Reviews For I'll Never Let Go
Name: Danielle (Anonymous) · Date: 27/06/13 - 10:44 am · For: I'll Never Let Go (Finale)
Great story, but it's such a pity that it was so short.
Name: eldertensa (Signed) · Date: 25/04/09 - 07:01 pm · For: I'll Never Let Go (Finale)
That was amazing!
Name: scarlett_fire (Signed) · Date: 06/09/08 - 09:50 pm · For: I'll Never Let Go (Finale)
>o< (thats my SUPER AMAZED face) omg this was an amazing story, only two chapters but you fit so much in and your right it isnt like ANY naruhina story ive ever read. it was amazing hence the face! i honestly love the way you took events that happen in the real manga and molded it with your own story it was brilliant. you totally deserve best in catagory! thats for sure!! such a cute ending too!! ^^
Author's Response: Thank you very much! I had a real good time writing it, so its great to see you had a real good time reading it! :D
Name: Rashiruno (Signed) · Date: 04/09/08 - 07:04 am · For: I'll Never Let Go (Finale)
I was choking back tears through the middle part....Good Fic!
Name: shadowsoflife (Signed) · Date: 28/08/08 - 03:57 am · For: I'll Never Let Go (Part 1)
That was awesome. this is the best naur/hina story I read
Author's Response: Thank you very much. I appreciate the kind words. ^^
Name: ItachiUchihaLover (Signed) · Date: 23/08/08 - 08:57 pm · For: I'll Never Let Go (Finale)
one word "wow". now i no y this is best in catagory.
Author's Response: Thanks. ^^ I had a fun time writing it, so its great to see so many people had a great time reading it. :D
Name: Melodysandninja (Signed) · Date: 05/08/08 - 07:39 pm · For: I'll Never Let Go (Finale)
I... love this story... I wish I could write like this... You're amazing.
Name: Megs (Signed) · Date: 10/07/08 - 03:55 pm · For: I'll Never Let Go (Finale)
AAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!! That was so cute!!!!Best story ever
Name: naruxhina (Anonymous) · Date: 16/03/08 - 10:55 pm · For: I'll Never Let Go (Finale)
ignore the person below me he has NO idea what he is talking about! that was one hell of a story, there was so much emotion and suspense, i LOVED it, excellent job, you made my day with this story, it was beutiful, i teared up when naruto snapped but i had a BIG smie at the ending^_^
Name: doodoo (Anonymous) · Date: 17/12/07 - 08:09 pm · For: I'll Never Let Go (Finale)
that was boring as hell dumbass!!!!!!!!!
Name: Swords_and_Bandages (Signed) · Date: 18/07/07 - 02:03 am · For: I'll Never Let Go (Finale)
Aww. I wish I could get a birthday present like that. So sweet. Excellent work. Keep it up.
-- PhoenixClaw : Thank you very much for the nice review! Lol, my first thought was 'well heck, who WOULDN'T want a ramen cupcake?'. But, yeah. Hinata, got it. -sigh- Guess I'm just a little hungry right now. XD
Name: Sorca5 (Signed) · Date: 14/07/07 - 03:56 pm · For: I'll Never Let Go (Part 1)
This...OMG, this writing is That's how I describe it. it's just...I'm sorry, it's such a great story. I can't find the right words to explain it. It's the best NaruXHina fic I've read in all of Tonfa, and I've read every NaruXHina fic in Tonfa!
-- PhoenixClaw : That is one of the greatest compliments I have ever received for this piece. Over at, this fic of mine currently has 82 reviews, and I can't think of one that quite matches up to your last sentence. This was something I wrote nearly a year ago now, and it just amazes me how I still receive glowing reviews so long after I first committed this story to my keyboard. All I can say is thank you. So again, THANK YOU!
Name: narutoartlover (Signed) · Date: 25/06/07 - 08:23 pm · For: I'll Never Let Go (Part 1)
ok im not sure why but i'm about to cry at the ending its so good
-- PhoenixClaw : ^_^ Keep reading, I think you'll like the rest. Thanks for the review!
-- PhoenixClaw : EDIT: Oh, I get it! You read the whole thing and went back to the first page to review ^_^' My bad...LoL.
Name: niveaus (Signed) · Date: 12/06/07 - 09:23 am · For: I'll Never Let Go (Finale)
I'm so glad you posted your stories here too, this one was absolutely amazing. I can hardly believe how well written and real it was, and I really liked Naruto's inital reaction as an alternative to the usual/Hinata's expectation. I'm favouriting this, and having already read the Christmas one, am going to look for the other stories you've posted. Thank you for sharing!
Author's Response: (Grin) To be honest, I am most proud of this piece above any other, so its a HUGE honor to hear such kind words being directed at it. :) Hope you like the others as well. :P Oh, if you're going to check out the other ones too, I'll be looking forward to see what you think of 'Just Another Day'. Besides this fic, that has to be my second favorite thing I have ever written. (And its not even complete! Woot!)