The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

Main Categories

Het Romance [1090]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around different sex couples.
Alternate Universe & Crossovers [643]
Where cast of the Naruto Universe are inserted into an alternate universe.
Essays & Tutorials [17]
An area to submit intelligent essays debating topics about the Naruto Universe and writing tutorial submissions.
General Fiction [1738]
Any Naruto fanfiction focused without romantic orientation, on a canon character in the current Naruto Universe.
OC-centric [860]
Any Naruto fanfic that has the major inclusion of a fan-made character.
Non-Naruto Fiction [290]
Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance [1575]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around male same sex couples.
MadFic [194]
Any fic with no real plot and humor based. Doesn't require correct spelling, paragraphing or punctuation but it's a very good idea.
Shojo-ai/Yuri Romance [106]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around female same sex couples.
Fan Ninja Bingo Book [124]
An area to store fanfic information, such as bios, maps, political histories. No stories.

Site Info

Members: 12004
Series: 261
Stories: 5874
Chapters: 25331
Word count: 47377178
Authors: 2160
Reviews: 40727
Reviewers: 1750
Newest Member: shikimarus left ball
Challenges: 255
Challengers: 193

Titles - T
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other


Title: The Power of Pride by Konan
Rated: 15 Liked [Reviews - 32]
Summary: Sasuke returns to Konoha 9 years later. He has just killed Uchiha Madara, but suffers critical mental injuries. He knows he's going to die... but can he overcome his Uchiha Pride that runs through his blood and apologize to everyone he's hurt?
Category: General Fiction > Naruto, General Fiction > Timeskip
Characters: All, Kakashi Hatake, Naruto Uzumaki, Neji Hyuuga, OC, Sakura Haruno, Sasuke Uchiha, Team Kakashi
Genres: Drama
Warnings: Death
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 26 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 20846 | Read count: 42259 [Report This]
Published: 26/04/11 | Updated: 12/06/11

Title: The Next Generation by kageainoko
Rated: 15 Liked [Reviews - 1]
Summary: this is a story about the generation after the show. my favorite couples together to make up the new akatsuki. an interesting plot with some death. this story had two writers that chose favorites, so it may get confusing.
Category: General Fiction > Timeskip
Characters: Akatsuki, Clan Hyuuga, Clan Uchiha, Hidden Leaf Ninja, Sakura Haruno
Genres: Action/Adventure, Fantasy
Warnings: Death, Sexual Themes
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: No | Word count: 4404 | Read count: 2106 [Report This]
Published: 04/06/11 | Updated: 04/06/11

Title: The Greatest Lie by susay
Rated: R18 Round robin Liked [Reviews - 4]
Summary: The best thing about dreams is that fleeting moment, when you are between asleep and awake, when you don't know the difference between reality and fantasy, when for just that one moment you feel with your entire soul that the dream is reality, and it really happened.

Category: OC-centric, General Fiction > Naruto
Characters: Hidden Leaf Ninja, Hidden Sand Ninja, Naruto Uzumaki, OC, Pair OCNaru, Sakura Haruno
Genres: Action/Adventure, Mystery, Romance, Tragedy
Warnings: Death, Sexual Themes
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2 | Completed: No | Word count: 2278 | Read count: 1188 [Report This]
Published: 03/05/11 | Updated: 02/06/11

Title: The Legend of Kingdom Hearts Z: Gundalian Invaders by theez
Rated: U Liked [Reviews - 5]
Summary: This is part of my series Naruto GX, but only without the Naruto and Yugioh GX. This is what is happening during the first year of duel academy. This is Kingdom Hearts [After the second one], Legend of Zelda [Twilight Princess Link], Bakugan [After Gundalian Invaders, but before Mechtanium Surge], and DBZ combined [takes place in between the Android and Buu Saga.] Probably not very long, because I am still working on the first Fanfic, Naruto GX.
Category: Alternate Universe & Crossovers > Fusion, Non-Naruto Fiction > Dragon Ball, Non-Naruto Fiction > Kingdom Hearts
Characters: None
Genres: Action/Adventure
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: Naruto GX
Chapters: 4 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 4750 | Read count: 6489 [Report This]
Published: 01/06/11 | Updated: 02/06/11

