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Karrine (Season 1) by Akatsukiare4evermine

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Chapter notes: Because who says life's got to change? It may be shtty, but it's ours. We must treasure the stupid fcked up life we were given. – Karrine Schwimley

Again, another chapter/this chapter! *Widens eyes* spoiler alert…

Story is now. My POV isn't on right at this second. P.S: I'M 12 RIGHT NOW!
"B-blue?" Kakashi tried to wrap his head around this. This girl-whom he just met- was telling him a secret that she probably wanted to get out to anyone as long as she knew they weren't going to kill or hurt her for power. Kakashi wasn't even through trying to master regular Sharingan, and this girl was saying she had Blue Sharingan, and, Kakashi thinking that, undoubtedly, she had mastered it. The girl quivered a second time and balled her eyes out. What was she thinking? That Kakashi was going to hurt her? "Hey, why're you crying? How about we introduce ourselves. My name is Kakashi. What's yours?" The girl stopped and stared. Kakashi was talking to her. Not rudely, and, dare she say, actually kind. And she didn't even know him. 'Maybe that's why he's talking to me…' she thought. 'Because he doesn't know me…' She sighed. "My name is Karrine. I won't tell you my last name till you tell me yours." She said defiantly.

Kakashi sighed and shook. Wait, was he….laughing? "My name is Hatake Kakashi, you can call me whatever you please, Karrine-San." He laughed some more. The girl was practically dripping with anger and embarrassment. "My name….will scare you off." She said softly. Kakashi calmed and stopped laughing. "Why?" Karrine bit her lip. "My name is….. Schwimley Karrine, you can call me whatever you please, Kakashi-Sensei." She said, smiling softly at him, waiting for him to run. But he didn't. "Schwimley, eh? Isn't that the name of the leader of-" She coughed to stop him. "Please don't remind me." She said. Kakashi lifted a brow, and then sighed. "Well, what are you doing here?" Karrine softly gasped at his question. What was she doing there? "I needed to go…" She only said. But Kakashi understood. This girl was in books. She was one of the scariest Jinchuriki's ever, or so he was told.

She looked like she couldn't hurt a fly. She looked so fragile. How had she endured so much hate and resentfulness? "Kakashi-Sensei? C-could you take me to the Hokage?" Kakashi stared at her, before nodding. The girl gave him a soft smile.

*Karrine POV*

I was so shy near Kakashi. I was actually warming up to someone outside my handful of good family members. And if you knew how much family I had, that's saying something. This man was so kind…. It's hard to know he's going to leave me once he knows…. Knows how many I've hurt…. Killed… the monsters.

I shook my head, trying to get those thoughts under control. I grabbed his hand and walked with him. I felt like a child, but for some reason it didn't matter. I was a child, treated as an adult. I wanted so badly to be a child, act and feel like one. Be treated like one. An innocent child. I looked up at his face. He was looking forward, but all I was thinking of was his Sharingan. I knew only 4 Uchihas remained, and it was clear he wasn't an Uchiha, so how did he have it? I had it because- I abruptly stopped my thoughts to see a Jinchuriki with bright yellow hair in an orange jacket, and paints. He was running away from some Nin, who was chasing him, calling something about defacing the Hokage monuments. I turned to see paint all over the Hokage's faces, and I couldn't help it. I giggled. It felt good, too. I hadn't giggled in so long, and I felt more like how a child my age should feel. Happy, warm, care free…. Now all I needed was love. Great, where am I going to get that? I looked up at Kakashi, who was staring at me. I blushed when I knew it was because I giggled. "Sorry, I didn't mean to laugh. It was just….something that never really happened. It felt right to laugh. Sorry again…." Kakashi smiled (I think. IT'S HARD TO TELL WITH THAT DAMN MASK ON ALL THE TIME!) And I suddenly cried. I started to feel a patting on my back and looked up to see Kakashi trying to comfort me. "I'm sorry. I just-" Kakashi sighed. "Stop saying sorry. You have nothing to be sorry about." I looked at him confused. I had to be sorry. I wasn't supposed to show my feelings.

I wasn't supposed to be happy. I shook my head, then said, "I'm s- I mean, we should probably go to the Kage now." Kakashi sighed and shook again. And I dripped with fury and embarrassment. He was laughing again. Was I funny?

*Later, Hokage Tower*

"Why are you so happy, even though they treated you so bad?" Kakashi asked me, Karrine, us waiting for the Kage (GOD WHY ARE YOU FAVORING K'S?). I shook my head, and a small laugh escaped. "My philosophy. That's why. Because: Who says life's got to change? It may be shtty, but it's ours. We must treasure the stupid fcked up life we were given." Kakashi looked at me, probably stunned a 12 year old girl knew such words, knew what philosophy meant, and could say such hurtful words. He was shocked. I'm a shocking person, aren't I?

A boy came in, looking for Kakashi. "Who's this?" He asked. Wait, he's an Uchiha… "Hello…" I trailed. He frowned and seemed to look through my eyes into my very soul. Then I heard him gasp, softly. "Your name?" I asked him. "Uchiha Sasuke." I nodded. "Schwimley Karrine." I said, smirking. He narrowed his eyes at me. "So, what are your thoughts, of…?" I trailed, knowing full well he knew both A) I had Blue Sharingan and B) What I was talking about. He leaned in close, knowing it was a secret. "I would watch your back. There are a lot of people here that'd…" He trailed, but I knew what he meant. I nodded. "I'll keep you safe, Karrine-san." I smiled. Then it fell when Kakashi said, "Now what could those 2 be talking of, so whispery there? Is it something naughty?" I felt my face turn red, and saw Sasuke's do the same. "KAKASHI!" We both yelled at the same time, Kakashi sweat dropping and rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly, blushing from the stares of others. "N-nothing to see here!" He said.
Chapter end notes: Hm.... nothing to say...
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