The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

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Reviews For Sakura's Angel

Name: Miki Everless (Signed) · Date: 26/08/09 - 02:49 pm · For: Sakura's Angel
Yeah; I'd be pretty depressed, as well. (If the canon couples were Sasu/Saku Naru/Hina.) At least Naruto/Sakura is a good couple; the other two are just... *shudders*
Really? I didn't think you hated Ichigo/Rukia that much, haha. I'm not too far into the series, so I haven't seen any Ichigo/Orihime yet. Renji/Rukia's a cute couple, though.
Midwest, huh? That's pretty convienient, to be able to live in an area that's not either freezing or blistering hot.
Daegu's huge, but the military bases are stationed in the ghetto. (Put it this way... the right outside of Camp George, where the preschool-12th grade school is, there's a strip club.)
I'm an athlete, as well. I'm Varsity on the tennis team, and I might make Varsity on the wrestling team as a 101-weight class.
They stopped selling Monster here about five months ago. I swear, I think I went through withdrawal. ;_;
Entire... shelves? O.O I HAVE TO GO TO THE STATES SOON... Shelves! Freaking shelves of manga!
Thanks for answering my questions! =D I might visit Ohio during college. Shelves of manga... holy crap.
Feel free to ask anything about Korea.

Author's Response: I was wandering along my reviews one day and saw that I had never responded to this review. I was like, "....Guess it's time to get started then, Sarah." So! I don't HATE IchiRuki...I just don' it. As in, at all. I prefer the two as strong friends. Okay, this is pathetic, but I LOSE SLEEP worrying over manga/anime pairings. I'm not even kidding you. Laugh all you want-- I don't give a damn if you think it's funny, because I'm serious. ...Okay, questions about Korea: 1) Do they not sell shelves of manga? 2) What's your culture like (<-- vague question, sorry) 3) What kind of house do you live in? 4) What is the weather like? 5) Have you ever thought of going to school in America? Might be a good opportunity. You could live with me in the guest house my parent will rent out to me. 6) What's your school system like?

Name: Miki Everless (Signed) · Date: 24/08/09 - 10:35 am · For: Sakura's Angel
Well, yeah, you could put it like that, ("I don't want to be a hollow") but to me, when the scene was showing, it just naturally flitted across my mind that Ichigo tore off the mask because even if he gained power from it, he'd lose himself and in losing himself he'd be the cause of Rukia's death. Although Renji and Rukia are a cute couple, I mean, really.
I don't watch Bleach anymore; it got a little... mehh. I'm more into Naruto, FLCL, Death Note, Fullmetal Alchemist, OHSHC, the like.
Woah, Ohio? I knew it; you DO live in the States.
I live in Daegu, South Korea.
I've never lived in the States, but I've visited; and that was only in the Florida area to visit my dad's family.
Whenever I tell people I'm from Korea, they ask me if I'm part of the Communist party.
It's really kind of funny, how ignorant some Americans are. (No offense; I hold you in the highest respect.)
What's it like, in Ohio? That's... up there, isn't it? Like, north? Is it cold there? Do they distribute manga in the bookstores? And anime figurines? What's the school system like? Did you guys switch periods in 5th-8th year? Sorry! I'm really curious!
Oh, my God. Do they sell that imported Monster?

Author's Response: Whoa, whoa, whoa! So many questions, ha ha ha! But first, Bleach: I love RenjiRuki, IchiHime. Those couples are awesome! Look, if it turns out that it IS IchiRuki, then, well, okay. That's how it turned out. I mean, sure, I will be absolutely desolate for a month, but what the hell-- what can I do about it? It's the same with NaruSaku/NaruHina. If it does end up being NaruHina, I will be dead for weeks. I really hope it's NaruSaku. And so, let's skip on over to you next questions. Ohio-- it's actually pretty nice, as far as he temperature goes. It's kind of humid right now, and in the morning when I go to catch the bus, it's kinda chilly, but it warms up as the day goes on. Um, we're not too far up north, but we're in what they call the midwest, which is a little cluster of states that are sort of in the middle of being too hot or too cold. And when I say midwest, that has nothing to do with the "wild west" and cowboys. But if you want hillbillies, you can go to my home state of Kentucky where everyone talks with a southern accent. In Ohio, though, the accent is very neutral. Um, let's see...anyway, we have decidedly short summers, ridiculously long winters, and spring and fall are without argument the best seasons here in terms of colors, temperature, and the scenery. Um, with the manga, yes, we do have manga in bookstores...often times, there will be several shelves devoted to it...we also have anime figurines, but those are mostly in video/cd stores or available through online order...and the school system is actually not that complicated. Speaking of school, I'm writing this at 6:30 in the morning, and I've gotta catch my bus at 6:40, so I kinda have to go. I'll tell you more in another reply, okay? And about the Monster...yes, we do sell it, but being a pretty devoted athlete, I would never drink that stuff. Oh, and I looked up Daegu on Wiipedia, and...holy crap, it's big.

