Reviews For Firefly Tears
Name: Ardisaur_rawr (Signed) · Date: 25/10/09 - 04:30 pm · For: You Are My Love
This makes my heart hurt.
This story is amazing.
You portray these character's emotions so beautifully.
The way Izumi was hugging the pillow just broke my heart.
Naruto is definitely the type to just worry about his friends. Then, when he meets up with the people that harmed his friends, he goes ballistic.
Author's Response: Wow, thanks. I'm really glad that you guys have had such strong reactions to my stories-- I tend to think that I'm an overdramatic writer who draws things out way too much and doesn't have a lot of skill...but y'all seem to think differently, and that makes me happy beyond words! You know, I think that when I was writing about Izumi hugging the pillow, I cried a little myself. Seriously-- nobody else has mentioned it, but that was the part I sort of intended to have a huge effect, especially the way that the pillow was cold, lifeless, and unmoving, representing the idea that Kei could die and that Izumi wouldn't have a warm, soft girl in his arms anymore.
Name: Miki Everless (Signed) · Date: 25/10/09 - 04:03 pm · For: You Are My Love
Jesus Christ. Izumi and Naruto are taking it really hard; Izumi, especially. Poor guy. He's probably going to find her half-dead. And Sasuke? I think he's going to be the character death.
Either Sasuke, Izumi, or Sakura. You've been focusing on them more vigourously during the past few chapters.
Oh, God, I hope Izumi finds out Sakura's name before she (maybe) dies. It would make me cry if he never found out her name.
Author's Response: It would really make you cry if he never found out her name??? Maybe I'll do that...just to see you cry. Well, not see it personally, but you know. See, I've already decided on the character deaths, and you'll be finding them out soon enough. Killing Sasuke is extremely cruel, no? Because Naruto is obsessed with the idea, "I couldn't protect one precious person...I have to die trying if it means protecting this one." ...Killing Sasuke with that in mind would so be my style, wouldn't it? I am so cruel.
Name: halfkyuubikat (Signed) · Date: 25/10/09 - 02:11 pm · For: You Are My Love
....oh wow!
I love all your chapters! This is a great story and well writen! I enjoy the relationship between Sakura and Izumi!
Everything is awesome (even if Sakura is a bit of a Mary Sue in the beginning)
Please continue writing!!
Author's Response: Aww, that's so sweet of you to say. I don't think I've ever gotten a review from you before-- it really touches me that you've decided to. :) Thanks a million. By the way, I really like your nickname... halfkyuubikat. Almost like a half-demon (Inuyasha) and a kyuubi (Naruto) and a Kat (you, I assume?).
Name: ontuva (Signed) · Date: 25/10/09 - 07:48 am · For: You Are My Love
Aaaa, this one made me cry. ;_; You wrote really well his feelings and now even I'm crying! (I'll probably have waterfalls coming out from my eyes when this story ends).
Izumi is helpless. I can relate to that feeling. When your loved one is in danger and there's really nothing you can do... It's terrifying.
Author's Response: Yeah, seriously... this might sound awful of me, but I'm really happy to hear you say that I made you cry. I'm trying to make readers cry. Isn't that horrible? I must be a horrible person!!!! But anyway, I am trying to make people cry with this story, and I think that if they didn't get upset over the death of Lee, Neji, Shino and Kiba (I think it was those four that died) then I want them to feel Izumi's fear and anguish over not being able to take care of the one thing he swore he'd take care of. He is absolutely crushed.
Name: ontuva (Signed) · Date: 25/10/09 - 07:43 am · For: The Captured
Yay! Rescue team! So it's like two of them against...the whole army of Continent.... ;_;
And Izumi is actually quite scary when he is pissed. o_o
Author's Response: I want to make Izumi the kind of guy who is someone you never want to cross, because when he is mad, he is MAD. But he doesn't get mad easily, he just gets pissed when something important to him is being threatened, etc.
Name: ontuva (Signed) · Date: 25/10/09 - 07:35 am · For: Defeat
OH MY DEAD *insert a swear wod* GOD!
