The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

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Site Info

Members: 11998
Series: 261
Stories: 5874
Chapters: 25331
Word count: 47363839
Authors: 2160
Reviews: 40827
Reviewers: 1750
Newest Member: KpopOt7Bias
Challenges: 255
Challengers: 193

Reviews For A Vampire Rose

Name: Miki Everless (Signed) · Date: 21/07/09 - 06:03 am · For: Chapter 1: Graduation
Haha, I guess my opinion is a little biased, as well... I hate Neji and Tenten as a couple. Some stories can pull it off nicely, but in the actual series??? No.
I'm more of a Neji/Hina girl. ^__^
I'm all for Ten/Aiden, though. (Haha, Tenten's the dominant one in the relationship.)

Author's Response: ya, the actual series could never have neji and tenten as an item. too bad. :( Anyway, Tenten is not the most dominent, she's just the one who talks the most...haha dont worry, Aiden gets more forceful *wink* as the story goes on...heh heh heh...

Name: Miki Everless (Signed) · Date: 19/07/09 - 07:48 pm · For: Chapter 9: Trust
I think that the reason why people think you're going too fast with Aiden and Tenten is because they like it when Tenten and Neji are together.
I personally think you're doing a great job writing their relationship. It's been, what, five chapters since they met, and she absolutely hated him. She's just starting to have feelings for him; just enough to do him a favour.
And I do like Aiden and Tenten as a couple. They're just so... likeable. ^_^
Update soon! I'll be waiting until I see it on the Most Recent board again!

Author's Response: thanks for reviewing! ya, i think that too. I know how they feel, cuz i also adore Tenten and Neji together. :D

Name: Rowanrose (Signed) · Date: 15/07/09 - 03:59 pm · For: Chapter 8: Falling
Wow, this is a really nice story!
I've been reading a lot of your stories, Crimson Lily, and I have to say- they're REALLY GOOD! Please continue writing them!

Author's Response: awwwww thanks! :D

Name: Ardisaur_rawr (Signed) · Date: 14/07/09 - 12:42 pm · For: Chapter 8: Falling
Good chapter!!!
I'm liking this!!!

Author's Response: thanks so much! u posted this three times by the way...

Name: Ardisaur_rawr (Signed) · Date: 10/07/09 - 01:05 pm · For: Chapter 7: Her Smile, His Heart
Aww!!! That's really, really cute!!!
I love this story..... even though I'm DEFiNITELY no into the whole Vampire/Werewolf thing.
I still like it a lot!!

Author's Response: thanks! yeah, sorry that you dont like that kind of stuff...i'm like obsessed with it! hope you still keep reading! :D

Name: inuyashas_only_1 (Signed) · Date: 09/07/09 - 08:27 am · For: Chapter 7: Her Smile, His Heart
Eh?! Aiden kissed Tenten?! Hey, back off, Aiden, she has Neji!!
I wonder when Aiden finds out that Tenten has that illness. I'm really curious about it.
Well, about this chapter: I liked just about everything, from being reunited with her friends, to taking Caitlyn's punishment, to Aiden throwing her over his shoulder, and Aiden's new goal. That kiss... well, much to my surprise, I'm starting to find it okay. I mean, Aiden is kinda awesome. But, despite all that, Tenten has Neji, and she doesn't need an awesome vampire when she has the boy who cried for her! Agh, I'm so confused.
Anyway, awesome job, and I'll be waiting anxiously for your next chapter!
I also noticed-- good job with the italics! You got them just right!

Name: inuyashas_only_1 (Signed) · Date: 07/07/09 - 07:00 am · For: Chapter 6: Confrontation
Aw man, I miss Neji. I miss him as much as Tenten does-- maybe more.
Anyway, Aiden-- interesting guy. He's surprising me. I like how Tenten finally revealed her name to him-- abrupt and reluctant-- and his reaction.
But Tenten, don't fall for him! Even though I'm sorta kinda maybe leaning in his direction...
Don't fall for him! You have Neji! Oh, but maybe she's falling for him because he's like Neji.
Anyway, I wanted to point something out to you-- for italicized words, the quote thing works for me, but it gets confusing. here's what I do (step by step, no spaces between these):
1. <
2. i
3. >
4. word of your choice, no spaces
5. <
6. /
7. i
8. >
Just like that. It's code.
Anyway, great chapter, I'm SO waiting for more!!!!!!!