Title: Tiger Lillies and Shinobi by Shoukyoku
Rated: 15 Liked [Reviews - 2]
Summary: Ferra Kyoyuna is a ninja returning to her birthplace of Konoha. She is put into team seven, and soon meets the mysterious Sasuke Uchiha. She hates him, he hates her.
But they still end up falling in love? Follow along with Ferra, and watch the romance fall into place!
Category: OC-centric, Het Romance > Fluff, Het Romance > Warned
Characters: Clan Hyuuga, Kakashi Hatake, Neji Hyuuga, OC, Pair OCSasu, Sasuke Uchiha, Team Kakashi
Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Graphic lemon, Humor, Romance
Warnings: OOC, Sexual Themes
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: No | Word count: 763 | Read count: 1890 [Report This]
Published: 22/05/11 | Updated: 22/05/11

Title: Two Friends+Mercenary Jobs=One Crazy Adventure! by SandShinobi21
Rated: 15 Liked [Reviews - 4]
Summary: The Story of a 15 year old girl with a strange gift named Max and her best friend Ash. Together since practically birth, they are now roaming the world of 'Ensemble' looking for work and adventure as mercenaries. When they meet a strange boy named Seth he asks them a big favor. With strange secrets and questions without answers they travel with Seth across the land to get him home. How will their adventure go? Find out, in 'Two Friends+Mercenary Jobs=One Crazy Adventure!'.
Category: Alternate Universe & Crossovers > Other, OC-centric, Non-Naruto Fiction > Original stories, General Fiction > Character-Centric
Characters: OC
Genres: Action/Adventure, Fantasy, Humor
Warnings: AU
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 7 | Completed: No | Word count: 9395 | Read count: 11792 [Report This]
Published: 17/01/11 | Updated: 19/05/11

Title: The Replacement by Yumi
Rated: 15 Liked [Reviews - 94]
Summary: Sasuke works at a sex shop in a busy uptown district (unbeknownst to his friends) and has just been given a new work schedule and partner. Though he has a girlfriend, he’s looking for a new one. . . Sadly, all that work looking for a girl is ruined when he’s forced to find a quick replacement in order to stop his own marriage by dating someone who NO ONE would approve of: Uzumaki Naruto.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any affiliated characters. If I ever claim that, I've gone insane and should be shot on sight. ^^;;;;;
Category: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Top Pairings > Sasuke and Naruto
Characters: Chouji Akimichi, Clan Hyuuga, Clan Uchiha, Gaara, Hidden Leaf Ninja, Hinata Hyuuga, Ino Yamanaka, Iruka Umino, Itachi Uchiha, Jiraiya, Kakashi Hatake, Kiba Inuzuka, Naruto Uzumaki, Neji Hyuuga, Pair SasuNaru, Sai, Sakura Haruno, Sasuke Uchiha, Shikamaru Nara, Shino Aburame, Tenten
Genres: Drama, General, Humor, Romance
Warnings: Sexual Themes, Yaoi
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 14 | Completed: No | Word count: 32136 | Read count: 45290 [Report This]
Published: 23/12/07 | Updated: 10/05/11

Title: Trusts by sakura 234
Rated: U [Reviews - 1]
Summary: Akaike just witnessed her mom and dog get kill however Akaike fell something strong something strong inside of her that can destory her and the people in the Hidden Leaf Village? Can Akaike trust anyone again what happen to her parents?
Category: General Fiction > Naruto
Characters: All
Genres: Action/Adventure, Dark, Horror, Mystery, Romance
Warnings: Dark, Death, Rape, Sexual Themes
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: No | Word count: 966 | Read count: 1629 [Report This]
Published: 25/04/11 | Updated: 25/04/11

Title: To Sasuke's footsteps by MidnaUchiha2010
Rated: U Liked [Reviews - 4]
Summary: uchiha

