Penname: A L Anderson [Contact]
Real name: Angela
Membership status: Member
Member since: 26/11/06
Beta-reader: 0
Real name: Angela
Membership status: Member
Member since: 26/11/06
Beta-reader: 0
Beyond the insanity and the chaos of our worlds there is the tiniest light. Sometimes I wish that it would go out so I didn't try to reach so hard. But its alright in the end, because I can dream.
I use my real name because unlike fantasy, it is something tangible, a real and horrible thing. To be known by a wish is one thing. To be known by a truth. That's quite another.
Favorite Series
Stories by A L Anderson
Title: Small Gods by A L Anderson
[Reviews - 2]

Summary: Destiny stalks the tales of man like a shadow on his trail.
The battles he fights, the trials he endures, all he was destined to win or to lose.
Yet the irony remains thus;
Only he who wars against his destiny will be remembered in the end, until the End.
Category: General Fiction
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 15 | Completed: No | Word count: 36976 | Read count: 25709 [Report This]
Published: 26/11/06 | Updated: 02/03/07
The battles he fights, the trials he endures, all he was destined to win or to lose.
Yet the irony remains thus;
Only he who wars against his destiny will be remembered in the end, until the End.
Category: General Fiction
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 15 | Completed: No | Word count: 36976 | Read count: 25709 [Report This]
Published: 26/11/06 | Updated: 02/03/07