Author's Response: omg thank you thank you thank you!!! i seriously have had like NO reviewers except for a few people!!! thanks so much, haha i read your other reviews and i love them all! Also, Aiden's name 'is' irish, so you got it right! It means little fire. haha anyway, thanks a lot for the italizizing tip, i had no idea how to do it before! I'll try it next chapter, but if you see a weird word with those symbols in it, please know that im trying my hardest and its suposed to be italicized!! :D

Author's Response: omg thank you thank you thank you!!! i seriously have had like NO reviewers except for a few people!!! thanks so much, haha i read your other reviews and i love them all! Also, Aiden's name 'is' irish, so you got it right! It means little fire. haha anyway, thanks a lot for the italizizing tip, i had no idea how to do it before! I'll try it next chapter, but if you see a weird word with those symbols in it, please know that im trying my hardest and its suposed to be italicized!! :D

Name: inuyashas_only_1 (Signed) · Date: 07/07/09 - 06:49 am · For: Chapter 5: Refusing To Be Broken
Loved it-- really awesome. You keep popping out these great chapters! It rocks~!
Anyway, so Goldie Porsche is named Aiden? (That's a lot easier to type out.) That's kind of an interesting name-- very Irish.
Anyhoo, good detail, I like Aiden's description of Tenten, and I like Tenten's fierceness. I don't have much to say on this chapter, but I'm really excited to read more! It's reviews that keep me writing my stories, so I hope that these reviews I send will help in some way. Keep writing-- you have a good style of writing that will appeal to many people! :)

Author's Response: aww thanks! ya Aiden actually means "little fire". Pretty awesome. Ya, I LOVE your reviews!! seriously, i love them so much that it probably isnt healthy. They really keep me going, and i just love when people take the time to write long reviews! :P

Name: inuyashas_only_1 (Signed) · Date: 07/07/09 - 06:40 am · For: Chapter 4: Just a Kiss
EH?!?! Naruto's a werewolf?! This is a crazy mix of Twilight and Naruto and America, all rolled into one, and I love it!
And Tenten, and you can't kiss anyone but Neji! He is your one true love! True love's kiss (let's throw some Enchanted into the mix, ha ha ha)!
Well, the story is progressing nicely, but I am eager to see more of the story behind Goldie Porsche. And what about Neji? How does he react when he finds that his Giselle-- I mean, Tenten-- is gone? (Crap, that's another Enchanted reference, isn't it? We'll call him Prince Neji then, like Prince Edward. OMG, like Edward Cullen! He's like a prince, in various ways, but he is also like Goldie Porsche, who is NOT princely at all).
Anyway, great job-- I can't wait to read more!!!!

Name: inuyashas_only_1 (Signed) · Date: 07/07/09 - 06:31 am · For: Chapter 3: Call To Darkness
Anyway, Neji and Tenten are wicked awesome together! (My Australian friend says they're "Ballyhoo donker!" Whatever the hell that means, y'know? Maybe it's their ay of saying "Cool." Maybe it's her own way of saying, "Yeah, I like it a lot, mate!")
Anyway, OMG! Goldie Porsche is a vampire-- I knew it all along! There was no other reason for the Edward Cullen flashback, except Edward didn't have visible fangs.
But Kaname Kuran does-- y'know, from Vampire Knight? He has little fangs that poke out every now and then. They're so cute.
Anyhoo, another great chapter, with an exciting-- no, two exciting new developments-- NejiTen and Goldie Porsche!
Crap. I hope Goldie Porsche doesn't win her over now that she and Neji are going out.
I also love that you made Neji cry. Great thinking there. i loved it-- that weakness he had just showed even more how much he loved her. On a scale of one to ten, I give it an eleven.

