The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

Main Categories

Het Romance [1090]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around different sex couples.
Alternate Universe & Crossovers [643]
Where cast of the Naruto Universe are inserted into an alternate universe.
Essays & Tutorials [17]
An area to submit intelligent essays debating topics about the Naruto Universe and writing tutorial submissions.
General Fiction [1738]
Any Naruto fanfiction focused without romantic orientation, on a canon character in the current Naruto Universe.
OC-centric [860]
Any Naruto fanfic that has the major inclusion of a fan-made character.
Non-Naruto Fiction [290]
Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance [1575]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around male same sex couples.
MadFic [194]
Any fic with no real plot and humor based. Doesn't require correct spelling, paragraphing or punctuation but it's a very good idea.
Shojo-ai/Yuri Romance [106]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around female same sex couples.
Fan Ninja Bingo Book [124]
An area to store fanfic information, such as bios, maps, political histories. No stories.

Site Info

Members: 11993
Series: 261
Stories: 5874
Chapters: 25331
Word count: 47363839
Authors: 2160
Reviews: 40827
Reviewers: 1750
Newest Member: twsjyte
Challenges: 255
Challengers: 193

Name: Sakina_Shiin (Signed) · Date: 21/02/08 - 09:15 pm · For: Here I am at your service...
I'd like to make a request for TayuyaXShikamaru! I don't know enough about the ratings to give you one so you may deside. The main event should be that Tayuya ran away from Otogakure(sound village) and became a leaf kunoichi. Can you please,if posable make Tayuya cuss just alittle bit less?

Name: Keiko Hyuuga (Signed) · Date: 01/02/08 - 03:52 am · For: Here I am at your service...
Ok, here we go:

Genre: Action, Romance

Pairing: NaruHina, GaaraSaku, NejiTenten

Rating: *shrugs* 18

Major Event: hina-chan kidnapped by akatsuki to lure Naruto.

Ok, and some additional info:

Don't make Hina-chan a wimp. Shippuuden story setting please.
Don't make her fall in love with Itachi or any of them. The very idea creeps me out...

Author's Response: *bright eyed* This one looks juicy..I Kinda like it. Well I will get to work on that as soon as I can, and thank you for leaving me something really, really good to work with and not some plotless yaoi smut (Not saying I mind it or what not) rnrnAnd why in the world would Hinata-chan fall for those creeps?? I love them but no...

Name: vivpiv (Signed) · Date: 16/12/07 - 12:57 pm · For: Let's Try This Again
Hello, can I make a request? I guess I can since you look forward to requests. Well I really want to read a story in which Itachi isn't a psycho(he may be a bad boy) and he's with Naruto. But there's a catch. I'd like Naruto to be the dominant one and Itachi the submissive. You can make it AU if it will be easier to write. Oh and please write a lemon? I really hope that you'll take this challenge. I'll be looking forward to hearing from you.

Author's Response: *ponders and then smirks and salutes* I guess I could give that one a try, and true it would be easier to write that as an AU and a lemon?? Hmmm....Yea...I think I could do that one...maybe possibly

Name: Tari (Anonymous) · Date: 16/12/07 - 09:17 am · For: Let's Try This Again
Woot, you're back ^^!
Altho, I guess you might have been bacl for while, I've been kinda out of it....^^"...I've had a bunch of health problems, so ive been kinda neglecting my fictions.
Hmm....*ish thinking*...I'm gonna try and come up with something really hard....
A sai/sasuke! MWUHAHAHA!
You cna do what ou want with it...but the pairing has to be Sai/Sasuke!
Good luck! *walks away laughing evilly*

Author's Response: Yes I am back, been back over the weekend but I am back!! Sai/Sasuke eh?? I could do anything...hmm...alright then I will see what I can dos!! Get better soon Tari!!

Name: A Vampires Butterfly (Signed) · Date: 15/12/07 - 08:19 pm · For: Here I am at your service...
YAYZ!!!! I have the same screen name there as here, but you won't find any new work, sadly, just old work...*sweat drop* Are you are DA? Oh! What do you have up? Any stories? *hands over a cookie* I'm glad you are better than okay! ^-^ *tackle/glomps* I really missed you! You must talk to me on DA too! *nod nod* With much love, A Vampires Butterfly ^.^

Author's Response: Yea...I am on DA..I have my poetry up there under the name of Rissa Kayin, I might put up a story or two but it is my poetry log. *takes cookie and falls over as she is tackle/glomped* Now I shall find you on DA!!

