The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

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Het Romance [1090]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around different sex couples.
Alternate Universe & Crossovers [643]
Where cast of the Naruto Universe are inserted into an alternate universe.
Essays & Tutorials [17]
An area to submit intelligent essays debating topics about the Naruto Universe and writing tutorial submissions.
General Fiction [1738]
Any Naruto fanfiction focused without romantic orientation, on a canon character in the current Naruto Universe.
OC-centric [860]
Any Naruto fanfic that has the major inclusion of a fan-made character.
Non-Naruto Fiction [290]
Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance [1575]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around male same sex couples.
MadFic [194]
Any fic with no real plot and humor based. Doesn't require correct spelling, paragraphing or punctuation but it's a very good idea.
Shojo-ai/Yuri Romance [106]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around female same sex couples.
Fan Ninja Bingo Book [124]
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Site Info

Members: 11998
Series: 261
Stories: 5874
Chapters: 25331
Word count: 47363839
Authors: 2160
Reviews: 40827
Reviewers: 1750
Newest Member: KpopOt7Bias
Challenges: 255
Challengers: 193

Reviews For Firefly Tears

Name: ChicagoIsCalling7 (Signed) · Date: 06/11/09 - 01:27 pm · For: I Will Follow You Into The Dark
I could have cried. I want to beg you not to kill them, if you're planning too, but I won't because what ever you do is going to result an in amazing story so whatever, do what you must.
... Those two are so cute together. Except some emails about yaoi and how you're totally converting, 'kay?
Anyway, right, so this was definitely an emotional chapter for me, even though it was so short, and I'm just glad they're together.
Good song, btw. ^^'

Author's Response: Yeah, isn't it? I lvoe that song so much. And I admit it. SasuNaru has worked its way to my "it's okay" list.

Name: ChicagoIsCalling7 (Signed) · Date: 06/11/09 - 01:25 pm · For: Your Hands Are Cold
Oh, I forgot to say I love the first few lines between Naruto and Sasuke in the last chapter.
And in this chapter, a quirk of mine is I love when characters get jealous. I don't know why, but nevermind that, point is, I loved how riled up Izumi got. It was kinda adorable. I like how, rather than having a bloody battle, it was really a scene that helped move the story along and people were actually interacting during the fight. Did that make sense? I doubt it, but I hope you know what I mean.
Um, Sakura and Izumi are so cute together.... I'm sad Lee's dead but I've never really liked him and you didn't make the reader too emotionally attached to him, so I guess that was cool... like, I'm okay with the fact that he's dead, not that I wanted him dead or anything... just saying. ^^

Author's Response: Yeah, I always love a little rivalry. :)

Name: ChicagoIsCalling7 (Signed) · Date: 06/11/09 - 01:18 pm · For: So Be It
Writing and mechanic wise, I think you're doing great, as always, and I didn't notice any mistakes or anything.
Story wise, I can't really say anything yet because nothing's really developed. Just that I'm dying with anxiety for all of them right now.

Author's Response: That's what I want-- a sense of fear and anxiety for the characters.

Name: ChicagoIsCalling7 (Signed) · Date: 06/11/09 - 12:54 pm · For: Ready or Not
Okay, the only reason my reivews are short, choppy, and suck is because I'm anxious to move on to the next chapter so I can find out what happens. I would hate to have actually been on time in reviewing and actually have to wait a day or two before the next chapter was posted. That would be torture!
Oh, the line where Izumi says "You know my choice," you forgot the end quotation. ^^
Anyway, the selfless love Izumi and Sakura/Kei have for each other is really touching, if not slightly stupid. I keep thinking they should just run away and never look back, jeez. But I know, I know, they have friends and responsibilities; psh.
Anyway, um, that's all, as always, fantastic job, but now I really have to keep reading because someone is so getting hurt and I need to know who...!!!

Author's Response: I do love the unconditional love that they have for each other-- it's almost kind of sad. It's naive and is a weakness. But at the same time, that weakness is exactly what gives them strength, and that is why it is so beautiful.

Name: ChicagoIsCalling7 (Signed) · Date: 06/11/09 - 12:49 pm · For: So Crazy It Might Just Work
I was rocking in my seat because you're words made me feel the tension and anxiety that those soldiers must be feeling. It was crazy.
But I hate that stupid cliff-hanger. Why torture me? Is this like, payback for being late? Well Grrr.
Anyway, I'm proud of Sakura. You made her more likable to me, which I think is an accomplishment. ^^

Author's Response: Oh, thank you! What made her more 'likable', though? I'll have to go back and reread that chapter...

