oh dear I actually missed all of these updates? Sorry! never saw them on the recent list how odd....this chapter kinda confused me...but yayz for my write in xD
although you did call me sakuranza a lot......oh well nice chappie.
Author's Response: sorry....sakuranzu and sakuranza are very simalar...
And... I'd love to be your bridesmaid, but if you put me in pink I'll sacrafice you to Jashin-sama!
Lots o' love,
Author's Response: don't worry! i'll put you in red! and as for the questin from gaara...i feel he will be asking soon!
i think we're going to ireland. i'm not for sure yet
Author's Response: hmmm....ireland...do they have potatoes in ireland?
sweet im a double best man awesome ^^
Author's Response: yes it is awesome!
Yay!!!!!Maid of honor reporting.
Question-What does the dress look like?
Author's Response: hmmmm... i'll have to look at dresses on photobucket....i am so happy! i don't know when the wedding is going to be... Hidan-kun! come here for a second!
i wanna be in the wedding!! idk y guess i have nuthin else 2 do xDD lol u guys should have ur weddings on the same day that would be fun maybe...
Author's Response: yes, you can be in the wedding! you are a girl right? or a guy? usernames confuse me greatly... yeah we should have our weddings on the same day! good idea!
hey shadow just wanted to tell you i accepted to be the best man for tara thanks for recomending me ^^
Author's Response: your welcome ^^
i don't know where me and iruka are going. where do u really want to go to?
Author's Response: i've always wanted to go to France.
yay i'm a bridesmaid!!!!!!!!!! i love u!
Author's Response: ^_^ YAY! I LUVS U 2! see you at the wedding! ant ideas where we could go on a honey moon? where are you and iruka going?
This was hilarious. Good job. Can't wait for the next chapter.. Oh and please have better grammar the lack of grammar writing is killing me.
Author's Response: sorry about the grammer thing! ^_^;;; my computer doesn't have word so i can't do the checker thing and i have to type it directly into the text box ^_^;;;
Wow the comments from hidan is funny. This is really getting addictive
Author's Response: Hidan-kun is always funny! *hugglz hidan*
Hah peanut of youth hilarious. Destiny even more hilarious. I love this. This is the first time I have ever read a talk show fic and I am loving it.
Author's Response: the giant peanut of youth.... that kinda scares me... do you think it is related to the big peanut on spongebob?
Wow, I am sorry I didn't read this sooner. I mean this is pure hilarity. GOod job *gives the good Gai thumbs up pose*
Author's Response: YAYZ! glad you like it!
Wow, this is my first review on this site. So here I go. I see a lot of potential and funniness. I hope this is as funny as I hope.
Author's Response: Your first review? YAYZ! i shall give you a muffin! just keep it away from frosty...she has a thing for muffins...
Hey Shadow,
My okaa says I can't email you anymore.. She banned me from emaling you TT^TT But... I DARE EMO CHICKEN BUTT HAIRD UCHAIA TO DANCE IN HIS BOXARS SINGING IM A BARBIE GIRL! ^^ and u have to wear these *hold up pink boxars with haearts* MUAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! *gasp* oopiese i over did it >
Author's Response: banned you from e-mailing me? thats so sad TT^TT but we always have TONFA! i am going to miss e-mailing you though... TT_TT the sadness all over again!
oh could i be a co host someday?
Author's Response: YES! ^.^
hi it's me again. anway i dare sakura to make out with itachi.
Naruto: to make out with Sasuke
Kakashi: to dance in a pink tutu
Iruka: i love u
Author's Response: LOLZ! kakshi in a pink tutu! you reviewers make me feel better when i get to torture pplz!
Author: Oh well.
Paruket: More Neji torture ideas.
1. Make him admit that Hinata is way better then him.
2. Make him run around in public in his underwear saying "Im a stupid Hyuuga"
3. lock him in the closet with one of the host for 10 minutes.
4. Make him roll in the mud outside.
Paruket: Hehe...are these good?
Author's Response: YES! those are wonderful! mayby neji torture will get me out of my co-host induced depression!
Noleta: *is sining 'So long, Farewell' from the Sound of music while crying.
Kierra: Wats with her?
Lore: She's not a permanent member of the show....
Author's Response: TTT.TTT once again i am soooo sorry! i literally cried myself to sleep last night (in the real world, not the fake fanfiction world) i am going to let you and sakuranzu come back in a reunion later. and you are definately going to be a guest sometime!
Ha! Awesomeness! I luvs you so much right now, Shadow! BUT I LOVE GAARA MORE! *hugs Gaara nearly to death* You, Me, Gaara, and Hidan should totally go on a dobble date! We could go on a killing/sacraficing/proving our existance rampage! WHEEE!
I want Steve to tap dance. Just cuz.
I also wanna see Dei-kun and Sasori sing 'Anything You Can Do' a la Annie Get Your Guns, and Dei-kun has to sing the girls part. If you need the lyrics I have them, I did a slightly modified version for an audition recently...
Luvs ya lots!
Author's Response: time to givee steve tap dancing lessons!
Ow, and I'd like to be a one-day co-host....
Author's Response: OK!
*attacks Iruka and Kitsunekit* I'll never understand why everyone hates Sakura.... I mean after the timeskip, she ROCKS!
Author's Response: DO NOT ATTACK HIMMY-CHAN! She is my buddy!
Matasumi is okie she just ate candy when she wanted me to type that 4 u and ewwwww cherry medicene tell me more! email me!
Author's Response: OK! I will get started on an e-mail right now! candy iz awesome! ^.^
o.0......omg... okie I want Sasuke to get PERMENT pink hair dye.. make him wear a blonde wig act like britny spears (on crack) and... um... erm... OH! AND WEAR A PINK FRILLY BALLERINA DRESS! oh and strip naked infront of all his rabid fangirls. and Sasuke-chhan.. if u dont do it I HAVE ALL OF THE REST OF UR FANGIRLZ AND I CAN ALWAYS RELEASE THEM ON U!! Also admit u luv Sakura...
and shadow my friend *brings out Matasumi* and my twin bro *brings out Sora* are ur fans....
Sora/Matasumi:HI SHADOW!!! *waves*
Sora:^^ *peace sign*
Me:o.0.... *sigh* -.-' all ends well...
I want u to admit ur useless and stupid. and what is all that peice of big forehead for!!?? Ur ugly adn stupid and I want u to scream this into tis micophone:
And i want u to be premoted back to a academy student!
Author's Response: OMG! i gotz fans! HI SORA AND MATASUMI! you gotz a twin?!?!?!?! Matsuki, the fangirl squeal scares me to no end... Sora u iz cool the peace sign is awesome, and be nice to ur sister! Buh-byez himmy! my mom is currently trying to stuff nasty medicine down my throat... it iz cherry flavored...
Redfox: Haha!Shadow does need to lay off the suger.
Author: Hey,just asking to,can you put Hopeon in the story please.
Redfox: Where did you come from?
Author: I come from anywhere...ohhhhh...
Redfox: -_-
Author: You show still rocks to!
Author's Response: OMG! I luv co-hosts! Hopeon is so welcome! She likes neji, right?