The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

Main Categories

Het Romance [1090]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around different sex couples.
Alternate Universe & Crossovers [643]
Where cast of the Naruto Universe are inserted into an alternate universe.
Essays & Tutorials [17]
An area to submit intelligent essays debating topics about the Naruto Universe and writing tutorial submissions.
General Fiction [1738]
Any Naruto fanfiction focused without romantic orientation, on a canon character in the current Naruto Universe.
OC-centric [860]
Any Naruto fanfic that has the major inclusion of a fan-made character.
Non-Naruto Fiction [290]
Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance [1575]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around male same sex couples.
MadFic [194]
Any fic with no real plot and humor based. Doesn't require correct spelling, paragraphing or punctuation but it's a very good idea.
Shojo-ai/Yuri Romance [106]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around female same sex couples.
Fan Ninja Bingo Book [124]
An area to store fanfic information, such as bios, maps, political histories. No stories.

Site Info

Members: 12004
Series: 261
Stories: 5874
Chapters: 25331
Word count: 47377178
Authors: 2160
Reviews: 40727
Reviewers: 1750
Newest Member: shikimarus left ball
Challenges: 255
Challengers: 193

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other


Title: Hunt and Retrieve by WarlordJEREK
Rated: PG Liked [Reviews - 17]
Summary: COMPLETE!! Naruto is an Investigator that works in conjuction with the Tokyo Police although being independent as well. He's solved every case that he's ever been given. But this next case may be the one that ends his streak. The Hyuga Mafia Family and the Akatsuki Japanese Mafia are in a war. Hyuga Hinata has broken away from her family tradition but is thought to be next in the long string of attacks against the Hyuga Mafia. Will Naruto solve the case and save Hinata, or end his streak with a murder?
Category: General Fiction
Characters: Deidara, Sakura Haruno, Kakashi Hatake, Hidan, Kisame Hoshigaki, Hinata Hyuuga, Neji Hyuuga, Jiraiya, Tsunade, Itachi Uchiha, Sasuke Uchiha, Iruka Umino, Naruto Uzumaki
Genres: Mystery
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 11 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 10896 | Read count: 18073 [Report This]
Published: 07/07/07 | Updated: 07/08/07

Title: Break Apart by BrucesGirl
Rated: 18 Liked [Reviews - 2]
Summary: Genma is the only one who knows Kakashi is hurting. He's the only one who can pick up the pieces.
Category: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance
Characters: Kakashi Hatake
Genres: Angst, Tragedy
Warnings: Dark, Yaoi
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 1936 | Read count: 630 [Report This]
Published: 07/08/07 | Updated: 07/08/07

Title: The Replacement by BrucesGirl
Rated: 18 Liked [Reviews - 6]
Summary: Iruka finds comfort in the arms of Kakashi after a horrible past experience with love. N/C (MizukixIruka/KakashixIruka)
Category: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance, Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Top Pairings > Kakashi and Iruka
Characters: Kakashi Hatake, Iruka Umino
Genres: Angst, Graphic lemon, Romance, WAFF
Warnings: Yaoi
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 8644 | Read count: 2414 [Report This]
Published: 07/08/07 | Updated: 07/08/07

Title: A Letter to a Traitor by BrucesGirl
Rated: 18 Liked [Reviews - 4]
Summary: What happens when Naruto tells Sasuke exactly what he thinks of him? Someone should have told him life wouldn't be that easy...
Characters: Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki
Genres: Angst, Tragedy
Warnings: Dark, Yaoi
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 1255 | Read count: 535 [Report This]
Published: 07/08/07 | Updated: 07/08/07

Title: Sexy no Jutsu: Gaara Style by BrucesGirl
Rated: 18 Liked [Reviews - 5]
Summary: Naruto teaches Gaara some new sexy tricks... and how to use them in the right context.
Category: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance, Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Top Pairings > Naruto and Gaara
Characters: Gaara, Naruto Uzumaki
Genres: WAFF
Warnings: Yaoi
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 8548 | Read count: 9187 [Report This]
Published: 07/08/07 | Updated: 07/08/07

Title: A Nightmare of You by BrucesGirl
Rated: 18 Liked [Reviews - 2]
Summary: Naruto is lost without Sasuke, and he finds him in his dreams, not wanting to wake up to the reality of Sasuke being gone.
Category: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance
Characters: Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki
Genres: Angst, Graphic lemon
Warnings: Dark, Yaoi
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 1278 | Read count: 722 [Report This]
Published: 07/08/07 | Updated: 07/08/07

Title: I'll Be Seeing You by BrucesGirl
Rated: 18 Liked [Reviews - 5]
Summary: Torn apart by war, torture, and government, Naruto seeks out the only man who will ever make him happy. Countries were not the only thing WWII tore apart and Naruto has the scars to prove it.
Category: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance, Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Top Pairings > Sasuke and Naruto
Characters: Gaara, Kakashi Hatake, Neji Hyuuga, Sasuke Uchiha, Iruka Umino, Naruto Uzumaki
Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Graphic lemon, Romance, Tragedy
Warnings: AU, Death, Yaoi
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 | Completed: No | Word count: 9213 | Read count: 1301 [Report This]
Published: 02/08/07 | Updated: 07/08/07

