

Yuri let himself be dragged out since he was completely star struck. Hiro dragged Yuri a safe distance away before turning around to face Yuri. He was preparing himself for Yuri to come out of it and start yelling at him for taking him away but it didn't happen. Instead Yuri just stood there. His cheeks were a light shade of pink and he was nibbling on his bottom lip. His eyes were looking down and he was fumbling with the bottom of his orange shirt. Hiro started to get a little worried. He opened his mouth to say something but was cut off.

"Hey you guys I found her," Ryuichi called to them.

Hiro turned around to see Ryuichi walking with Miyu. She was holding some white cards. Hiro looked at Miyu's face. She was staring straight at Yuri and had a little worried expression on her face. Hiro looked back at Yuri, he was looking at Miyu. Miyu looked up at him.

"Are you ok aniki," she asked softly.

"I met Naruto, sort of," Yuri said looking back down.

"Doesn't aniki like Naruto," Miyu asked.

"I do but… I made a complete ass of myself when I did," Yuri responded.

"That's why you're sulking," Hiro asked.

Yuri nodded.

"Idiot," Hiro said simply.

Yuri glared at Hiro before returning to his sulking.

"It's ok Yu-chan it can't be that bad," Ryuichi said smiling softly.

"Yeah it was I yelled at him," Yuri remarked.

Miyu saw no point in trying to help him because she didn't see how she could. She wasn't good with relationships with others.

"I got us citizenship cards," Miyu told Yuri.

"Thank you, Miyu-chan," Yuri said taking one.

Miyu handed one to each of them.

"You changed our last names," Hiro remarked.

"We're all going to be a family so we all mind as well has the same last names," Ryuichi said smiling.

"That's true," Yuri replied perking up a little. He looked back down at Miyu. "Don't wander off anymore without telling me where you're going, understood?"

"Hai, aniki," Miyu told him.

Yuri smiled. "Well since you got us ids did you get us so money and place to stay?"

"Hai," Miyu said and began walking again.

They had been walking around the village for about an hour now. None of the boys said anything because only Miyu knew the way. Yuri was beginning to grow impatient.

"Ugh, Miyu how much longer do we have to walk? Oi, didn't we pass that shop before," Yuri complained.

"Hey Miyu-chan how much farther do we have to go," Ryuichi asked Miyu.

Miyu stopped and turned around. The boys stopped too. Miyu shrugged her shoulders.

"Hey umm, Miyu… do you know where we're going," Yuri asked her.

"No," Miyu stated.

The boys all sweat dropped.

"Seriously, Miyu," Yuri asked.

"Yes," Miyu replied tilting her head at an angle.

She was wondering why they were all making that face. She was just walking around with them. She wanted to explore the village a little so she wouldn't get lost, when she went out on her own. She couldn't understand what they were complaining about.

"So Miyu you have no idea where our new house is," Yuri asked.

"Of course I do," Miyu stated.

They sweat dropped more and Yuri slapped his hand over his face.

"But Miyu-chan you just said you didn't know where we were going," Ryuichi told her.

"I'm just wandering around right now to get use to the village. I wasn't trying to go the house yet. If you were all trying to go there, why didn't you just tell me," Miyu asked looking at all of them.

"Miyu-chan can you um please take us home now," Ryuichi asked nicely.

"Sure," Miyu said turning around.

They all sighed.

"Kiddo is right. We never told her we wanted to go home; we just assumed she was taking us there." Hiro said as the boys followed Miyu.

"That's true," Ryuichi responded.