I don't know wheter I should cry or look like this ":OOOOOO".
I mean, hooolyyy cow.
I'm still amazed how you seem to make every chapter a bit better than the one before but this was... O_O Like. Omg. I don't have words!
This is Awesome! EVERYTHING!
And I can't wait to read more.
I still don't want to guess who is going to die and why, but I'm guessing Kei isn't going to have good time while being a prisoner. And Izumi... He must be torn when he finds out.
Author's Response: Yeah, Izumi is PISSED. But thank you for the praise-- I try to make each chapter a little better than the last, true, and I really wanted to make this good.
Name: ontuva (Signed) · Date: 25/10/09 - 07:29 am · For: Sweet Love of Mine
GAAAH! ADRENALIIIINEEE. I feel like sitting in ants' nest! ;_; And that last sentence!! You are killing me!
Author's Response: AIEEEE! Aren't adrenaline moments the best???? And the last sentence is killing you, huh? I'm sorry....
Name: ontuva (Signed) · Date: 25/10/09 - 07:19 am · For: I Will Follow You Into The Dark
I cried, because Lee is so cute. :< He is Lee, the fuzzy-eyebrows! One of my favourites in the manga. :D
But about this chapter, bwaaaa, you almost made me cry again. The reason I didn't, is because my boyfriend is teasing me again. Like "Write a wall-crushing review of DEATH! Then I'll read and APPROVE it!"
It's really spoiling the mood...
On to the next one! ->
Author's Response: "Write a wall-crushing review of DEATH! Then I'll read and APPROVE it!" Your boyfriend is flippin' hilarious. You can tell him I said so. I like Lee too, but he just had to die...
Name: Miki Everless (Signed) · Date: 23/10/09 - 05:33 am · For: Defeat
Sakura. He said her name.
Well, she's so gonna get raped.
And Izumi's gonna be powerless to stop it... BECAUSE SHE POISONED HIM! MWUHAHAHAHA!
That was the big character death! You had it cleverly disguised as a joke, but bwahahaha! I have uncovered it!!!!!!!!!
Okay, I'll stop acting like a retard. I'm looking forward to the next chapter.
Author's Response: He did say her name. It really threw her, that's true. And she won't get raped-- not if Izumi has anything to say about it! BUT WAIT! He's been poisoned!! Ha ha ha, that was a good one,, Izumi and Naruto aren't dead, and they aren't poisoned. But seriously. When Izumi learns about this, there will be no force on earth that will stop him from reaching his Kei. And she'll wait for him, even forever if she has to. She believes in him. All right, next chapter up'll be surprised how much I enjoy torture fics...BECAUSE THIS IS ABOUT TO BECOME A TORTURE FIC!!!!! I won't make it too graphic, don't worry. Thanks for reading, it means a lot to me that you've stuck with an amateur like me for this long!
Name: Ardisaur_rawr (Signed) · Date: 21/10/09 - 08:11 pm · For: Defeat
Nooo!!! Kei and Sasuke!!
Ling-Ma got her name right!
He didn't even know it!! haha
This is such a mean twist! GAHHH!!!
I don't even know what to say!
Author's Response: There you go. Prepare to cry.
Name: AphoriditeRose (Signed) · Date: 20/10/09 - 10:41 am · For: I Will Follow You Into The Dark
Wow.. I love that song too. It reminds me of the titanic, when the musicians stayed on playing until the very end as they accepted their death. Man ~ I love this story :0
I'm hoping no one dies, but I honestly can't tell what's going on in that brilliant brain of yours! Although I highly doubt Sasuke and Naruto will live on without each other.. Nyaah! I shall keep my eyes peeled for the next chapter! :)
Much love xxx
Author's Response: Thank you! I am writing it as you read this, lol. You'll have to see who lives and who dies-- it's going to surprise you and probably make you cry.
