The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

Main Categories

Het Romance [1090]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around different sex couples.
Alternate Universe & Crossovers [643]
Where cast of the Naruto Universe are inserted into an alternate universe.
Essays & Tutorials [17]
An area to submit intelligent essays debating topics about the Naruto Universe and writing tutorial submissions.
General Fiction [1738]
Any Naruto fanfiction focused without romantic orientation, on a canon character in the current Naruto Universe.
OC-centric [860]
Any Naruto fanfic that has the major inclusion of a fan-made character.
Non-Naruto Fiction [290]
Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance [1575]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around male same sex couples.
MadFic [194]
Any fic with no real plot and humor based. Doesn't require correct spelling, paragraphing or punctuation but it's a very good idea.
Shojo-ai/Yuri Romance [106]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around female same sex couples.
Fan Ninja Bingo Book [124]
An area to store fanfic information, such as bios, maps, political histories. No stories.

Site Info

Members: 11993
Series: 261
Stories: 5874
Chapters: 25331
Word count: 47363839
Authors: 2160
Reviews: 40827
Reviewers: 1750
Newest Member: twsjyte
Challenges: 255
Challengers: 193

Reviews For Konoha Civil War

Name: ethan bowen (Anonymous) · Date: 02/03/14 - 05:57 pm · For: From the journal of Uzumaki Naruto
do you make those up yourself. if you have skills

Name: ethan bowen (Anonymous) · Date: 02/03/14 - 05:25 pm · For: Hinata's poem to her father

Name: rockon5002 (Signed) · Date: 31/03/10 - 04:18 pm · For: Coming SOON!!!?? OMGWTFZOMBIE BBQ~!!
thank god theres more and I think you should do a follow up based a few years later I don't know if this is just me but I want more like is there still unrest in the village or is there still mistrust of the hyuga going on are naruto and hinata married is naruto the hokage can temari walk or has she been paralized andnhow are things going in Tsunadas (hope I spelled that right) village and there are tons more questions left unanswered so please at least do a little thing that atleast answeres one of those questions. please this was just too awesome to leave off at that.

Name: sandman123 (Signed) · Date: 11/03/10 - 04:36 pm · For: Epilogue
i have to say....these fanfics are amazing this is the first review iv ever done, but these deserve it you have a truely great creative mind. five stars. well done.

Name: eldertensa (Signed) · Date: 17/01/10 - 08:22 am · For: Epilogue
great story

Name: Random Naruto Fan (Anonymous) · Date: 17/04/08 - 01:36 am · For: PROLOGUE
Excellent Work!

The story was well written, though very dark for a kids manga. Poor Lee!

The death was kind of needed, admittedly. Because of Kiba (and partially Akamaru) the story would not have gotten as far as it did. Ino's death motivated Shikamaru to carve out Hanabi's eyes out, because of Kakashi and Hinata. The eye thing was a good plot device, but very grim.

Why Lee and Shika? It was not crucial, but oh well. The author has sole jurisdiction of a fic. Meh.

Author's Response: First off, Thanks for the review. Yes, I knew it was a little dark but I figure that at least it wasn't the same ol' cut and dry crap thats already been done before. Why Lee and Shikamaru? Because it seriously wouldn't be expected. Sometimes not everyone is able to get off their best moves before a fight is over and I wanted to show that.

Name: insert name here (Anonymous) · Date: 19/03/08 - 10:58 pm · For: Proof of Myself
Awww!!! i really like Lee, he's my second favourite character, i hope he doesn't die, but what i ant to know is:

Why was Anko able to keep up with him?
Why didn't he take his weights off?
Why didn't he open the gates?

Man... What a drag...

Author's Response: <.< WHy's Anko able to keep up? Not Jutsu!rn>.> Why didn't he take his weights off? Who says he had them on?rn<.< Gates? Maybe he just didn't get a chance to. s*** happens yo.rnNah seriously I was trying make the fights as realistic (Ninja-wise) as possible. Maybe a real experienced Ninja like Anko was able to constantly attack and keep up with him...I dunno. I just thought it would be a good match-up

Name: insert name here (Anonymous) · Date: 19/03/08 - 09:28 pm · For: Declaration
Two things, First of all, Shikamaru is So. Damn. Cool that it's not even funny...

Second: Kakashi is AWESOME!!!! him, Lee and Naruto kick so much Ass that it's unreal. 11/10

Name: Chelsea Dubbs (Anonymous) · Date: 12/03/08 - 01:33 pm · For: Hinata's poem to her father
Wow. This story is really awsome. Keep it up author.