Title: Sake and Tales by BrucesGirl
Rated: 18 Liked [Reviews - 2]
Summary: Shikamaru figures out Asuma is lot more to him than just a teacher. Friend, confidant, lover... Shikamaru likes all three.
Category: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance
Characters: Shikamaru Nara, Asuma Sarutobi
Genres: Graphic lemon, WAFF
Warnings: Yaoi
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 6036 | Read count: 1391 [Report This]
Published: 07/08/07 | Updated: 07/08/07

Title: Sake, ANBU, and the Confessions of a School Teacher by BrucesGirl
Rated: 18 Liked [Reviews - 1]
Summary: Sake and confessions tend to make hot baths just a little bit more steamy. Naruto proves to Iruka that he has what it takes to be ANBU... and to be his sensei's lover.
Category: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance
Characters: Iruka Umino, Naruto Uzumaki
Genres: Graphic lemon, WAFF
Warnings: Yaoi
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 6127 | Read count: 2753 [Report This]
Published: 07/08/07 | Updated: 07/08/07

Title: Judged By What We Cannot Change by BrucesGirl
Rated: 18 Liked [Reviews - 1]
Summary: Neji is furious over the favoritism shown to Naruto, and Gai shows him why caring for another is so important.

Category: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance
Characters: Neji Hyuuga, Maito Gai
Genres: Angst, WAFF
Warnings: Yaoi
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 5652 | Read count: 606 [Report This]
Published: 07/08/07 | Updated: 07/08/07

Title: Heated Moonlight by BrucesGirl
Rated: 18 Liked [Reviews - 2]
Summary: Kakashi finds something in Naruto's apartment that he didn't expect... how can he turn down a wanting -needing- Naruto?
Category: Orphan
Characters: Kakashi Hatake, Naruto Uzumaki
Genres: Graphic lemon
Warnings: Yaoi
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 4265 | Read count: 1565 [Report This]
Published: 07/08/07 | Updated: 07/08/07

Title: Confusion by KibaxHinaluvr
Rated: 12/12A Liked [Reviews - 4]
Summary: Sakura's reply to Gaara. A reply to S_a_B's letter.
Category: Orphan
Characters: Sakura Haruno
Genres: Romance
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 476 | Read count: 1557 [Report This]
Published: 07/08/07 | Updated: 07/08/07

Title: Dark of The Moon by Firesong
Rated: R18 Liked [Reviews - 11]
Summary: Having a psychopath for a brother is never fun, especially when you're his next "target". Can Sasuke survive the trauma he's suffered at said brother's hands? Will Naruto be able to save him?
Category: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Top Pairings > Itachi and Sasuke, Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Top Pairings > Sasuke and Naruto
Characters: Itachi Uchiha, Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki
Genres: Angst, Drama, Graphic lemon, Romance
Warnings: AU, Death, Yaoi
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 10 | Completed: No | Word count: 7417 | Read count: 4446 [Report This]
Published: 19/06/07 | Updated: 07/08/07

Title: Looking For Something More by BrucesGirl
Rated: 18 Liked [Reviews - 2]
Summary: When Kakashi finds a brooding Naruto in the forest, he offers his body as consolation.
Category: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance
Characters: Kakashi Hatake, Naruto Uzumaki
Genres: Angst, Graphic lemon, Romance, WAFF
Warnings: Yaoi
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 4037 | Read count: 2369 [Report This]
Published: 07/08/07 | Updated: 07/08/07

Title: The Division Between Velvet and Steel by BrucesGirl
Rated: 18 Liked [Reviews - 3]
Summary: Haku and Zabuza spend their last night together in each other's arms.
Category: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance
Characters: Haku, Zabuza
Genres: Angst, Graphic lemon, Romance
Warnings: Dark, Death, Yaoi
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 3379 | Read count: 1058 [Report This]
Published: 07/08/07 | Updated: 07/08/07

Title: Just some Kisame and Hidan bashing pretty much. by Cherished
Rated: PG Round robin Liked [Reviews - 2]
Summary: like the title says....random Akatsuki -mainly Kisame and Hidan- bashing.
Category: General Fiction
Characters: Deidara, Hidan, Kisame Hoshigaki, Itachi Uchiha
Genres: Drama, Humor
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2 | Completed: No | Word count: 1378 | Read count: 3486 [Report This]
Published: 20/07/07 | Updated: 07/08/07

Title: Company by ResurgereTento
Rated: 15 Liked [Reviews - 2]
Summary: Naruto gives a birthday present, and receives one in return. Implied NaruSasu, but just fluffly preslash.
Category: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance
Characters: Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki
Genres: General
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 1288 | Read count: 1947 [Report This]
Published: 07/08/07 | Updated: 07/08/07

