Reviews For DOLL
Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 05/10/11 - 01:19 pm · For: Alive
The puppet is alive! XD Haha, no, in all seriousness, this gave quite a bit of character insight. The girl who wishes to become stronger versus the proud and strong puppet. Haha, I certainly can't wait to see where this goes ;) Keep up the good work, it's going good so far.
Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 30/09/11 - 06:59 pm · For: Puppet
Haha, play with her new doll... puppet XD
This sounds really interesting. I've never read a SakuraXSasori fic, and I've especially never read a Sakura fic that has such detail about her past and how sad it is.
I'd love to see where this goes. Keep up the good work with your writing!
Name: DestinyGirl (Signed) · Date: 30/09/11 - 04:53 pm · For: Puppet
Oooh, this sounds really interesting! I can't wait for more! Sakura's parents are so mean!:( Plz update, I can't wait to find out what happens next!:D
Author's Response: =)thanks for reading and reviewing ^_^