Summary: When Neji gets a three girl cell dumped on him he doesn't know what he's in for! The Reject, The Hyperactive Lunatic and The Stalker....and a ferret!
Rating: 12/12A
Category: OC-centric
Characters: Naruto Uzumaki, Neji Hyuuga
Genres: Action/Adventure, Humor
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapter: 4 Completed: No
Words: 7925 Read: 7907
Published: 03/09/07 Updated: 11/11/08
Story notes: [disclaimer: we dont own anything, apart from the three girl cell] Written by 12_lola_34, lovefantasystuff and suzieuchiha! 1. Team 13 by suzieuchiha [Reviews - 3] (819 words)
[disclaimer: we dont own naruto]
Tsuzi: Okay we did a story, yep us three nuts wrote this, it envolved much shouting and stealing of keyboards
Abi: coz Rosa cant spell!
Rosa: shut up! I have anger problems! remember?
Tsuzi: what does that have to do with spelling? anyway here it is...
2. Tsuzi by suzieuchiha [Reviews - 1] (1902 words)
[disclaimer: naruto belongs to masashi kishimoto] finally got around to writing another chapter for this story (i've been really busy with my other stories) This chapter is Tsuzi's test.
3. Rosa by lovefantasystuff [Reviews - 1] (2574 words)
Sorry it took so long i just realised our story was put up :P
anyway i hope you enjoy this chapter
4. Abi by lovefantasystuff [Reviews - 0] (2630 words)
Well finally got around to writing this chapter.
Originally 12Lola34 was meant to write it but atm she's bogged down with to much work so i wrote it instead, although she made a couple of changes when i was done :P