Reviews For Glimpses of Fire
Name: Swords_and_Bandages (Signed) · Date: 10/03/08 - 08:00 pm · For: Many Years Ago
Well... things make a lot more sense now.
I really like the way you write. You let everything unfold at just the right speed, and the reader can visualize it quite well.
This prologue has a love story worth telling. Maybe you can write about it after you're done with this story?
Your Japanese grammar seems a bit faulty in certain places, but that's quite easily overlooked. The overall content's what matters, right?
Well then, I'll be anticipating your update!
Author's Response: I'm still new with this sight that I had no idea one could respond. -chuckles- Thank you for the review, it helped me a bit, but then I already explained it in the Author's note of the second chapter. I hope you read it and let me know what you think. Sorry it took so long to reply, but I was having a bit of a problem logging onto the sight. Thanks again. Ja.