Reviews For Skin Deep
Name: Sonny Panda (Anonymous) · Date: 04/03/08 - 05:53 pm · For: Liar Liar
HOTTT i think you should write more lolz xD
Name: KuroiBiroudou (Signed) · Date: 17/02/08 - 10:40 pm · For: Liar Liar
Ah, damn. You otta update soon, you just gotts.
Name: Hatake Kyuuki (Signed) · Date: 06/07/07 - 01:38 pm · For: Liar Liar
MORE!!! I LOVE the story line so far! Im an impatient person, and when there's something I like that's taking too long, my complex just gets worse, and I go haywire. Please hurry, thanks, chu! ^-^