Reviews For The taste of Diamonds
Name: EienKohana (Signed) · Date: 13/06/09 - 09:06 pm · For: Chapter 1
awwww i love this pairing. when orochimaru isnt greedily licking his lips with his glare he is pretty hot XD OroNaru is one of the best although there isnt enough of it in the world *cries* (10 is the high mark right? lol) please please continue with our story, this fan awaits ^^
Name: EienKohana (Signed) · Date: 13/06/09 - 07:16 pm · For: Chapter 1
awwww i love this pairing. when orochimaru isnt greedily licking his lips with his glare he is pretty hot XD OroNaru is one of the best although there isnt enough of it in the world *cries* (10 is the high mark right? lol) please please continue with our story, this fan awaits ^^