Sasuke's and Sakura's daughter Midna Uchiha, is a prideful ninja of Konoha,and she is in an age that was fateful to be difficult even for the previous generation. She has to face her own inner deamons, desires and even her dreams. The path she will take unknown, as you can never predict a teennager's goals...especially a Ninja's. Her lovely brother, friends snd parents will witness her destiny first hand, getting even themselves in danger and sorrow. One thing is sure... they can't stop her from doing anything! "What do you do when you have extraordinary powers for your age? What do you do when you see that you are capable of doing anything in order to have more? What do you do when your desires seem to lie in the form of your brother? What do you do when your enemies turn into friends? What do you do? You don't know, you just torture yourself with doubts and unanswered questions and take as much as you can,trying not to hurt and even protect your beloved. Strong will is needed and is not always easy. I am Midna Uchiha and welcome to my my father's footsteps...or the one he should have taken..."
Category: OC-centric
Characters: Clan Uchiha, OC
Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Humor, Romance
Warnings: None
Challenges: , The Ultimate OC Challenge
Challenge: , The Ultimate OC Challenge
Series: None
Chapters: 9 | Completed: No | Word count: 62718 | Read count: 14266 [Report This]
Published: 21/08/10 | Updated: 11/04/11

Title: The secret's destiny by jenvelia
Rated: U [Reviews - 0]
Summary: A group of friends discover their true identities and set off in an adventure traveling from anime world to anime world. But ittle do they know the hardships that they are to encounter.
Category: Non-Naruto Fiction > Bleach, Alternate Universe & Crossovers > Crossovers, General Fiction > Naruto Shippuuden
Characters: All
Genres: Romance
Warnings: AU
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2 | Completed: No | Word count: 2519 | Read count: 3286 [Report This]
Published: 30/03/11 | Updated: 30/03/11

Title: The Rise of the Kurogan by Sanukuni
Rated: 18 Liked [Reviews - 7]
Summary: When Naruto is five he finds himself a family and an ability to give his new kekkai genkai to others. Will he use it for good or evil. Harem
Category: General Fiction > Pre-Series, Het Romance > Warned
Characters: Naruto Uzumaki
Genres: None
Warnings: Rape, Sexual Themes
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 13 | Completed: No | Word count: 40206 | Read count: 8938 [Report This]
Published: 04/08/10 | Updated: 30/03/11

Title: The Two Eyes by fleamichael
Rated: 12/12A Liked [Reviews - 16]
Summary: It was a dark night.
Two pairs of eyes stared in the darkness.
Both had sensed the presence that night.
The dark presence that intended to destroy their village.
The village that had cast them out.
The village that hated them for their eyes.
Through the hate, they met, and by becoming friends, they had survived.

This is my first fanfiction, so its not perfect.
Category: General Fiction > Pre-Series
Characters: None
Genres: Action/Adventure
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 14 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 21841 | Read count: 14727 [Report This]
Published: 03/12/10 | Updated: 27/03/11

Title: Trapped by havenoclue
Rated: 18 [Reviews - 0]
Summary: Naruto trapped in this impossible relationship with Sasuke
Category: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Top Pairings > Sasuke and Naruto
Characters: Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha
Genres: Angst, Romance
Warnings: Dark, Yaoi
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 6 | Completed: No | Word count: 9378 | Read count: 2844 [Report This]
Published: 20/03/11 | Updated: 20/03/11

Title: The Only Ones Left by rainingmemory
Rated: U Liked [Reviews - 1]
Summary: We are the only ones left. We call ourselves The Survivors--our home is The Colony. Danzo unknowingly created a disease that turns its victims into zombie-like beings. He was the first infected; he was the first to die. Those of us who fight do so to protect the ones who cannot from the zombies. The others look for a cure. Until one is found, we shinobi that remain human will kill any zombie that comes near our home--even if we did once care for them.
The survivors from all around the world have gathered in the only safe place left:a long-forgotten island. There is a bridge that is heavily guarded. They cannot yet afford to lose the connection to main land. The surviving kages have joined together. Kiba Inuzuka, Naruto Uzamaki, and Mizukage-in-training Keiko are a team brought together to fight the zombies. The world is dangerous for Survivors--can they survive long enough to find a cure?
Category: General Fiction > Timeskip, OC-centric
Characters: None
Genres: Action/Adventure, General, Sci-Fi, Supernatural, Tragedy
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: No | Word count: 312 | Read count: 1453 [Report This]
Published: 12/03/11 | Updated: 12/03/11

