The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

Main Categories

Het Romance [1090]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around different sex couples.
Alternate Universe & Crossovers [643]
Where cast of the Naruto Universe are inserted into an alternate universe.
Essays & Tutorials [17]
An area to submit intelligent essays debating topics about the Naruto Universe and writing tutorial submissions.
General Fiction [1738]
Any Naruto fanfiction focused without romantic orientation, on a canon character in the current Naruto Universe.
OC-centric [860]
Any Naruto fanfic that has the major inclusion of a fan-made character.
Non-Naruto Fiction [290]
Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance [1575]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around male same sex couples.
MadFic [194]
Any fic with no real plot and humor based. Doesn't require correct spelling, paragraphing or punctuation but it's a very good idea.
Shojo-ai/Yuri Romance [106]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around female same sex couples.
Fan Ninja Bingo Book [124]
An area to store fanfic information, such as bios, maps, political histories. No stories.

Site Info

Members: 11989
Series: 261
Stories: 5874
Chapters: 25331
Word count: 47363839
Authors: 2160
Reviews: 40827
Reviewers: 1750
Newest Member: Trillian97
Challenges: 255
Challengers: 193

Reviews For Light the Darkness

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 22/04/10 - 01:34 pm · For: Chapter 7: Torn Away
I still love the 'Gaara ate Aiko' thing. It makes me bust up every time. I can't wait for the next chapter. Please please please write more soon before I fall down in this seat, watching the computer for Light the Darkness updated for a while without food or anything, leaving my death on conscious.

Author's Response: :) yeah, i at the moment am wondering when Kankuro will get over it. Seriously aknkuro! The explanation is obvious- Gaara ate Aiko, then spat her out! ^^ I shall try my best to update before you die- but I will not be connected to the crime! Muwahahaha! Would you mind checking out my bingo book? Just made it...

Name: crazykittylover (Signed) · Date: 21/04/10 - 10:22 pm · For: Chapter 7: Torn Away
I toasted bred~ for Gaara.

oooo I do love the cliffhanger! its very nerve splitting...Gaara is not going to like the idea there at all

Author's Response: ????bread? Sorry, im confused. ^^? Thanks! i was going to write more, but I was stuck, and then I thought, why not end it like this? Perfect cliffhanger ending! Seriously, Gaara is going to *SPOILER CANNOT SAY*.. Anyway, I'll try to put the next chapter up soon. Right now, though I'm working on Kokoro Uchiha. Trying to stop being lazy. ^^

Name: Ninja Ally (Signed) · Date: 08/03/10 - 10:11 am · For: Chapter 6: Please..Please...
Sweet. Gaara's a possessive brother:D Eh, it happens when you have no one to love. Sigh, poor Gaara.

Author's Response: Yup, yup, he' waaay possessive! I'm glad you picked up on that :) Sorry, i'll respond to your other reviews, but I'm busy for a while..

Name: Ninja Ally (Signed) · Date: 08/03/10 - 10:07 am · For: Chapter 5: Shaggy dies ;)
hahaha! Kankuro was drugged! That was good:)

Author's Response: Yup! Oh, his hair style is hilarious! You'll love it!rn

Name: Ninja Ally (Signed) · Date: 08/03/10 - 10:03 am · For: Chapter 4: I don't want to be touched by someone like you!!!

Ahw. Poor Kei, He's pretty cool! I hope he gets a good part in the story:D

Author's Response: No Spoiler!! Anyway, you'll find out! XD You know, I never knew what XD meant (thought it meant something, dumb me) but then I figured out it was a face.. At times I can be seriously SLOW. Oh, and THANKS for rieviewing. I'm sorry I don't respond so fast, but I can be lazy, busy, lazy, and totally out of it for weeks at a time.

Name: Ninja Ally (Signed) · Date: 08/03/10 - 09:59 am · For: Chapter 3: Stay here. Don't go anywhere.

:O I wonder why she isn't breathing? Got to do with her weak spells? Hmm...wonder, wonder.

Author's Response: Very true! Anyway, I suppose you found out why, but it's to do with her weak spels like you said.

Name: Ninja Ally (Signed) · Date: 08/03/10 - 09:54 am · For: Chapter 2: "Well, that's one way to practice."

Interesting...I just noticed that i spelt Aoki's name wrong in the last review. Sorry bout that. I like them. Their personalities are cool and have depth, unlike some of peoples' flat characters. Keep up the good work.

Author's Response: No, no, I was the one who epelt Aiko's name wrong. ^^ sorry, my bad.

Name: Ninja Ally (Signed) · Date: 08/03/10 - 09:45 am · For: Chapter 1: Thorns Through my Heart
Wow, that was great. Sorry I had a busy schedual, with school. State testing and all that stuff. But now i have time to read it! Poor Gaara and Aiko. At least they have each other now:D

Author's Response: Yeah. I know, I'm glad they have each other too! Although, Gaara is possessive..rn

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 23/02/10 - 02:55 pm · For: Chapter 1: Thorns Through my Heart
Hey, Rose-chan, if you haven't, can you read the new chapter 2 of Torikago. I redid it, so that's why I'm asking.

Author's Response: Ok!rn

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 08/02/10 - 02:53 pm · For: Chapter 6: Please..Please...
Okay, I have to admite, Gaara is a total bass's terd. He deserves to get hit in the face a few times. I feel bad for poor Aiko. I think Gaara should go jump off a cliff. Sure, I want him to live, but I also want him to be in the hospital.