Name: ChicagoIsCalling7 (Signed) · Date: 06/11/09 - 12:44 pm · For: To Be Left Behind
Intense. You're good at that. And romance. And fights.
It's slightly daunting; but I'm excited for the battle scenes 'cause I know they're going to have incredible imagery and descriptions it'll feel like I'm watching Naruto or something. -shivers- ^^

Author's Response: Thank you. I'm actually very proud of myself. I'm actually not good at extensive battle scenes. Like, the whole thing's over in a couple've chapters. I can't do drawn-out fights. Shorts fights between two people I can do. Maybe three at most. No large-scale,'s a weakness...

Name: Ardisaur_rawr (Signed) · Date: 02/11/09 - 01:58 pm · For: You Bring Light Into My Life
Okay. I cried!
I was listening to music at the same time that I was reading this chapter, and "All Around Me" by Flyleaf came on. It was definitely the most PERFECT song for this chapter. I started crying harder when it came on!

I knew he couldn't be dead!
But, you are just evil enough to scare us like that!!!
MUCH love,

Author's Response: I am happy to hear that you cried, but also sad-- because it's the end of the story!!!!! And I love that song by Flyleaf (though "Cassie" is my favorite) and it IS perfect! You know, when she realized when he was dead, I wanted suggest the song "Held" by Natalie Grant because the lyrics are perfect and I started crying when I heard it, but it almost falls into the catgory of Christian Rock, even though "God" is never mentioned in there, and I just didn't want to offend anyone, and I just left it. But that's a wonderful song too. Ardisaur, please continue to support me-- I would love it so much if I saw your reviews on my next story; I would truly consider myself blessed. Thank you for all the help you've given me!!!!!!!

Name: Miki Everless (Signed) · Date: 02/11/09 - 02:38 am · For: Star Shower
Cute, fluffy ending. Nice in contrast to the gruesome army time, I'll give it that, haha.
I love how everybody's together... it kind of gives me hope. Like, no matter how shitty your life is, you can always turn it around, changing it for the better. Just with the right people.
So Ageha has Naruto's spirit? Like how Yuuri had Julia's spirit in Kyou Kara Maou?
I've got to say, the only thing I disliked about this chapter was the assasin. She stopped following him around? I was really hoping for more depth, especially with the cliffhanger you left about Sosuke, the freaking CREEPER...
But, as I said, this was the only flaw. I laughed, cried, and fell in love with the characters you portrayed in this story. Well done, Sarah-hime.

Author's Response: Ha ha, yeah-- but I had to wrap things up!! I was like, "GYAAH-- Christina's gonna have my head for all the stories I left out of this involving the assassin and stuff," but I really had to wrap this up. There was not much room to do it. Honestly, the story I was really looking forward to writing was Naruto finding out about the death of Akira-- I mean, that Sosuke ended up killing her, how he got this complex about protecting people, etc. But thank you, and thank you for becoming my friend and being such an amazing reviewer and person-- I've had so much fun with you. Please continue to look for my stories in the future. :)

Name: ontuva (Signed) · Date: 01/11/09 - 11:54 pm · For: Star Shower
I want to throw TONFA out of the window. Too bad that isn't possible. (Yep, my review got lost to the bitspace again. T_T)

But I loved this one. I cried again (but for different reasons than before). I'm actually happy. Everything got sorted out. They are happy. :) (At least they seem to be.)
And Ageha's name is so pretty! I googled the meaning, since I was interested in it. :D

You weren't satisfied in the ending? As a writer I can understand that but believe me - you've got no reason to be unsatisfied with this one! I wouldn't change a thing!

Thank you so much for sharing this story with us. It has been a pleasure reading this (although I needed a tissuebox more than once) and honestly I can't wait to read more from you! (I think I'll check out your older stories too.)

Author's Response: Thank you so much for being such a sweet reader, Ai-chan, and I am so happy that I became friends with you over the course of this time. :) And I love the name Ageha-- butterfly... <3 Please continue to be the awesome friend and reviewer that I look forward to hearing from!