Name: A Vampires Butterfly (Signed) · Date: 15/12/07 - 07:07 pm · For: Here I am at your service...
1. What type of Story? Humor/Smut

2. Is there a pairing?? Itachi/Deidara. ^-~

3. TONFA rating? Uh...The adult one? *sweat drop* I feel like such a pervert...

4. What is the major event in the story? Well...The same one in every PWP. *sweat drop*

*glomps* I missed you! YAY! Everyone seems to be coming back! How are you? Are you okay? Are you still fantasizing about sand rape? Is Gaara in there, reading this over your shoulder? Are you a lucky ducky? Or just a ducky? Or just lucky? Are you a cookie? Do you want a cookie? If you were a cookie and wanted another cookie, but that cookies didn't like you in the way you liked that cookie would you rape the cookie or respect its cookie wishes? Would you be peanut butter or chocolate chip? Can you tell I like sugar? And cookies? Did you know I'm hyper right now? Did you know I'm really happy to talk to you again? Did you know I mostly write on DeviantArt right now, but am still trying to update and finish as many stories as I can here? Did you know that I am going to hug you right now? *HUGS* Are you happy to talk to me again? Do I get a hug too? Have you gotten anymore requests yet? Did you know this took three whole minutes to right? I bet you already knew I don't have a life. ^-^ With much love, A Vampires Butterfly ^.^

Author's Response: Such a long request...and review and welcome back...and all that such...Let's see if I can get those questions answered. I am doing fantastic!!! So that means more than okay!! No I don't have fantasy about sand rape, because Gaara won't leave me alone about that. I am a lucky ducky, not a normal duck. I love cookies and I am not a cookie, and that last cookie question I really don't know? Yes, who doesn't love cookies and sugar..hyper I can tell definately. Really, you are?? and no I didn't know you are on DA whats your screen name? I must finds you!!! Hugs!! I get lots of those *hugs back* I am happy to talk to you again..I missed you Violet!! no I haven't I will get on this one as soon as possible

Name: A Vampires Butterfly (Signed) · Date: 27/06/07 - 09:25 am · For: The Day Their World Ended..and Started Anew
*tackle/glomps* I'm once again sorry! I guess I'm just a pain in the ass, but it was worth it!!! The ending was my favorite actually! I really, really, really, really, really, well I just LOVED IT!!!! I loved it! I loved it! I loved it! *hands over Naru-chan plushie* Wonderful job! It was so touching and sad and then a bit funny at the end and just great!! I really loved it! Way better than I thought it would be! Sorry it was such a pain. I send in my next request later! *giggles evilly* Thank you again! With much love, A Vampires Butterfly ^.^

-- uzamaki_fluff : *ish tackle/glomped* Its okay really it are the nice sorta pain in the ass...and I am glad that you liked it...I was really unsure of it...okay..

Name: vivpiv (Signed) · Date: 27/06/07 - 07:33 am · For: Here I am at your service...
I'd like to read a story with Sasuke and Naruto.But I want Sasu to be the uke and Naru to be the seme.Also there must be smut.Sweet goodness.

-- uzamaki_fluff : Naruto...On top?? Dear lord...ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?!?!?!? *shrugs* oh well ish your request..I will get to work on it, after Jess's thanks for the request!!

Name: A Vampires Butterfly (Signed) · Date: 25/06/07 - 05:51 pm · For: Here I am at your service...
See I'm not the only one requesting smut! *grins* Sai and Jess smut? Interesting...I just updated that Okay, We're Screwed thing and I really tried to save you, really I did, blame Emo-kun for me failing...*nods* With much love, A Vampires Butterfly ^.^

-- uzamaki_fluff : YA! She requested that last night..I don't mind no mores..

Name: CrimsonClover (Signed) · Date: 24/06/07 - 07:12 pm · For: Here I am at your service...
OH! I want one. Hehe...

1. What type of Story? Comedic smut

2. Is there a pairing? Sai/ Jess.. Because I can..

3. TONFA rating? I dun care... As high as it goes?

4. What is the major event in the story? Pffft... Whatever you feel like writing, I'm good with. ^^

-- uzamaki_fluff : Whoo Boy Jess this is gonna get fun and interesting...major event come on in smut there is no major event!!!

Name: Tari (Signed) · Date: 24/06/07 - 10:11 am · For: Why Teenagers Shouldn't Be Kage
*Wipes away nosebleed* know how to writ Uza-chan. I'm melting into a pile of yaoi fangirl goo here....

