Summary: Ino and Sakura have given up control of their organization of fan girls. But, who is to take the title of ownership now? A bunch of love sick and slightly insane girls of Konoha and Suna, that's who.
Category: Het Romance
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapter: 2 Completed: No
Words: 2691 Read: 5759
Published: 22/02/07 Updated: 05/03/07
1. Attention All Stalkers by Oni_Chan [Reviews - 7]

This is Oni! Hey peeps! This is a fic mainly for my close Tonfa friends here! I don't own the Naruto characters. I only own me!
~Oni aka Oni_Chan~ (Me xD)
~Rachael aka Deadly Dream~
~Akina aka Sasuke_Luvr~
~Jess aka CrimsonClover~
2. The Gathering of Stalkers by Oni_Chan [Reviews - 10]

This is Oni! Hey peeps! This is a fic mainly for my close Tonfa friends here! I don't own the Naruto characters. I only own me!
~Oni aka Oni_Chan~ (Me xD)
~Rachael aka Deadly Dream~
~Akina aka Sasuke_Luvr~
~Jess aka CrimsonClover~
~Alex aka AllieChan~
~Ty aka AisuJin~