Name: Miki Everless (Signed) · Date: 30/10/09 - 07:32 pm · For: You Bring Light Into My Life
OH, thank GOD.
I was just about to buy a plane ticket over to Ohio to beat the crap out of you.
Almost killing Izumi... what's wrong with you?!
Ah... it's sad that Naruto's dead, but I guess it's for the best. It would seem like an overly-happy fic if he turned up alive.
But this isn't over yet, I know. The assassin that you mentioned several chapters ago... she's not gone.
And Izumi still doesn't know Sakura's real name.

Author's Response: Ha ha ha, maybe I should have kept him dead just to get you to come over here, Christina. And actually, there's only one chapter left. Isn't that sad?

Name: ontuva (Signed) · Date: 29/10/09 - 11:30 pm · For: You Bring Light Into My Life
IZUMI IS ALIVE! *happy dance*
(How can I possibly write my WALL-CRUSHING REVIEW OF DEATH when you keep writing these awesome chaps! It's not fair! ;_;)

But yeah, I cried. :D With this goofy smile on my face. But I'm so happy he is safe! He was my favourite. ^^

And I feel really sorry for Sasuke, since he lost Naruto, but if it had went the other way around, I don't think Naruto would've survived.

I love your story. Thank you so much for writing this!
(Ps. How many chapters are there left? o_O)

Author's Response: Well, thank you. And to tell you the truth...there is only one chapter left. I know, right!!!!

Name: ontuva (Signed) · Date: 29/10/09 - 11:25 pm · For: Not Over In My Heart
It's over! They killed Wei-rong! Oh my. o_o Kei is just...amazing!
And the final chapter is coming. Oh now. (You absolutely have to start writing something else, I'm hooked to your stories. They are unbelievable. I mean, unbeliavably good and hooking and awesome and these are the words I always use, aren't they. ._. Hm. I need to get a new repertuary!)

But I mean. Now, wait a second. I don't have a word!
Gah, I'm speecless, again.

I'm really hyped to see what will happen next. The war is over, but like Shikamaru said - it isn't over in their hearts.

Author's Response: Right-- it still isn't over in their hearts. That's the biggest thing. It will never be over, and they will never forget.

Name: ontuva (Signed) · Date: 29/10/09 - 11:14 pm · For: For All of Us
Oh, I'm so sorry! :o I'll try to not to swear, I promise. ^^'' Sometimes it just slips. (When I'm angry or frustrated I get really foulmouthed. ^^'' TONFA's review-cutting really affects my nerves. :I )

But this! THIS! (It's 7:40 am, I just woke up and when I realised you had updated, I almost jumped trough the roof and I had to come to read! I haven't even had my morning tea yet!)

I'm really glad Sakura finished of Ling-ma. I hated that guy. I hate him even more now that I know he was the one to fire the arrow. But I have one question!
"We've found out who Ling-ma is," Shikamaru told me.
Shouldn't it be Wei-rong in here? o_O
(And I guess Izumi's last name was Togu? :D)

Still awesome. ^^ But now I'm really considering my morning tea. From my nice japanese set. ^^ It really helps getting into the mood of reading your story!

Author's Response: Yeah, I'll fix that little mistake...sorry, I wrote that chapter at 3 in the morning, I was totally out of it...and remember? Izumi was named Izumi Togu.

Name: halfkyuubikat (Signed) · Date: 29/10/09 - 07:51 pm · For: You Bring Light Into My Life


but my favorite character in the whole world is dead (Naruto)...but my second favorite character, Shika is alive!!! YES!!

Che..I knew you couldn't really kill Izumi..

Author's Response: Of course I couldn't kill Izumi. Izumi is practically my son. I made him-- and I absolutely adore him. <3

Name: Ardisaur_rawr (Signed) · Date: 29/10/09 - 02:46 pm · For: For All of Us
I honestly don't know what to say......
This story is sad.

Author's Response: It is sad, isn't it? I've never written a sad story-- this may be my first "sad" story. I think I'm doing a pretty decent job, but that's kind of conceited for me to say... anyway, I will make you happier toward the end.

Name: Ardisaur_rawr (Signed) · Date: 28/10/09 - 02:12 pm · For: Finish What We've Started
I realized the movie that you got Naruto's line from!
The Prince of Egypt!
I freaking love that movie!