Author's Response: Ha ha! Yeah, i agree! But gaara doesn't know the meaning of pain until Sasuke hits him, so....

Name: crazykittylover (Signed) · Date: 07/02/10 - 08:23 pm · For: Chapter 6: Please..Please...
good grief Gaara is such a sick baster....well i dont blame him for it...i blame fate for allowing him to grow like that.

keep up the good work~!

Author's Response: yup, yup... Thanks, i'll try!

Name: crazykittylover (Signed) · Date: 15/01/10 - 10:07 pm · For: Chapter 5: Shaggy dies ;)
i like this version....but this part wasnt as funny as before but life will go on. loe that kankuro swooned...XD keep going!

Author's Response: Sry! I'm glad you liked it though.. :) Thanks, i will!

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 15/01/10 - 07:16 pm · For: Chapter 5: Shaggy dies ;)
HAHAHAHA! Ah, torturing Shaggy seems so fun. Man. I wish I was Temari. Anyway, great chapter, and I think Kei is an awesome character. I can't wait for the next chapter.

Author's Response: Heheh, yup, Temari had a good time of it!

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 15/01/10 - 06:51 pm · For: Chapter 4: I don't want to be touched by someone like you!!!
Youch. I admit, punching Kei was a bit much, but slapping Aiko was a heck of a lot meaner. Anyway, great chapter and I can't wait to read the next one.

Author's Response: I know! But, koko- I mean Aiko called him FILTH, which i'm pretty sure nobody would take lying down... Thanks, I'll get the next next one up soon. THe next one is already up... I'm just being lazy and not updating on the next nExt one.. :)

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 11/01/10 - 05:34 am · For: Chapter 4: I don't want to be touched by someone like you!!!
Okay, I haven't read this yet, but Kei is the name of Ino's daughter in my new story, Next Generation:GNW

Author's Response: Really? Heh, Kei in this story is a boy!

Name: crazykittylover (Signed) · Date: 10/01/10 - 10:51 pm · For: Chapter 4: I don't want to be touched by someone like you!!! different from before....but i liked wen kankuro found her casue then he got to see gaara eat her XD but this version is ok too,,

Author's Response: No, Kankuro will find her! :)

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 03/01/10 - 06:54 pm · For: Chapter 1: Thorns Through my Heart
hey, since I'm not sure if you were here, I updated Sasaui Zarkuru while you were gone.

Author's Response: yep, I'll check it out. Sorry, it's kinda hectic around here, so I haven't been able to check it out yet!

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 03/01/10 - 05:51 am · For: Chapter 3: Stay here. Don't go anywhere.
*mouth falls open* What in the world is wrong with Aiko? And how come you didn't have the Gaara eating her thing..... or was that next chapter? Hm.... Anyway, great chapter!

Author's Response: Haha! Thanks for reviewing, and I want to warn you, the chapters are COMPLETELY different.. I shoud have said that huh? Anyway, I'm not sure that the Gaara eating her thing will be there- (oh yeah the chapter is split in half..) rn

Name: crazykittylover (Signed) · Date: 02/01/10 - 10:49 pm · For: Chapter 3: Stay here. Don't go anywhere.
well i kinda like this version of the chapter. its pretty good keep it up! lolz on kpuppetman needing a haircut..

Author's Response: Yeah, heh, I thought that would be funny. :)rn

Name: HanakoAnimeaddict (Signed) · Date: 22/12/09 - 11:18 pm · For: Chapter 1: Thorns Through my Heart
This is really good! I like it a lot!


Author's Response: Hey, thanks! I'm glad you like it! :)

Name: crazykittylover (Signed) · Date: 13/12/09 - 11:17 am · For: Chapter 2: "Well, that's one way to practice."
wow....ty for saying im one of top rdrs ....i lik this chapter its good rev to wats hapned cant wait for the nxt!

Author's Response: of course! You are! Thank you!

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 13/12/09 - 06:46 am · For: Chapter 1: Thorns Through my Heart
Hey,Rose-chan,I wanted to tell you now instead of bre2k8,I'm Sasaui Uchiha.

Author's Response: Wow, really, why?

Name: bre2k8 (Anonymous) · Date: 13/12/09 - 05:40 am · For: Chapter 2: "Well, that's one way to practice."
Um..Yeah...You sorta did the Aoki Aiko thing again. Anyways, still an absolutely great story!

Author's Response: Uh-oh...Sorry... Thanks! I'm glad you liked it!

Name: crazykittylover (Signed) · Date: 11/12/09 - 11:44 pm · For: Chapter 1: Thorns Through my Heart sry for u deleting ur story tht would defently suck but dont let it faze u, just come back with a greater story!

i like this story and cant wait till u get caught up to where u were. keep it up

Author's Response: Wow, really? Thanks! I'm glad you like it! :)

Name: bre2k8 (Anonymous) · Date: 11/12/09 - 03:26 pm · For: Chapter 1: Thorns Through my Heart
Once again,this is a very good story and I can't wait to reread the next chapter!

Author's Response: Oh, wow, you're rereading it? Nice! I'm glad you like it so much you'd read it twice! Oh yeah, the fifth chapter is underway, and it'll be done soon!

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