Reviews For The Pains of Peanut Butter
Name: Lotus Blossamer (Signed) · Date: 14/06/07 - 07:01 pm · For: Pain and Nachos!
I can understand fully of what Pain peanut-butter can bring. Whenever I try to even make the damn sandwich I can't spread it! It gets all stuck to the bread and then the bread rips etc. (then again it might only be me -.-; ) Well, either way. The story rocks and Lee is hot as usual!
Author's Response: LoL, glad you liked the fic! Ya know...whole wheat holds together a lot better than white, and pumpernickel totally pwns all. Just so ya know. (Shrugs) Anyway, thanks for the kind words!
Name: niveaus (Signed) · Date: 12/06/07 - 10:38 am · For: Pain and Nachos!
Hmm, most of this was just good, but the last bit was very very funny. A seal to spite Kakashi... and the chips... and that it never occurred to him that he might actually have a woman in the house... Brilliant!
Author's Response: Heh, this was actually one of the first things I wrote for Naruto! I'm glad you like it. :) As for Maito Gai...yeah, the saddest part was that as far as I'm concerned, he was completely in character for the whole thing. LoL XD