Reviews For Sin City Chronicles
Name: MisterShannen (Signed) · Date: 03/09/08 - 06:36 pm · For: The Damsel in Distress III
I really like this.
Not just for the storyline, although it's great.
I love the way you make Naruto's personality really shine through by the way he tells the story. You really get into his head and this, for me, is what helps to make a brilliant story like this.
I hope to read an update soon, keep up the good work.
Author's Response: Thank you. You have encouraged me to finally get started on the next story arc.
Name: vampirella (Signed) · Date: 06/08/08 - 09:16 am · For: The Damsel in Distress II
run! for the love of shit just run! lol i love this
Author's Response: It's always good to know when you're talents are appreciated.
Name: AikoMatsuo (Signed) · Date: 30/03/08 - 05:01 am · For: The Damsel in Distress III
great keep it up
Author's Response: I will, I already have the general idea of the next story arc! I hopes u enJOY!
Name: Miki Everless (Signed) · Date: 29/03/08 - 06:54 am · For: The Damsel in Distress I
OMG this is awesome =] ur one of my favorites
Author's Response: I'm glad to hear it!
Name: scarlett_fire (Signed) · Date: 28/03/08 - 10:53 pm · For: The Damsel in Distress I
WOW!!! ive never actually seen Sin City but if its anything like your story now i really want to!!! Great chapter! you HAVE to keep going!!
Author's Response: You really should see Sin City. It's a great movie and one of the first comic books I ever read.
Name: scarlett_fire (Signed) · Date: 28/03/08 - 10:53 pm · For: The Damsel in Distress I
WOW!!! ive never actually seen Sin City but if its anything like your story now i really want to!!! Great chapter! you HAVE to keep going!!
Author's Response: Thank you. This comment is the highlight of my day... which is kind of sad.