Reviews For Long Hair, Short Hair
Name: Wild_Flower (Signed) · Date: 08/04/07 - 10:30 am · For: Long Hair, Short Hair
You misspelled blonde. It has an e at the end. This was funny I'd give it an 8/10
Author's Response: xD Thanks. 'Blond' is for males and 'Blonde' is for females;;
Name: carmade (Signed) · Date: 29/03/07 - 06:14 pm · For: Long Hair, Short Hair
that was nuts. But it nice.
Author's Response: Lol, thanks!
Name: lunaryu (Signed) · Date: 28/03/07 - 09:21 pm · For: Long Hair, Short Hair
Ahahaha, that's utterly funny! I love your work! Even if there are some grammar errors and misspell, this is really good! I hope you'll write more!
Author's Response: Thank you;; Misspelling? May I ask where? Thank you for the review~
Name: Oni_Chan (Signed) · Date: 28/03/07 - 12:38 pm · For: Long Hair, Short Hair
*giggled* Yesh thats a very fun day xD
Author's Response: Lol, yes. I wish I went with Sakura and Ino though...
Author's Response: Lol, yes. I wish I went with Sakura and Ino though...
Name: vivpiv (Signed) · Date: 28/03/07 - 11:06 am · For: Long Hair, Short Hair
Well,I think it was good.There is humour in it which makes the story funny.
Author's Response: Thank you;; I'm happy you liked it!