Author's Response: thanks, I could've done better thought i think.

Name: mk (Anonymous) · Date: 01/03/08 - 12:07 am · For: PROLOGUE
wheres "the last blade of konoha"

Author's Response: Uh...haven't written it yet >.< been kinda busy.

Name: hashala2694 (Signed) · Date: 23/12/07 - 04:38 am · For: Epilogue
that was AWESOME!

Name: hashala2694 (Signed) · Date: 23/12/07 - 03:12 am · For: Battefield
i love gai sensei and lee they are histerical!

Name: hashala2694 (Signed) · Date: 23/12/07 - 01:58 am · For: A letter from Hanabi to Shikamaru.
this song is so perfect for shikamaru

Name: hashala2694 (Signed) · Date: 23/12/07 - 01:41 am · For: Declaration
oh god thats so sad but hell yeah take the bitches eyes out hahahahaha ... HA! Shit this is such a sad story but it is so good kill Hiashi now do it do it pretty please.

Name: hashala2694 (Signed) · Date: 23/12/07 - 01:28 am · For: A letter to Naruto, from Hinata
what is this from i need to know!

Name: hashala2694 (Signed) · Date: 23/12/07 - 01:27 am · For: Cloud Connected
holy shit exorcist bitch needs to die i cant believe it what a bitch i just want to strangle her and jeez right when we get some good happening she has to screw it up so now we all need to pick up any weapons we have and mentally hurl them at hanabi the demon seed from hell!

Name: Konoha's red flash (Anonymous) · Date: 19/12/07 - 03:21 pm · For: Epilogue
Could you please post the third part of the series, it is reall good and from the looks of it you haven't updated in a long time

Name: Moon Ecstasy (Anonymous) · Date: 13/10/07 - 01:29 am · For: Epilogue
Well aside from the fact that I think there was an entire chapter missing somewhere between the Art of Breaking Part 3 and The Ghost of You it was still a good story. I have to say though, that you're ending was kinda, well rushed or forced. It didn't have the depth and detail and believability that the other chapters had. Also some of the characters acted really out of... pardon the unintended repetition... out of character.
So the ending kinda flopped and disappointed.
But overall it was still a good story, you made me cry and that happens rarely.

Author's Response: Yeah, I feel the same way...might end up doing a remix or special edition

Name: Moon Ecstasy (Anonymous) · Date: 13/10/07 - 12:55 am · For: ...and the pot bowleth over...
Fucking hell... the only consoling thought I have is that Lee is not dead in the manga... but damn... I havn't cried that hard since Fred died in the last Harry Potter book... I have a hate/love thing for you now that will fade by the time I finish the series and turn back into a love thing (and if you're freaking out thinking Oh God Creepy Stalker Girl: It's really hard to stalk people over the internet and there are different types of love... this is a love that I gain for my favorite authors... a love that says "thank you for this story please write more")
Anyways I'm still crying and It's three in the morning and I have homework I should be doing but I'm gonna continue reading.

Name: Moon Ecstasy (Anonymous) · Date: 13/10/07 - 12:40 am · For: A note written by Maito Gai
Okay okay... I'm on chapter 27... I know I'm much too late to vote and all that... but I'm taking a deep breath and steeling myself for the next chapter... I hope to all heavens Lee won't die... PLEASE GOD!!!!! I will not flame you if he does die... but please note that I will cry... real tears! That's how good your writing is it has involved me this much! I WILL CRY!!!!! Okay... deep breaths.... here I go....

Name: Kieran (Anonymous) · Date: 16/09/07 - 11:58 pm · For: Epilogue
god thats a gud story, really gud story, a heck of a lot of mistakes, as in spelling and shit, but still blody awesome, btw how can naruto be a queen? and when is the next thing gonna be dun? :-)

Name: KIERAN (Anonymous) · Date: 16/09/07 - 07:53 pm · For: ...and the pot bowleth over...

Name: KIERAN (Anonymous) · Date: 16/09/07 - 07:53 pm · For: ...and the pot bowleth over...

Name: Kieran (Anonymous) · Date: 16/09/07 - 03:32 am · For: Bad dog, no biscuits
damn this is fucked up, but still an awesome story. btw hiashi is an dick face

Name: _dreemar (Anonymous) · Date: 26/07/07 - 03:31 pm · For: Epilogue
readdd so manyyy chapters ^.^ i lovedd everything about this story.[: gooood job!

-- N1nj45tyl3 : glad you liked it ^^

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