Name: Miki Everless (Signed) · Date: 28/07/09 - 02:20 pm · For: Sakura's Angel
Ah; I'm only at the part where Ichigo saves Rukia.
OI apologize for my assumptions about Orihime. It's just that she hasn't shown much strength so far.
You remember the Hollow's mask that started to form on Ichigo's face when he was training with Urahara? When that mask started to appear when he fought one of the captains, he had to have been thinking of something to make his willpower that strong; strong enough to tear that damn thing off.
If I sound retarded right now, it's because I spent ALL NIGHT watching 25 episodes of Inuyasha and it's 5 AM right now.
God, I love that show.

Author's Response: Yes!!!!!! I love Inuyasha too-- and the kanketsu hen is coming out this fall! Can you believe it?! How awesome is that?! Ah, but anyway, I think what made Ichigo take his mask off was merely the idea of, "I don't want to be a Hollow." Later, though, he learns to use his inner Hollow to his advantage and he joins up with the Vizards (shinigami who have had Hollow masks forced onto them). That's how he tames his Hollow and becomes stronger. It ROCKS. Oh, and... just out of curiosity, where do you live? Your time is way different from mine...I gotta think you live way out in Western America, like California? (I'm in Ohio.) You don't have to tell me if you don't want to-- I'll respect your privacy. :) But I am curious, because when I check my email and see that I got a review from you, it will arrive at, like, 3:45 am in my time zone.

Name: Miki Everless (Signed) · Date: 27/07/09 - 09:30 pm · For: Sakura's Angel
Haha, I'm sorry. I just think that Ichigo and Rukia go together nicely; since Rukia's the one who basically started his life as a Shinigami, and I thought it was so romantic that Ichigo went after her when she was being excecuted. And the fact that I think that Rukia was the only thing that was keeping him from becoming a full-fledged hollow; the thought of saving her kept him going.
I don't like Orihime as a character as much. She kind of comes across to me as Hinata, emotionally.
Tatsuki is probably my favourite character, second to Ichigo. She's just awesome. Well... that was random, I'm sorry.

It always bugged me in the back of my mind, but I never voiced it: in Japanese culture, the surname is first, and the given name is last. So, the name would be Haruno Sakura instead of Sakura Haruno. Sorry... I just hate the English dub of Naruto, and the name 'Sakura Haruno' just makes me imagine her English voice saying the words you write.
Speaking of Naruto... on my profile, there's a link to my MySpace. Check out the AMV on my profile, seriously. It's the fight between Sasuke and Naruto with Bullet for my Valentine as the background music. Honestly, it's beast.