Author's Response: Yes, I make it a point to use a line from a movie in every fic and see how many people can pick it out. And anyway, that is such a perfect line for this situation, or for any "I'll sacrifice myself because I love you" situation.

Name: Ardisaur_rawr (Signed) · Date: 28/10/09 - 02:11 pm · For: Finish What We've Started
Izumi and Naruto!?
What!? Do you like torturing people?

Author's Response: ...I'll admit it now, I DO!!! I love to torture people!!!! I am an evil sadistic girl!!!!

Name: Ardisaur_rawr (Signed) · Date: 28/10/09 - 02:06 pm · For: Sakura
Oh no....
I'm seriously crying right now...
You are evil!!!


Name: Rowanrose (Signed) · Date: 28/10/09 - 12:15 pm · For: Assassin
hmm, before long every single person in camp will know who she is!
Shikamaru, Sasuke, Izumi, maybe Captain...
Really good story!

Author's Response: Thanks! Continue reading, please-- your reviews are really appreciated! :)

Name: dragonfire04 (Signed) · Date: 28/10/09 - 10:54 am · For: Finish What We've Started
this was a sad chapter when naruto had die in front of sasuke.

Author's Response: It was, wasn't it? I wanted to at least let them say goodbye to each other. Izumi and Kei, however-- she didn't even get to say goodbye, didn't get to say, "I love you." He just dropped to the ground in front of her...

Name: Miki Everless (Signed) · Date: 28/10/09 - 03:14 am · For: Finish What We've Started
Sarah, make at least one good thing happen at the end.
God... Naruto... AND Izumi.
He didn't even get to find out her name.
Dear God, I'm so distraught.

Author's Response: Christina, I promise you that I will make at least one good thing happen at the end. :) I promise-- I will right several wrongs.

Name: halfkyuubikat (Signed) · Date: 27/10/09 - 07:42 pm · For: Finish What We've Started

Naruto! Izumi!! WHY!!!!

Alright i must give you the pleassure to know that this was the first fanfic that i ever cried while reading....and when i mean cried i mean 'sobing hystericaly while causing a pile of tisues to form, and all the while shouting hystericaly at nothing'...yes that crying.

Despite this, the chapter was really good and i hope that at least one of the main characters All the same i will make sure i have the tisues ready before i start reading the next chapter.

Oh, and in reference to my name, I have three scar like marks on my cheek (thanks to my cat) and for a long time my friends made jokes at me saying I was 'half naruto' So i used that, but changed it to Kyuubi (cause it sounds cuter) and the Kat is me. All my nick names revolve around it and I can't seem to shake it off. So thus is how halfkyuubikat was formed! (But i do like Inuyasha and got a lot of the books until i went broke)

Author's Response: I know this is so sadistic of me, but I am so glad I made you cry! That is one of my awful goals-- to make people cry during this fic. But you couldn't be crying THAT much... "sobbing hysterically while causing a pile of tissues to form, and all the while shouting hysterically at nothing..." That has to be an exaggeration-- I'm not THAT good of an author, lol!!! But thank you, and thanks for the explanation of your name-- that's kind of cool. :)

Name: ontuva (Signed) · Date: 27/10/09 - 05:15 pm · For: Sakura
After the number two I made emoticon list to at least number six.
Well, ok, no can do. You can guess that there were lots of crying emoticons.

Author's Response: I have to please ask you not to swear...sorry, I honestly don't care, but I got in trouble when my dad saw the F word in nice, big, capital letters on the computer screen. *sweatdrop.* But anyway, I get your point-- it's so annoying when TONFA screws it up.

Name: ontuva (Signed) · Date: 27/10/09 - 05:14 pm · For: Finish What We've Started
Oh god, this is You know, not in a way, that this story is bad or anything, but NARUTO and IZUMI DIED. ;_; That is horrible. I knew it was coming, yet. ;___; Gaaaaaaaaaaa...

I can't manage to say anything coherent right now. You are awesome and this story is awesome. It always good to read something that makes you feel, you know what I mean?
But now, I'm going to sleep. And hold on to my boyfriend tightly.

Author's Response: I'm kind of sorry. Only kind of. I'm going to surprise people at the end.

Name: ontuva (Signed) · Date: 27/10/09 - 05:10 pm · For: Sakura
Ok, I don't have any words right now. I'll just display my feelings in emoticons.
1. o_o
2. :''''''''''''''''

Author's Response: Can you believe it?

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