Title: The Oneness of Hearts by Jigoku Dayu
Rated: 12/12A [Reviews - 1]
Summary: Kabuto defeats Anko, only to lose the battle to suppress his former master. How will Anko react to seeing Orochimaru alive once more?
Category: Het Romance > Angst, General Fiction > Naruto Shippuuden
Characters: Anko Mitarashi, Orochimaru
Genres: Angst, Dark, Romance, Tragedy
Warnings: Dark, Death
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 3100 | Read count: 2152 [Report This]
Published: 06/03/11 | Updated: 06/03/11

Title: Tears and Rain by MIngWei
Rated: PG Liked [Reviews - 11]
Summary: Chizuko is running away from home when she collapses from exhaustion just outside of Konoha. After she wakes up she meets a boy who's really nice to her. Almost too nice. But that's not the worst of her problems: someone from home is after her, and the last thing she wants is for him to find her.
Category: OC-centric, General Fiction > Timeskip
Characters: Kiba Inuzuka, Pair OCKiba, Sakura Haruno
Genres: None
Warnings: Death
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 4 | Completed: No | Word count: 9227 | Read count: 6196 [Report This]
Published: 01/12/10 | Updated: 18/02/11

Title: The Lost Wolf by KiyomiChan
Rated: 15 Liked [Reviews - 3]
Summary: The Lost Wolf

She was found dying in an alleyway by Uchiha Sasuke. Taking home to Konoha, the only thing discovered about her through her jumbled memories is she was abused in some way by unknown people and there's an unknown demon concealed within her. Sasuke gave the lost girl a name and took her in. Umiyo finally given a chance at a real life with humanity, will do anything to make sure she never loses it again. Follow her as she struggles for acceptance, making friends, recovering her memories, and gaining acceptance in Konoha. Will she prosper or will she become ensnarled by the demon and dark forces that wish to destroy her?
Category: OC-centric, Alternate Universe & Crossovers > Minor AU, Het Romance > Top Six Pairs > Naruto and Hinata, Het Romance > Top Six Pairs > Shikamaru and Temari
Characters: Chouji Akimichi, Clan Aburame, Clan Akimichi, Clan Hyuuga, Clan Inuzuka, Clan Nara, Clan Uchiha, Clan Uzumaki, Hidden Leaf Ninja, Itachi Uchiha, Kiba Inuzuka, Rock Lee, Naruto Uzumaki, Neji Hyuuga, OC, Pair ChojIno, Pair LeeSaku, Pair NaruHina, Pair OCKiba, Pair OCNeji, Pair OCSasu, Pair ShikaTema, Sai, Sasuke Uchiha, Shikamaru Nara
Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Humor, Romance
Warnings: AU, Death
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 4 | Completed: No | Word count: 18707 | Read count: 7377 [Report This]
Published: 26/01/11 | Updated: 14/02/11

Title: The Lost Missions Of Neji Hyuuga by TheOmnipresentGod
Rated: U Liked [Reviews - 1]
Summary: A fanfic detailing some of Neji's missions during the three year time skip.
Category: General Fiction > Character-Centric, General Fiction > Naruto, General Fiction > Timeskip
Characters: All
Genres: Action/Adventure
Warnings: Dark
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: No | Word count: 573 | Read count: 1954 [Report This]
Published: 01/02/11 | Updated: 01/02/11

Title: The Girl Who Stole the Cold Man's Heart by BlackRose
Rated: U Liked [Reviews - 1]
Summary: Kakashi has met hundreds of people in his life as a shinobi. Men, women, rich, poor. He never thought that he would ever, ever let himself fall in love. Although his team has been trying to make him realize that love is a good thing, for some secret reason Kakashi has made his heart colder than ice. But all that begins to change with a dangerous mission: a prisoner exchange to take place near the Waterfall village. Sakura, Naruto, and Sasuke begin to see something between the prisoner and Kakashi before their sensei does. Is Kakashi falling in love with a woman on death row?
Category: OC-centric, General Fiction > Naruto
Characters: None
Genres: Action/Adventure, General, Romance
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: No | Word count: 877 | Read count: 1487 [Report This]
Published: 10/01/11 | Updated: 10/01/11

Title: To Be a Ninja! by Hailo95100
Rated: 12/12A [Reviews - 1]
Summary: Demon and Rhea are two ordinary girls who suddenly end up in the Naruto world.

