Reviews For One-shot Booklet
Name: Vixkill (Signed) · Date: 18/04/08 - 04:59 am · For: Why Does the Sky Turn Grey?
Frosty is right! This is very good. Can't say much without repeating her.
Author's Response: Whoa. Thanks. I really appreciate that. It makes me want to keep writing. Thank you.
Name: Frosty (Signed) · Date: 01/04/08 - 11:02 am · For: Why Does the Sky Turn Grey?
No criticism here. This was REALLY good. I'm glad it's short like this. Anything longer and it wouldn't have been nearly as good. Anything shorter and you wouldn't have done it justice. Really like this. Think I have a new favorite one-shot.
Great work. Utterly f*cking amazing.
Author's Response: Whoa...That means....a lot. Seriously. Thank you so much.