Title: Kyoudai by seizansha
Rated: U Liked [Reviews - 2]
Summary: Suddenly loosing her nerve, she took two steps down the road before looking over her shoulder. "A... Arashi asked me to." - Naruto's got more family than he knew. *Revised*
Category: General Fiction, OC-centric
Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2 | Completed: No | Word count: 4764 | Read count: 2596 [Report This]
Published: 29/04/07 | Updated: 07/08/07

Title: Hinata's Darkened Desires by Paladeus
Rated: 18 Liked [Reviews - 21]
Summary: Due to Ino using a new jutsu, Hinata goes through a .. mind alteration. Because of this, she has no inhibitions around Naruto! He is hers, and she plans on having him! NaruXHina, SakuXLee
Category: General Fiction > Timeless, Het Romance > Top Six Pairs > Naruto and Hinata, Het Romance > Warned, Alternate Universe & Crossovers > Other, Het Romance > Fluff, General Fiction > Character-Centric, General Fiction > Naruto
Characters: Anko Mitarashi, Clan Hyuuga, Maito Gai, Hidden Leaf Ninja, Hinata Hyuuga, Ino Yamanaka, Jiraiya, Kakashi Hatake, Kyuubi (Kurama), Rock Lee, Naruto Uzumaki, OC, Pair LeeSaku, Pair NaruHina, Pair ShikaIno, Sakura Haruno, Tsunade
Genres: Action/Adventure, Dark, Fantasy, General, Graphic lemon, Humor, Romance, WAFF
Warnings: AU, Death, OOC, Sexual Themes
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 9 | Completed: No | Word count: 118064 | Read count: 32855 [Report This]
Published: 03/09/06 | Updated: 06/08/07

Title: Forgive Me by Emarosa
Rated: 15 Liked [Reviews - 1]
Summary: Kiba confesses his love to Shino. But with Kiba in the hospital, Shino realizes his feelings too late, and might not get a chance to tell Kiba in person. Shino feels its all his fault for Kiba to wind up in the hospital, and might make things worse.
Characters: Shino Aburame, Kiba Inuzuka
Genres: Angst, Romance, WAFF
Warnings: AU, Dark, Yaoi
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: No | Word count: 811 | Read count: 1958 [Report This]
Published: 06/08/07 | Updated: 06/08/07

Title: Haruno Legacy by PhoenixClaw
Rated: 15 Liked [Reviews - 2]
Summary: In all of Konaha, one mystery rises above the rest: What genetic combination could possibly yield a green eyed, pink haired kunoichi? Whether they're up to it or not, Naruto and Sasuke are about to find the answer. RxR! [It's Cracktastic!]
Category: Orphan
Characters: Sakura Haruno, Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki
Genres: Humor, Parody
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 4574 | Read count: 1982 [Report This]
Published: 06/08/07 | Updated: 06/08/07

Title: Could you give me your opinion? by Ally_Monrue
Rated: U Liked [Reviews - 4]
Summary: Attention: THIS IS NOT A STORY!

Okay... You don't need to have read and liked any of my stories you don't have to have read and hated any of my stories you don't even have to have read any of my stories at all! I just need help on something... i would REALLY apreciate if you read and reviewed this because i'm not good at making decisions on my own... at all... PLEASE HELP ME?!
Category: Non-Naruto Fiction
Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 583 | Read count: 3495 [Report This]
Published: 05/08/07 | Updated: 06/08/07

Title: Poems For My Beloved by Oshiyama
Rated: U Liked [Reviews - 2]
Summary: ...Poems for my beloved. I used to think poetry was stupid but it's not anymore. ^-^
Category: General Fiction
Characters: None
Genres: Poetry
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2 | Completed: No | Word count: 288 | Read count: 2612 [Report This]
Published: 06/08/07 | Updated: 06/08/07

Title: uniCyCles by 19 Sai
Rated: 15 Liked [Reviews - 1]
Summary: [SasuSaku, Sasuke+Son] 3 themes. Sasuke's take as his son grows.
Category: General Fiction
Characters: Sakura Haruno, Sasuke Uchiha
Genres: Angst
Warnings: Dark
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 1336 | Read count: 2083 [Report This]
Published: 06/08/07 | Updated: 06/08/07

Title: Eternally Forever by MitsuTakeishi
Rated: 15 Liked [Reviews - 2]
Summary: This Is A Story Of A 18 Year Old Neko(which is a girl) trying to find someone who cares. she was shunned by her village, and family, becasue she was a neko. but her sister, rashi, didnt. but they killed her. she ran away when she was 10 becasue some one murdered the head of her village and framed her. and till this day, they still think she killed him. now, she doesn't talk and wanders in the woods until she meets a very suprising person.
Category: General Fiction
Characters: None
Genres: Angst, Drama, General, Mystery, Tragedy
Warnings: Dark, Death
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: No | Word count: 603 | Read count: 1382 [Report This]
Published: 06/08/07 | Updated: 06/08/07