Name: AphoriditeRose (Signed) · Date: 20/10/09 - 10:29 am · For: So Be It
Okay ~
Now I have that off my chest i'll read this chapter ;D xx
Author's Response: You got it! That may be my favorite Disney movie...
Name: Miki Everless (Signed) · Date: 20/10/09 - 03:08 am · For: I Will Follow You Into The Dark
Author's Response: What a nice, long-winded review. You know, this review was almost as good as the one that said, "o_O Holy shit." That was another great review!
Name: Ardisaur_rawr (Signed) · Date: 19/10/09 - 02:46 pm · For: Your Hands Are Cold
Poooooor Lee!!!!
Author's Response: I know. :( But it was time to kill someone. Wow, that sounds heartless. But really, it was time for me to do something I've never done before-- it was time to kill a character.
Name: Ardisaur_rawr (Signed) · Date: 19/10/09 - 02:35 pm · For: I Will Follow You Into The Dark
Holy emo chapter. LOL
It's okay though!! It was good.
Death Cab for Cutie is awesome!!
It does kind of change the mood.
This chapter was really short... but what else can you do, right? I think you said everything you wanted to.
Author's Response: Exactly. I said everything I wanted to. And yes, it was emo, but I wanted that. A sort of peaceful emo, though. I love that song...
Name: ChicagoIsCalling7 (Signed) · Date: 19/10/09 - 02:15 pm · For: Lieutenant Colonel
Girl Power. Nice. But really, my favorite part of this chapter was Naruto and everything Naruto. Naruto is just so... Naruto. Haha. ^^ Oh, but Kei/Sakura and Izumi snuggling was very cute too.
Author's Response: Thanks. <3 I love IzuKei fluff moments. They pretty much make the story for me. Anyway, whatever-- I hope that you don't mind all the IzuKei-ness... ha ha ha, I'm still chuckling at the fact that I don't even consider her as "Sakura" anymore, she's just "Kei." She sort of falls into that role pretty well.
Name: ChicagoIsCalling7 (Signed) · Date: 19/10/09 - 02:08 pm · For: Target
Oooh, suspense. Icky. And yet, you make me not mind.
That is all. ^^
That was a compliment, by the way.
Author's Response: Well, thank you. :) I'm trying to create a little more conflict in there-- so now we've got this and Sasuke's assassin thrown in there...more on both of those issues in later chapters.
Name: ChicagoIsCalling7 (Signed) · Date: 19/10/09 - 02:05 pm · For: Restraint
Man, you're too good at writing filled with lust. ^^ That was very sweet and chilling but I hated all that talk about dying.
And let me just say, if you're going to kill one, please, kill both. In any relationship. Just saying. ^^
I know that was an awful review but I really have nothing else to say for this chapter - at least, nothing I haven't said before.
Author's Response: Thank you-- every review, no matter how short or how stupid, is a review, and it counts for something. Seriously. When you're a writer, those things matter. Anyway, moving on: if I kill both in a relationship, it's somewhat a happy ending because it means one isn't without the other, and I'm trying to kind of have a bit of a sad ending. I'm going to tell you something now-- I will be killing characters. In chapter 40, there will be the death of one minor character, and then in chapter 41, there will be the confirmation of the death of another character. Just saying-- I'm trying to break some of my boundaries with this. I think I this, but I'm trying to kill off at least one main character because I've never been able to kill off a main character without it being a "mistake" (e.g, they're not really dead) or coming back to life somehow. So I'm trying to change that-- I'm trying to kill someone. I'm not telling who it is.
Name: ChicagoIsCalling7 (Signed) · Date: 19/10/09 - 01:54 pm · For: Trust Deceived? No.
Aw. Sweet, cute, lovey-dovey. How sad I've been missing this for so long. But hey, the work was piling up on me too. ^^'
Cute chapter Sarahkins.
Author's Response: Aww, thank you. I like how she was like, "I'm afraid I couldn't restrain myself..." or something and Izumi thinks she's gonna say something totally indecent, and then she says she can't restrain herself from kicking him, and he just died of feeling stupid and laughing...
