Itachi:So whats next?
Sasori:*now in shotgun*Take a right when you hit the next road
Tobi:Now what should we sing?
Kymera:How 'bout getting thrown out of the car?
Tobi:I dont know that one but I will try.......
Deidara:Thats it.....yeah pull the van over.....
Kymera:PULL THE VAN OVER NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All standing outside the van
Kisame:Can you guys untie me from the roof now, I got a bug in my teeth.......
Deidara:*tieing Tobi to the back of the van*I dont care you are better than Tobi un.
Kymera:*Doing the same*Yeah!
Itachi:You guys are crazy.....
Kymera:Do you want to be the next tied to the back of the van?
Itachi:*covering mouth*No sorry....^^
Sasori:Ok every one back in the van.
Itachi:so where will we eat at before we get there?
Kymera:anywhere, as long as Tobi stays tied up....
Zestu:I could eat the baka.
Deidara:Is that against your religon too, Hidan, un?
Hidan:No not really
Pulls into a fast food restrant
Deidara:Hey Itachi, do you think you can drive faster when we leave un?
Kymera:Yeah that snail past us back there.
Snail:The speed limit is 60 not 10 MPH Jerk.
Sasori:I will drive....
Kymera:anything is better than Itachis driving.....
Itachi:Dont hate the player babe
Deidara:Leave her alone*Death glare*
In restrant
Kisame:Wasnt tieing Itachi to the back of the van with Tobi a little harsh?
Kymera:NO! those little red eyes bug me....
Hidan:Your eyes are red.....
Kymera:Do you have a problem with them religon boy?
Sasori:Great he's dead.
Cat fight............
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Chapter notes: I dont own Naruto! but i wish I did