Name: inuyashas_only_1 (Signed) · Date: 07/07/09 - 06:23 am · For: Chapter 2: Too Late
!!!!!! Holy krap with a k! That is one scary, hellish cancer! I wouldn't wanna get that.
Who is mystery boy? I'll call him Goldie Porche for now.
So, who is Goldie Porsche? You know, I used to think Porsche was a drink-- I was all like at this one restaurant, "Yeah, could I get a porsche- virgin, perhaps?" and the waiter started laughing at me. And I'd thought I was all sophisticated, but I was just being a fool. Don't you hate moments like that?
So, this terminal cancer-- will it affect Tenten until that time when they mature? Sapping her energy slowly during the six months until she is no longer able to function, too weak to do much?
How will she tell Neji? Will he admit that he's in love with her because he'll never get the chance to again?
OH! Will he and Goldie Porsche be competing for Tenten's affections?! How exciting!!!!!!!
(I probably have this all wrong, but whatever.)

Author's Response: thanks so much for reviewing! Well, the cancer wont physically affect Tenten until 6 months are up (thats how long they take to mature) and after that it will be extremely painful for her and she will die within a month or even less, because when the tumors are mature they are extremely strong and destructive. :D

Name: inuyashas_only_1 (Signed) · Date: 07/07/09 - 06:18 am · For: Chapter 1: Graduation
Whoa, flashing back to my Edward Cullen obsessing days. I haven't even heard the name "Edward Cullen" in forever...Wasn't expecting that.
Anyway, awesome job, I love it! It's so rockin'! And it's one of those stories where you read it and you think, "Darnit! Why on earth didn't I think of that? It's so good!" Y'know those stories?
I like the interaction between Neji and Tenten-- they seem like they could be more than friends-- maybe not to Tenten, but to Neji...?
That would be so awesome-- NejiTen is one of my tops pairings.
Anyway, back to the subject at hand-- your story. Once again, great detail and a writing style that I enjoy reading. Your work is awesome!
And I read your bio page-- I wasn't a yaoi/yuri fan either until I read Tsubasa Chronicles. Now my OTP is a yaoi, much to my surprise. Yeah, it's true-- I guess you could call me a yaoi fan. Before, though, I hated it with a passion. Now, it's just yuri that I hate. Crap, I'm getting off topic again! I do that a lot...
Anyway, can't wait to read more-- you're doing very well!

Name: Ardisaur_rawr (Signed) · Date: 02/07/09 - 12:39 pm · For: Chapter 4: Just a Kiss
Naruto got what he deserved.... a swift kick in the balls.....

Author's Response: thank you very much. i enjoyed writing the kicking of the balls scene immensely. It was just so much fun writing Naruto as the smooth flirtacious type. I hope you like the story so far, and I'll see you next chapter!

Name: Ardisaur_rawr (Signed) · Date: 30/06/09 - 02:26 pm · For: Chapter 3: Call To Darkness
Oh man..... baaaaaaad Tenten......
That's not good!!!

Author's Response: haha! Thank you SOOOO much for reviewing...i feel kinda sad that nobody seems to like this story. *Sigh* oh well...

Name: bre2k8 (Anonymous) · Date: 25/06/09 - 06:24 am · For: Chapter 1: Graduation
Hey,crimson,I haven't read the fic yet,but I will after I read the bridge of fate fic.

Author's Response: haha thanks for letting me know. do you mean after the bridge of fate is done? or after you catch up on all the current chapters??? :D

Name: Miki Everless (Signed) · Date: 24/06/09 - 11:20 pm · For: Chapter 2: Too Late
Oh, come on, chick, you end it with a cliffhanger???
I was so hooked!
I really love the plot... I'm just imagining myself with a full wrestling scholarship, working my ass off to ensure my future, then finding out that I'm gonna die. That all of that effort was worth nothing.
Interesting twist; the gold-eyed dude. Is he going to turn her into a vampire or something?
Update soon!

Author's Response: um, i wasnt aware that it ws a cliffhanger, but okay. T_T THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR REVIEWING! i've been so afraid that people wouldnt like this story! oh dont worry, im updating so fast its not even funny!!! this story is like so fun to write its not even funny. I'm updating on Another Survivor: Uchiha Love Blossoms soon too. Please keep reviewing, and i hope you like the rest! :D

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