Name: ChicagoIsCalling7 (Signed) · Date: 19/10/09 - 01:51 pm · For: Trust Deceived? No.
OH!!!!! I haven't even read this chapter yet but I totally forgot to mention:
I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!!! Knowing you're becoming a true blue yaoi fan makes me all giddy. ^^ I mean, we already kinda knew it, y'know, but silly fantasies like that is confirmation!!! Yay!
Author's Response: ...Yeah, silly fantasies...heh, heh, heh...erm, let's move on...
Name: ChicagoIsCalling7 (Signed) · Date: 19/10/09 - 01:50 pm · For: Homecoming
I love how you've made Naruto and Sasuke. I mean, how they interact is so much fun to read and it just makes my day.
On the other hand, so does Sakura and Izumi's love blossoming.
That sounds ridiculous. Anyway, those last two paragraphs really resonated with me and I think you did a fantastic job with them, and the whole chapter as well. ^^
Author's Response: Oh, thank you. <3 That makes me happy to hear, when people are really satisfied with the way I write or make characters act. It makes me more confident as a writer, because it means I'm doing something right. At the same time, it puts a barrier up, because now I have to fit characters in the way that people like them. You're a writer, you must know what I mean.
Name: ChicagoIsCalling7 (Signed) · Date: 19/10/09 - 01:42 pm · For: Loved
... I can't find the words to describe how I feel right now.
Maybe I don't feel anything.
Nah; I'm happy for Sakura. Shuuji is too nice, whether because he's a push-over, or such a sweet guy, but either way, he's nice.
Kei is cute. In that little brother kind of way.
And Izumi is a complete and total obvlivious idiot. Good job. ^^
Author's Response: Yeah, Izumi is a bit of an idiot, but he's a selfless idiot. Like, he totally had her sent away because it was an excuse to keep her safe and away form battle, even if it would hurt him. Not "hurt" him-- I mean, he absolutely destroyed her, so he would have it even worse than "hurt" OR "destroy" just really killed him.
Name: ChicagoIsCalling7 (Signed) · Date: 19/10/09 - 01:33 pm · For: I Love Izumi!
OMG, Sarahkins, that was so out there, but it fit in fine, oddly enough, but God, my jaw dropped and everything, I burst out laughing!! Ha. Haha.
.... I have nothing else to say. In retrospect, that should seem pretty stupid but really, I thought that was a brilliant reason. I am proud of you.
Author's Response: YES!! I had to find a reason as to why Hanataro would hate Kei, and I had to think, "What would make me hate someone?" The first thing I thought of was that person would have the heart of the person I loved. ...Bingo. I had to use it. Also, it kind of shows that it's universally known and accepted that Kei and Izumi are in love, y'know...
Name: ChicagoIsCalling7 (Signed) · Date: 19/10/09 - 01:26 pm · For: Second Place
Aww. It's hard to say whether or not I like Shuuji better than Izumi.
...Very tough. It's also hard to say whether I want Sakura to end up with Suuji or Izumi. I at least want her to reject Izumi and make him fall lower, just for a bit.
That can't say anything good about me. ^^'
Anyway, that's really all I got from this chapter. As usual, I love you're writing, but I didn't think I needed to say that, even though I did. I hope you feel extra special now. ^^
Author's Response: Ha ha ha, thanks. :) And you know, it really does make me happy to know that you're taking hours out of your day to read this ridiculous story.
Name: ChicagoIsCalling7 (Signed) · Date: 19/10/09 - 12:56 pm · For: Story of an Angel
You made me cry. No kidding. I hate that what's-his-face and I feel awful for Naruto and I'm glad he has Sasuke and Izumi needs to stop wallowing and go get Sakura!!! Jeez.
But amazing job, nontheless. You're right, you did a fantastic job with description and emotion. ^^
Author's Response: Thank you. :) I'm very proud of this chapter-- I think it may be best I've ever written as for emotional things. And I'm actually glad you cried. As awful as that sounds.