Dislikes: Homophobes, stuck up fools, drawing life, fighting, bad games, wannabe gangsters, waiting for inspiration to strike.
Ok, ladies and gents, first thing's first: I know that my likes and dislikes have a large contradiction in them. I did this on purpose. I hate to fight someone unless I need to, but I love to have practice matches with my friends and family.
Next, you'll notice I only have about one story up. Don't expect this to change any time soon, unless inspiration suddenly takes me to write a one shot or a two shot.
Finally, I will be more then happy to beta something if you ask me to. I am already a beta reader for SamaSurreal, author of 'When Life Gives You Emails,' and the 'Sand Incest' duo.
Anyway, that's all you need to know about me at this point in time. If I think of anything else, I'll make one of those about me stories.