Cliche, I know.

Rewrite of 'Demons and Immortality'.
Category: General Fiction > Pre-Series, Alternate Universe & Crossovers > Other
Characters: All
Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, General, Humor, Mystery
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: No | Word count: 1146 | Read count: 1577 [Report This]
Published: 23/12/10 | Updated: 23/12/10

Title: The First Day Of Fall by kakashi95
Rated: R18 [Reviews - 0]
Summary: what will happen as konaha's copy ninja falls for a cute blushing chunin?
WARNING: the first chapter is rated U but the later chapters will be more intense.
Category: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Top Pairings > Kakashi and Iruka
Characters: Pair KakaIruk
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Sexual Themes, Yaoi
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 11 | Completed: No | Word count: 5810 | Read count: 5952 [Report This]
Published: 22/09/10 | Updated: 07/12/10

Title: Tears of Fire by fallenangel
Rated: PG Liked [Reviews - 3]
Summary: A strange girl appears in Konoha. No one knows who she is or where she came from. Oddly enough, neither does she. All she knows is her name: Kyoko Hiromaru. She befriends a boy named Naruto Uzamaki, who's also an outcast, and finds herself falling in love in spite of herself. After a while, Kyoko and Naruto decide to find out the truth about why Konoha now has a high school for young shinobi and who Kyoko really is. But their mission leads them down a dark and dangerous path with death waiting at the end if they fail.
Category: OC-centric, General Fiction > Naruto Shippuuden
Characters: Hidden Leaf Ninja, Hidden Sand Ninja, OC, Pair OCNaru, Pair OCSasu, Pair SasuSaku
Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, General
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 6 | Completed: No | Word count: 3505 | Read count: 8652 [Report This]
Published: 19/10/10 | Updated: 28/11/10

Title: Them by TGP
Rated: PG [Reviews - 3]
Summary: They never really talk. They don't really know. But their team is really the most important thing they have, even if their own fears keep them from knowing one another's true heart.

Pre ShikaCho, ShikaIno, ChouIno, ShikaInoCho
Category: General Fiction > Character-Centric, Het Romance > Angst
Characters: Chouji Akimichi, Ino Yamanaka, Pair ChojIno, Pair ShikaIno, Shikamaru Nara
Genres: Angst
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 1985 | Read count: 3758 [Report This]
Published: 07/11/10 | Updated: 07/11/10

Title: Their Stories by silverwolf1213
Rated: 15 Liked [Reviews - 11]

In a dangerous, chaotic world filled with shinobi, everyone has a story. Some are filled with despair, and some are filled with friendship. And even though some might not want to admit it, everyone's story, in some way, becomes intertwined with another's.
Category: OC-centric, General Fiction > Naruto
Characters: Clan Inuzuka, Naruto Uzumaki, OC, Sakura Haruno
Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, General
Warnings: Death, OOC
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 7 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 16805 | Read count: 10916 [Report This]
Published: 02/11/10 | Updated: 06/11/10

Title: Trained in two fronts I by MindlessPath
Rated: 18 Liked [Reviews - 2]
Summary: The story itself takes place as Sasuke has left the leaf village and Naruto, wanting to become stronger, has been trying to seek out Jiraiya the legendary Sennin. Naruto, unlike in the manga, has never met the man before he goes out to seek him. It had been a suggestion of Kakashi, who had thought the two to be suitable and Jiraiya powerful enough to make Naruto the hero he is striving to be. However as Naruto finds the man and gives him a letter from Kakashi, Jiraiya tears it apart and refuses to take in Naruto as a pupil not giving any explanation. Thatr17;s where our story picks up from.
Category: Het Romance > Warned
Characters: Jiraiya, Naruto Uzumaki, OC
Genres: Fantasy, Graphic lemon, Humor
Warnings: Rape, Sexual Themes
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 | Completed: No | Word count: 9474 | Read count: 75955 [Report This]
Published: 10/07/10 | Updated: 27/08/10