Reviews For How Wrong Are Tears
Name: sonic_richard (Signed) · Date: 16/08/07 - 07:34 am · For: Welcome
Is that it or is there going to be more? It is a good start and you should continue it.
-- Kitsune no Rai : That is up in the air at the moment. If I can think of a full plot then yes, it will continue. However, for the moment, it's a oneshot.
Name: Swords_and_Bandages (Signed) · Date: 15/08/07 - 06:35 pm · For: Welcome
Wow. That's... marvelous. I really like the way you keep Kurenai and Hinata in character. Heck, I think you can even extend this into a full-length story. Great work.
-- Kitsune no Rai : Thanks a lot. I'm glad I kept the characters in character. The only thing I have to continue this is when Hinata moves back into the main house. If I can think of another plot, then yes, this will continue.
Name: Redfox50 (Signed) · Date: 15/08/07 - 06:09 pm · For: Welcome
She really cares about Hinata.The story was great,hope you keep writing stories like this in the future
-- Kitsune no Rai : Thanks. A lot. I'll definitely consider writing similar stories.