Author's Response: It's okay, about the whole IchiRuki thing. It's just, how far in the series are you? Because haven't you read the whole thing about the Arrancars kidnapping Orihime? When Ichigo went after Rukia, he felt that he had a debt he had to pay for her for helping him become a shinigami. But when the Arrancars go after Orihime and her powers, the soul Society turns its back on her, but Ichigo goes after her. But I want to ask you-- what makes you think that the thought of Rukia kept him from becoming a full-fledged Hollow? (I'm just curious.) And, when Ichigo is attempting to rescue Orihime in Hueco Mundo, his two largest enemies ask him about Orihime's importance to him, which never happened with Rukia. Ulquiorra asked him what kept it going-- was it Orihime? And Grimmjow asked Ichigo if he relaxed because he was happy to see Orihime unhurt-- but did he know what they had done to her? The latter question made Ichigo absolutely furious and he fought seriously. Also, when Uryu is being beaten up and Ichigo is supposedly dead, Orihime is going out of her mind, wondering what she should do, and eventually yells, "Help me, Kurosaki!" Not SAVE me, Kurosaki-- just "help me." Help her understand where she pulls the strength for what she should do next. Anyway, that's when Ichigo, supposedly dead, comes back in a double-Hollow form, which completely consumes him. he's not even human anymore, can't form human thoughts or words. The only words he says while in this form were obviously fought for-- he had to gain strength to control the Hollow to tell Orihime: "I will help you...protect you." Before that, something that never happened with Rukia, Ichigo's half-dead when he realizes that Orihime's calling for him, and that he can't die yet-- he has to stand up and protect her. Also! The only romantic relationships mentioned in the series are Kaien Shiba and his wife, Isshin Kurosaki and his wife, Byakuya Kuchiki and his wife, and Ichigo and Orihime's love. (I say "love" and not "crush." Unlike Hinata, who has a monster crush, Orihime's really in love. Also, she's a lot stronger-willed, not shy, and has a lot more emotional depth than Hinata-- but the two are constantly compared because people like IchiRuki and just say, "Oh, Orihime's just like Hinata, it sucks"-- No, Orihime is NOT like Hinata! She's a very, very different character who has a lot of strength and power and character. There's a lot of things that show this, and also, the power she has shows just how good she is-- it's a god-like power, and Orihime's wise and pure-hearted enough to use it to save and heal people. Others would use to do things that they shouldn't, y'know? Like bringing people back from the dead. Also! There are only a few reasons why a character would have a crush on someone: 1) To have their feelings returned later, possibly in the ironic sense. Like Harry and Ginny from Harry Potter. Ginny was in love with him, but decided it was time to move on and started dating other guys, never forgetting Harry. Harry, meanwhile, finally notices her and kicks himself for not realizing his feelings before. 2) To become an evil character as a revenge for not being loved. ...Okay, I can't even imagine that. 3) To make a sacrifice for the one they love. Orihime did this already-- she agreed to go to Hueco Mundo to save Ichigo. Perhaps she'll make a bigger sacrifice later on...? ...........Sorry about that tangent. It was kind of unnecessary, but I jsut had to say it. *sweatdrop* Okay, onto your thing about surnames: believe me, I'd prefer to put names Surname Firstname, but when I wrote on other sites, a lot of people told me that it threw them off and they thought the last name was the first name. I asked them if they were stupid, and then they stopped reviewing my stories. Now it's just become a bad habit, and I read the book version of the manga, usually. When I do read it online, with scanlations, then I get back into the Surname Firstname.

Name: Miki Everless (Signed) · Date: 25/07/09 - 08:16 pm · For: Sakura's Angel
The 'couples I think are going to be canon' list is very short.
Although Kishimoto admitted that he liked Sasuke and Naruto as a pairing. ^__^
At least there was one pairing; Asuma/Kurenai.
I read in your bio that you like Bleach.
Kurosaki/Rukia FTW. (sorry.)

Author's Response: Well, I like IchiHime in Bleach, not IchiRuki. And I think I would like IchiRuki...if I didn't already like RenjiRuki! Renji and Rukia, I think, are a good pairing, and I like Ichigo and Orihime together. Well, it's gonna be Orihime, Rukia, or nobody for Ichigo, and I'd prefer Orihime... But anyway, that's beside the point. It makes me so upset that everybody I come across is an IchiRuki fan. It makes me so sad that there's no one who will share a love of IchiHime with me, especially since it's been hinted at!!

Name: Miki Everless (Signed) · Date: 22/07/09 - 08:12 pm · For: Sakura's Angel
That's on my bio, too.
Sasuke/Sakura sucks ass, and so does Naruto/Hinata.
Honestly, they're both the same.
Sasuke doesn't give a shit about anybody but himself and Itachi. He's totally incapable of a relationship; let alone with a little schoolgirl with a crush.
Naruto's too busy pining over Sakura to even notice that Hinata exists.
Then, in Shippuuden, when most of the Sasu/Saku/Naru/Hina stories take place, Naruto only cares about capturing Sasuke, and Sakura's falling for Naruto.
Yes, Naru/Saku is a logical pairing. They don't look bad together, either.
But even though Sasuke's incapable of a relationship, I still think he and Naruto should become Canon. LOL. I don't know why, I just think that Naruto's the only possible mate for him.
Hinata - in my mind - should end up with Neji.
Sorry if this sounds unintelligible or scrambled, but I wrote this entire paragraph while watching a movie, so... yeah, it kinda is unintelligible and scrambled.
But, yeah, those are my thoughts.

