Reviews For Firefly Tears
Name: ChicagoIsCalling7 (Signed) · Date: 21/07/09 - 10:56 am · For: It's the Heat
Haha, I like Naruto the way he is. The old brother figure, but not the supportive/protective kind, more like the "annoying-to-toughen-you-up" type.
Anyway, I can just tell we're going to be seeing a lot of Sakura/Kei and Izumi moments. Greeeeat.
Sort of. XD
Oh, I like the name Izumi by the way. Anyway, keep up the great work as usual Sarahkins, I'll try to keep up this time. o_
Author's Response: Thanks for the awesomeness review, and yes, we WILL be seeing a lot of IzuKei, so deal with it. And shut up. Just kidding. :) Anyway, I'm gonna try to shift the focus onto SasuNaru more than i did in YFM, because I know that will make you happy... *sweatdrop* But a lot of the story is about Sakura/Kei, y'know?
Name: ChicagoIsCalling7 (Signed) · Date: 21/07/09 - 10:48 am · For: The Son
How sad; I'd be beyond bitter but you've made Sakura such a good soul. Will she really never be long haired or a pinkette again? Well, whatever.
The summary is great by the way, very intriguing, it's no wonder you're getting new readers. ^_^
So this is a great beginning, definitely attention grabbing, I'm already anxious to see what you have in store next.
Anyway, you just posted the second chapter so I'd better get on that before someone I know pesters me about it. o_
Author's Response: She has to be a good soul...otherwise, we wouldn't have a story, no? :) Anyway, She will never have long, pink hair again-- not that she cares at that point. It's all about saving Kei, y'know? Because if she saves Kei, she saves her mother. I tried to make the summary good, y'know? I haven't thought this story out very much, so it's gonna be weird and off-balance, but I'll try. I don't even have an ending. You gotta understand, I always try to plan an ending for stories before I write them, but with this one, I'm throwing myself into the abyss and hoping I land on a bed of marshmallows.
Name: Miki Everless (Signed) · Date: 21/07/09 - 02:22 am · For: The Son
Ontuva's right about the way you write. In fact, I'm still not believing the fact that you're only fourteen. Your writing skills rival that of A Vampire's Butterfly.
Author's Response: Oh, wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You guys are way too nice to me!!!!!!!! Wow, I can't believe it-- I mean, WOW! I don't even know what to say! I'm so flattered, and stunned that you guys think this way! But I just hope I can live up to your expectations of me now that you think so highly of me, ha ha ha!
Name: ontuva (Signed) · Date: 20/07/09 - 08:01 am · For: The Son
I liked this. A lot. And I mean a lot lot lot. :D The story is original (although it reminded me bit of Disney's Mulan, but still). And the way you write is so...smooth. I can sense the emotions behind the text and I can imagine all the events so clearly in my head it's just amazing! You are definitely a good writer!
I can't wait for the next chapter to come out. :)
Author's Response: I know, I only realized that it was so close to Mulan after I started writing!!!! I just decided I'd try to make it different. It'll be an atypical sort of story. Anyway, thank you so much for reviewing, and for your awesome comment-- I'm glad you like the way I write. <3 I hope you'll continue to read "Firefly Tears"!!!
Name: Vixkill (Signed) · Date: 19/07/09 - 07:46 pm · For: The Son
awww, that was really good! reminds me of the start of Tamora Pierce's 'The Song of the Lioness quartet' without being too close.
looking forward to the next chapter!
Author's Response: "Song of the Lioness Quartet"? I've never heard of it. Is it any good? Also, thanks for reviewing-- I hope you'll continue to read!! :Drn
Name: Miki Everless (Signed) · Date: 19/07/09 - 07:21 pm · For: The Son
This idea, I think, is better than You Found Me's.
And if you can write it well (which I know you will do, because you're awesome, haha) it'll be a truly distinguishable fic.
Really, I love this idea. And I like how you started off with Sakura; it hooks the reader.
Haha; update soon, Sarah-hime!
Author's Response: Thank you for your comment!!!! It was the very first I received; I was soooo happy to see it was from you! It's gonna be a lot better than You Found Me, I promise.