Reviews For Hide and Seek
Name: Dri (Anonymous) · Date: 11/03/08 - 10:39 pm · For: Chapter 2
I like Hinata's attitude in this fic. It's a bit annoying how in 99% of fics she stutters like crazy with no soul/life. In this fic, we see she's a person with actual thoughts and personality. :3 I really like how the story's going so far. ^.^ Keep it up.
Author's Response: Thanks for the review Dri. Appreciate the thought and I totally agree with you 100%
Name: SasuXNaru4eva (Signed) · Date: 17/11/07 - 12:31 am · For: Chapter 2
yea...about the stuttering thing...i've only seen her stuter like a few times...but not like every sentence like some people put in their stories.....but ummm yea its just lke how everyone thinks sasuke says hn after every sentence or word.....yes he says it but not ALL THE TIME!!....sooo ummm yea i really like the story!!! its good and i havent seen a sasuhina before so im interested as to how it will turn out
Author's Response: Yes exactly my point. In my story she's not gonna stutter. It's really annoying. Sasuke might say a few 'hn' here and there but not like over rated and I'm glad you like my story and I'll update whenever I can. Look forward to the next chapter.
Author's Response: Yes exactly my point. In my story she's not gonna stutter. It's really annoying. Sasuke might say a few 'hn' here and there but not like over rated and I'm glad you like my story and I'll update whenever I can. Look forward to the next chapter.