A half-hour later they arrived at a pretty average size house, maybe larger. When they walked they took off their shoes and stepped onto the tatomi mat floors. Yuri decided to explore his new home. As soon as they walked in off to the right was a sitting area with a low table and to the left was a living room with furniture and a TV. Farther down the hall was the kitchen and off to the left was the dining room. Then at the back of the dining room were sliding doors. Yuri pushed the doors open to find a porch that went all the way across the back and around the corner to the side of the right part their house. The backyard was pretty big. It needed some weeding done and the grass needed to be cut a little. It was fine though. Yuri stepped back into the house and went into the kitchen. Ryuichi was already getting out cleaning supplies. Yuri hurried passed him so he didn't have to clean to with the major clean freak. Yuri went up the stairs that were across from the front door. There were 6 doors, three on each side of the hall, and a window at the back. Yuri checked the first room to the right and found it empty with a closet to the right. He went and slid the doors open. There were two futons in there so Yuri assumed this was a guest room. Yuri slid the doors closed and left the room. He went across the hall to that room. It was the bathroom. It was in good condition. He left the bathroom and went to the room next to it. He found Hiro lying down on the bed that was in there, obviously staking his claim. Hiro looked down at him from the ceiling. Yuri walked over to the window. It showed the backyard and beyond that were mountain tops.

"What do you think," Yuri asked.

"It's quiet and no close by neighbors…so far so good," Hiro told him.

"I think it's really peaceful, even though it won't be that way for long," Yuri said watching birds fly around in the sky.

"True," Hiro replied, "I've spoke to Miyu about our situation and how we know basically everything that's going to happen. We've agreed that we shouldn't tell people what we know or that we're from a different world. We can try and help with some situations, like with Sasuke Uchiha. I extremely dislike him but it is wrong that he left and caused so much mayhem. We're just going to help but behind the scenes and stuff. "

"Yeah, I agree, besides it would put us in danger as well," Yuri agreed looking at Hiro.

His eyes were closed and he just nodded.

"Hey can I ask you something," Yuri questioned Hiro.

Hiro just nodded.

"Do you think I should dye my hair back to its normal color," Yuri asked playing with his blonde locks.

Hiro shrugged his shoulders.

"Ugh, you're no help," Yuri whined leaving Hiro alone.

Hiro just rolled over towards the wall with his back to Yuri.

Yuri left the room and closed the door. He walked to the door across the hall. He opened the door and found the room to be a lot tidier than Hiro's room somehow. It smelled like cleaning products too. Yuri assumed that Ryuichi already claimed this room too. He left the room and sauntered down the rest of the hall to the door next to his. He opened the door and found it emptied. He smiled knowing this was going to be his new room. He closed the door and turned around to the door across from it. He opened the door and saw Miyu's legs coming out from beneath the bed. He wondered what she was doing. He went over and sat down on the floor next her legs.

"What are you doing Miyu-chan," Miyu started sliding out from beneath the bed.

She came up with a shogi board box. She showed it to me as she started fixing her hair back down.

"It's a shogi board," Yuri told her opening it.

She tilted her head a little looking at me.

"It's a game see," Yuri said setting it up.

Miyu looked down at the game she never played before.

"It's kind of like chess in a way," he explained to her.

"Can we play," she asked.

"Sure," Yuri said smiling at her.

Miyu and Yuri sat down and played shogi for a few hours. Miyu lost the first time because she didn't know how to play. Then she got used to it and beat Yuri the next couple of games they played. It was getting dark out and Yuri told Miyu, she better get ready for bed.

"I don't have any night clothes," she responded.

"Um, you can just sleep in your under clothes for right now," he told her.

She seems to agree because she got up and started getting undressed. Yuri turned around to give her privacy. Yuri heard the bed shift and got up and turned around. He saw Miyu pull the blanket up to her waist, showing just her undershirt. Yuri smiled at how cute she looked. He ran my hand down her silky smooth hair and kissed her forehead.

"I love you," she said kissing my cheek.

He smiled. "I love you, too," he told her, "goodnight."

"Goodnight," she replied closing her eyes.

He pulled the blanket up to her shoulders and she hugged the pillow tighter. Yuri kissed her one more time on the forehead before he went to his room. He laid down in his bed. They had a big day tomorrow and he needed his rest, too.
Chapter end notes: Pleas Review and tell me what you think. I've already written a lot of this so I'll be uploading the next few chapters immediately. May not be the best first chapter but definitely will get better
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