So there was Ryan silver was putting on his sharingan contacts black uchiha jacket his black jeans with uchiha design on the left leg his uchiha kunai holster on his right leg putting in the kunai he put shuriken in his pouch and tied the sword his my back and one round his waist and finally his konoha headband around his neck.
Ok its time to go to the naruto cosplay convention he said with excitement.
hmm I better do a few handseals before I go he said as I went through a load of random handseals suddenly a portal opens and it sucks me in and the next thing know I am dropping from the sky into a giant forest.
AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH OH JASHIN SAMA WHAT THE HELL THIS IS WEIRD AAAAAHHHHH the boy screamed as he dived towards the earth after hitting a lot of trees he fall to the floor to be surrounded by people in masks and konoha headbands then he black out.
Where the hell did he come from says mystery voice 1.
I don’t know but he has the sharingan says mystery voice 2.
And he has uchiha clothes and all this weaponry could he be another survivor? Say mystery voice 3.
he wake up and look at the 3 and recognise them kakashi tsunade and jariya.
Oh my god the sannin medical genius tsunade the sannin hermit jariya and konohas copy Nin kakashi he said excitedly.
Erm hi kakashi said boredly.
Dead on kid tsunade said smiling.
It’s great to meet a fan jariya said with a grin.
Was that forest a dream did I fall out of the sky? he asked.
Yes yes you did now tell me your name kakashi said boredly.
Erm well my name is he said hesitantly.
Oh god what do I say erm well I am dressed like my OC so’ he thought to myself.
My name is uchiha ren son of uchiha itachi ren said coolly.
Uchiha itachi? Interesting what’s your back story? Kakashi said boredly again.
Itachi wanted nothing to do with me neither did my mother so I was raised on the streets and learned about the uchiha history once I unlocked my sharingan ren says as he shows his 3 pronged sharingan off proudly.
Oh my god how did I do that? he thought to myself.
Hmm maybe he should be drafted into my squad we have another uchiha uchiha sasuke kakashi said boredly.
UNCLE SASUKE! Ren said happily.
I guess you could call him that kakashi said curiously.
I got my headband the night I was born when itachi threw the headband of uchiha shisui at my mother at least that’s what I found on the video in the hospital security videos ren said sadly.
Well your going to have a family soon I guess Kakashi poofed away.
Where is he going? Ren asked inquisitively.
He is going to register you as a konoha shinobi tsunade said with a smile on her face.
R really? This is awesome oh my god what missions will I go on first oh this is soo cool ren said at the speed of a freight train.
Tsunade and jariya smiled.
Your going to be a handful aren’t you jariya said chuckling
Don’t make me out to be a baby he said giving jariya the “uchiha glare of freezing hell and death”.
O ok kid jariya said scared a little
And its uchiha ren to you ren demanded pointing at jariya
Y yes ren-kun jariya said scared a little more.
Hmm I wonder where Tia is I hope she will be alright ren thought to himself.
Meh she is tough and evil enough she can go to a convention with out me right? Ren thought worried about Tia.
Heh it would be funny if she some how appeared here heh that would be funny but I have to get some rest I am officially a konoha shinobi tomorrow Ren thought as he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep again.
Things are about to get a bit more interesting around here I can just feel it in the air tsunade said looking at the boy
Let’s go jariya he needs his sleep she said walking out the room.
Y yes tsunade-chan he said still scared and walked out the room to leave ren in peace.
[Reviews - 14]Chapter or Story
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Story notes: A fun collaboration in the works.
Chapter notes: SHA KAKA lets do this its ren style baby ;D