Reviews For Identity Theft
Name: Oni Nexus (Signed) · Date: 27/12/12 - 01:32 pm · For: Prologue
I would like to see more of this
Name: purpledinosaur (Signed) · Date: 12/11/12 - 12:32 pm · For: Prologue
Wow. Way to set the mood! Also, Orochimaru would be sick enough to take away a couple's newborns! I wonder how the twins will turn out. As sick minded as orochimaru? Or a couple of angels thrown in hell?
Author's Response: Aha, thanks ^^ I shall leave the answer to your imagination for now :L
Name: Rowanrose (Signed) · Date: 11/11/12 - 02:36 pm · For: Prologue
Oh, oh, oh, but I knew that was going to happen, I did, but it was so awful when they went there. XD I mean, they seriously gave their daughters away like that? Yeesh, awful dolts! Okay, done.
I really like this so far. The only thing I'd have a problem with is that this is more like a narrative than anything else, but it reminds me of the backstory's they do with all the "once upon a time" stories, and this does seem like a fairy tale in a way, so it works. So far so good! I see in the AN you said something about another story? Should I read that first? And I can see that you're rewriting your story, which I can relate to. Good luck!
Author's Response: They are quite the naive set of parents, aren't they? xD Yeah, it's a narrative since it's the prologue, but the chapters will be written from the PoV of one of the twins once the story actually starts. I have another story called Hidden Past, but they're not a part of the same series so it's up to you. That one has more chapters and is also a revamped version. Thanks for the review ^^