-- uzamaki_fluff : *sweatdrops a bit and then walks off* Lemme go get the mop...if I had known this was to happen...I would have just have I dun know restricted what ratings you guys choose.

Name: Tari (Signed) · Date: 24/06/07 - 10:05 am · For: The Bigger Dreamer that Brought us together
Haha...glad you approve of my request Violet-san!

Name: Tari (Signed) · Date: 24/06/07 - 10:04 am · For: The Bigger Dreamer that Brought us together
Specially as my comp has gone and deleted all my fiction work....this is the perfect pick-me-up. ARIGATOU!!!!

-- uzamaki_fluff : YAY!! I lifted your spirits with a story!!!! I loves it!!!!!

Name: A Vampires Butterfly (Signed) · Date: 23/06/07 - 09:42 pm · For: Four Request and Four Thanks!!!
Oh could I be the guy that cuts up the dead bodies?!? I mean that dude is like the best on Law and Order...And what do you mean I should stop saying rape? Naru-chan had no way of stopping it and the only reason he liked it was because he was being seduced by an unexpected storm of sand! Rape, rape, rape, rape, rape, rape, rape, rape, Snake Rape, rape, rape, rape, rape, Sand Rape, rape, rape, rape, rape, rape, Dog Rape, rape, rape, rape, rape, rape, Weasel Rape, rape, rape, rape, rape, Toad Rape, rape, rape, rape, rape, rape, Slug Rape, rape, rape, rape, rape, rape, Wind Rape, rape, rape, rape, rape, rape, Ice Rape, rape, rape, rape, rape, rape, Water Rape, rape. Well that was fun! *giggles* And you didn't realize you were hinting at yuri? I thought I made that obvious...And of course I will save you! You are at the top of my list, it is the least I could do for you writing all of my requests! *nods* With much love, A Vampires Butterfly ^.^

-- uzamaki_fluff : *blinks at how many times you just said the word Rape* and you wanna be working in the morgue..well of course you could do that!!! I don't mind!!!!!! *blinks a bit* well...I wasn't aware of how much YURI I was hinting is like half of the....never mind...

Name: A Vampires Butterfly (Signed) · Date: 23/06/07 - 09:07 pm · For: Four Request and Four Thanks!!!
*giggles and bows* I am very honored to have requested the hardest fic! *giggles again* It was practically Sand Rape, but the hottest Sand Rape I have ever seen in my short life, though I have never really seen Sand Rape before this, I mean sure Snake Rape before, but not Sand Rape. Damn a thirteen year old should not say rape so many times, really...*sweat drop* Oh well... You know they will pick my request It is so the best. At least in my opinion. Then again I loved them all. I can't wait for my next request! Then I will request more! Mwahahahaha!!! *laughs as evil as Sasuke does in his head* With much love, A Vampires Butterfly ^.^

-- uzamaki_fluff : ummm....Violet dear...could you stop saying the word rape?? It was rape it was semi consensual I mean really...what are we Law and Order Naruto division....and your next request is a doozy..I mean OMG!! I am writing that...and I just realized I am hinting a Yuri in this thing...damn..

Name: A Vampires Butterfly (Signed) · Date: 23/06/07 - 07:20 pm · For: Here I am at your service...
I know you were joking! I was joking too! *nods* I happy to providing you with challenges! It is fun and great to see the final out come! With much love, A Vampires Butterfly ^.^

-- uzamaki_fluff : I just read your last request...and now I am hinting at Yuri... Well all I have to say is that it isn't with Hinata...or anything like that...okay??? And you are trying to get me killed by Sakura aren't you...I dun wanna get kunai'd!!!!

Name: A Vampires Butterfly (Signed) · Date: 23/06/07 - 05:45 pm · For: Here I am at your service...
1. Romance.

2. Rock Lee and Naru-chan. *nods* Yep you read that correctly.

3. PG-13 please!

4. Rock Lee has recently found out that Sakura and Ino love each other, which leaves him heart broken. This also leaves a blond ninja very distraught and well, fluff breaks out!

*grins* I love rock Lee, I love Naru-chan. So why not bring them together no? Besides Naru-chan is just a man whore, made for all! One tanned ass fits all, I guess. *giggles* With much love, A Vampires Butterfly ^.^

-- uzamaki_fluff : *pulls out paper, pencil and starts to work on it!!!!!*
Well that was a random 20 year old moment..sorry about that...*starts to write!!!*

Name: A Vampires Butterfly (Signed) · Date: 23/06/07 - 05:39 pm · For: The Bigger Dreamer that Brought us together
Of course! Naruto always brings people together! *nods* I love it! Kakashi and Iruka are so cute together! My favorite couple that doesn't have Naru-chan in it! I love who ever made this request. Oh and I am thinking of another request, just give me a second! With much love, A Vampires Butterfly ^.^

-- uzamaki_fluff : *points at Tari-chan!!!* She asked for it...she asked for a nice KakaIru scene no higher than 15!!! So there it is...and Violet you challenge me..but I will do my best...should be up later or tommorrow when I get home from work!!