Author's Response: I KNOW! I mean, Sasuke is really a conceited, arrogant sort of guy-- but I always try to make him halfway decent and nice and friendly in my stories, because the world would be a better place with a Sasuke like that. Like in the episode when they were trying to see under Kakashi's mask-- now that was a funny, cool Sasuke! I loved him! But then, in all the other episodes, he was his sullen, egotistical self. It made me soooooooo pissed!!!! I was like, "If I could design Sasuke's character, he'd be soooo cool!" But whatever. Yeah... you've probably heard me mention that I'm a NaruSaku fan. I am. I think Naruto and Sakura a nice couple-- they balance each other nicely, and Sakura's falling for Naruto, which is nice. But, didn't it say in the original Naruto, not in Shippuden, that Naruto was going to get Sasuke back, partly because he was his first real friend, and partly because he knew Sakura cared for Sasuke, and he wanted to make her happy? I just MELTED. I mean, that's super precious!!!!!!!! And he never notices Hinata-- just thinks of her as a friend! I think Kiba and Hinata are a good couple, but for a while I really like NejiHina too. But whatever-- I tend to think there won't really be incest in it, though it would be a almost logical-- that way they could continue passing the bloodline, right? Hyuugas, I would think, have to continue marrying and reproducing with relatives because they have to keep their byakugan pure, no? I also think that shonen mangas aren't focused on the story-- meaning relationships, etc.-- nearly so much as they are the action and stuff, y'know? So this could end up that NOBODY in the series ends up with anyone and the author just leaves it at that. But how horrifying that would be! Lol.

Name: Miki Everless (Signed) · Date: 21/07/09 - 06:27 pm · For: Sakura's Angel
Well, that's fucking depressing.
You'd think, after all those years in isolation, he'd yearn for a bit of affection.
And, instead, he kills one of my favourite characters. DIE, SASUKE, DIE!
Ugh. Haha; wow.
Have you read 'Pretty Girl' by A Vampire's Butterfly?
That fic is what made me so emotional over this fic.
It just goes in depth about Sakura; but combined with this, it makes me wanna cry.

Author's Response: Well, you know, I HATE SasuSaku. I think that's how it would really turn out, y'know? I mean, Sasuke might be friends with her, but when it comes to actually loving her, that relationship, I believe, would drop from the sky, wither, and die a painful death. I mean, it's like NaruHina-- it's totally crack! There might be hints at it occasionally that end up meaning nothing-- like the fact Sakura is the only girl Sasuke's ever had a close relationship to, y'know? But I say, "NO. Who gives a damn about that? There are other girls besides Sakura in the world-- DUH, you morons." And also! When people say, "Oh, even after three years being apart, Sakura still likes Sasuke and Sasuke might fall in love with her--" I cut them off with, "NO! You, my friend, are a dumbass to the infinity SQUARED! No, CUBED! Look-- Sakura's grown out of that little schoolgirl crush, y'know? Now she just wants to get him back because he's their friend-- even if he's a jerkface friend who did horrible stuff to them like leave perfectly awesome friends to become evil and then destroy their village and murder his brother who loved him! And why in hell would Sasuke ever care about Sakura if he never cared about anyone but himself?! No-- Sakura is a strong woman who is not in love with anyone-- but she might be falling for Naruto. Which would be beyond awesome for me. Because NaruSaku is the best. Ever. Besides NejiTen. They're awesome too. And NaruHina sucks. It sucks ass. Because Naruto's always been crushing on Sakura and has had almost no contact with Hinata. But now I'm starting to get nervous because of chapter 437. Because I don't like NaruHina and Hinata finally confessed her love, and then she got hurt and Naruto released eight tails. Dammit. It would've been the same if, I dunno, it had happened with Shino, right? And what if it happened with Sakura? Then Naruto would've released the nine tails totally or something...yeah...NaruHina sucks." Yeah-- so that's my response to things like that...heh heh heh...rn

Name: AddiCtedTMusic (Signed) · Date: 08/07/09 - 02:08 pm · For: Sakura's Angel
i really liked the way u matched within temptation's song ""Angels"" with your story :)

Author's Response: thank you-- i thought it was a perfect song for the situation. :D

Name: Crimson Lily (Signed) · Date: 05/07/09 - 05:05 pm · For: Sakura's Angel
this was so made me want to cry! i love the song, and it totally worked for the story!

Author's Response: Thank you! I'm so happy to see that you liked it. and don't you just LOVE that song?! It's one of my favorites!!! Thanks for reviewing, and, if you're interested, check out my other stuff here on TONFA. I'll be sure to see yours!

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