Reviews For Evolution of a So-Called Uchiha
Name: dalaw (Signed) · Date: 25/09/09 - 04:52 pm · For: Evolution of a So-Called Uchiha
Either or both of those sound lovely.
Author's Response: lol Alrighty then. I've started on Akemi and I should have Naruto up after that. ^_^ Thank you for your support!
Name: dalaw (Signed) · Date: 23/09/09 - 05:42 pm · For: Evolution of a So-Called Uchiha
Oh my god. This was so amazing I'm actually close to tears. One thing though, I wish to know more about those eyes of hers.
Author's Response: Well, if you want, I could do another "Evolution" one-shot for Akemi herself. I would have no trouble with it. I was actually planning on doing one for every major Naruto character. Let me know if that sounds good to you. ^_^
Name: crazykittylover (Signed) · Date: 22/09/09 - 07:54 pm · For: Evolution of a So-Called Uchiha
OO wow...this was defently good a chapter! it was just at lost of words. nicely done ^^
Author's Response: Thank you very much! I had fun writing it, although I did skip a lot of things. I had to or it would have been a mile long... *cough* Thank you so much for the review! *high fives you for being my first reviewer* 8D