Name: A Vampires Butterfly (Signed) · Date: 23/06/07 - 08:48 am · For: Why Teenagers Shouldn't Be Kage
*ish a puddle of giggling Violet goo* IT!!! THANK YOU!!!! Me sorry it gave you trouble...but I just so love it!! I love it. I love it. I love it. It made me giggle and drool. Perfect! THANK YOU again!! I really, really, loved it. Even better than I thought it would be! With much love, A Vampires Butterfly ^.^

-- uzamaki_fluff : *cleans up the Violet goo and just smirks a bit* Well at least you liked it...or rather LOVED IT!! Giggle, drool and melt into a puddle of Goo....and it was better than you thought...oh you don't have that much faith in me or something??? eh...I don't mind...I did my best on it...and now...I am not so was my best work yet!! ^_^

Name: ChiyoChan (Signed) · Date: 23/06/07 - 02:02 am · For: Why Teenagers Shouldn't Be Kage
Oh, Gaara is so mean- what a tease! I love it though, and that last line was great!

-- uzamaki_fluff : *smirks a bit and then nods* Yea..well I had to do something to keep it someone decent and have less of a mess for people to clean up... And that last line...I loved it and it just went pop in my mind...smex!!

Name: A Vampires Butterfly (Signed) · Date: 22/06/07 - 04:33 pm · For: Hinata's Secret Wish
*giggles* I knew it! Every time Hinata blushes and taps her fingers, she is thinking dirty yaoi thoughts! A true shy yaoi fangirl to heart! *nods, pointing finger into the air* I loved it! Kiba and Shino are so cute together! With much love, A Vampires Butterfly ^.^

-- uzamaki_fluff : *giggles softly and then nods* Yea...that is how I intended it to come off. Hinata the secret Yaoi lover and just can't get enough of it...her favorite are the one's staring Naruto!!

Name: ChiyoChan (Signed) · Date: 22/06/07 - 12:36 pm · For: Hinata's Secret Wish
Aww I loved it!
'you complete me Shino' and I had a grin on my face- So kawaii!
Hinata's last line and I was in giggles!
Well done!

-- uzamaki_fluff : *smirks a bit* Thanks for giving me such a was sorta difficult...I never really though of those too being fluffy and cute together... and that last line...that is such an innocent girl who loves Yaoi....come on really...

Name: Wild_Flower (Signed) · Date: 22/06/07 - 12:04 pm · For: Hinata's Secret Wish
Aww, it's so cute! ^^ Sorry, I don't have any requests right now. You know how some people say when they're board they get writter's block? Well for me it's the opposite. I've been busy lately.

-- uzamaki_fluff : Heh its alright...don't worry about it!!! Just drop one and we'll see what I can do...(when you can) Now I have to work on that smut for violet...*waves her fist* I haven't done smut in a while...and I do good at bleh...its an exercise for me.. And cute...phwa..Thankies!!!

Name: Tari (Signed) · Date: 22/06/07 - 03:42 am · For: Here I am at your service...
Rofl....this is such a cool idea uzu-chan! And you might be able to help me with something!
I want to put some Kakairu in my story, just fluffy scenes really, and it wont come in till later. But i suck at writing yaoi T_T
So d'ya think you could write me a cute little fluffy scene with them? Something for me to work from ^^
Rating - nothing over a fifteen mum would kill me if she found out i was reqeusting 18 rated fics 0_0'
You can choose the rest tho! And thankies!

-- uzamaki_fluff : uhh...Fluffy KakaIru...dear lord....*nosebleeds* My two favorite chars, so smexy and different...alright..

Name: A Vampires Butterfly (Signed) · Date: 21/06/07 - 06:00 pm · For: Five More Minutes!
Hehehe...I liked it. I never get Naruto dreams. *pouts* If I did it would probably be filled with yaoi, not with me in it. *sweat drop* I think I may be a bit obsessed. I think you made Kabuto just funny enough for someone with glasses. With much love, A Vampires Butterfly ^.^

-- uzamaki_fluff : phwa!!! awesomeness!!!

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