The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

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Site Info

Members: 11998
Series: 261
Stories: 5874
Chapters: 25331
Word count: 47363839
Authors: 2160
Reviews: 40827
Reviewers: 1750
Newest Member: KpopOt7Bias
Challenges: 255
Challengers: 193

Reviews For A Vampire Rose

Name: Miki Everless (Signed) · Date: 26/08/09 - 11:18 pm · For: Chapter 12: I'm Sorry
Woah. It HAS been a while since you've posted.
I had to re-read the last chapter to figure out what was going on, haha.
Elias is, with lack of better adjective, a total butt. He's smart, but he's an asshole. >.<

Author's Response: im sorry!!!!! its not my fault i couldnt update!!!! haha yes he is a butt-munch. yes aiden is the man when it comes to being the knight in shining armor...

Name: bre2k8 (Anonymous) · Date: 26/08/09 - 06:31 pm · For: Chapter 12: I'm Sorry
Wow!!!I LOVED this chapter!!!!Please hurry up and write the next one.PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!

p.s.when's the next chapter of Another Survivor:Uchiha Love Blossoms coming out?

Author's Response: thanks. Yeah...about that....soon, i hope...

Name: inuyashas_only_1 (Signed) · Date: 21/08/09 - 05:45 pm · For: Chapter 11: Moon Society

Author's Response: im SOOO SORRY!!! but i cant update until my stupid computer gets fixed...which will probably take a while...I'll try to update when I can!!!!!!!!! :(

Name: Rowanrose (Signed) · Date: 09/08/09 - 10:11 pm · For: Chapter 11: Moon Society
PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!!! I'm going crazy with suspense! Also goes for your other stories!

Name: Ardisaur_rawr (Signed) · Date: 02/08/09 - 11:27 am · For: Chapter 11: Moon Society
BAD!! haha
This is getting good!!!

Name: bre2k8 (Anonymous) · Date: 31/07/09 - 07:58 pm · For: Chapter 11: Moon Society
Oh crap.She's in very very deep and thick dog doo-doo.Okay,I laughed at myself for putting that.This is getting very interesting,crimson.

Name: bre2k8 (Anonymous) · Date: 31/07/09 - 07:35 pm · For: Chapter 10: Anger
Wow!That was so amazing how Tenten stood up to Aiden.I love love love you story!I can't wait to read the next chapter,but then I'll have to wait for the next one..........I'm surprised she hasn't tried hitting him in between his legs........

Author's Response: haha thank you very much!! ya, she hasnt tried it because she knows that she wouldnt be able to get anywhere near that particular spot. Also...heh heh heh...i dont think she really wants to hit him anymore, if you get my drift.

Name: bre2k8 (Anonymous) · Date: 31/07/09 - 07:07 pm · For: Chapter 10: Anger
HOLY @#!$!What do you mean!No,she's not going to be teared limb from limb,just be kidnapped,and if he succeeds,probably raped for the rest of her small life.Okay,well,I really like how Tenten kept score.I almost burst out laughing.It's a great chapter.

Author's Response: haha yes, i do mean that. thanks for reviewing!

Name: bre2k8 (Anonymous) · Date: 31/07/09 - 06:39 pm · For: Chapter 8: Falling
Okay,why not just tear Tenten slowly limb from limb.It's seems like everything bad happens to her,so I wouldn't be surprised if someone,like a vampire *cough Ino cough* did that to her.If that was even a bit mean or offending,sorry.

P.S.Great chapter.

P.S.S.Great Story


P.S.S.S.S.I'm bored..........

Author's Response: haha everything seems to be that way for her...doesnt it...poor thing. wait, im the one writing it for her. woops. oh well, it gets better for her, if that makes it any better.

Name: bre2k8 (Anonymous) · Date: 31/07/09 - 06:00 pm · For: Chapter 7: Her Smile, His Heart
I'm sorry if you think I'm making fun of you,but I think that last part was a bit corny.don't get me wrong though,I loved every word of it!

Author's Response: haha i agree completely. but wat's a love story without a bit of corny lines?? :D

Name: bre2k8 (Anonymous) · Date: 31/07/09 - 05:30 pm · For: Chapter 6: Confrontation
Wow,I almost cried at the end.Your really good at writing,crimson.

Name: bre2k8 (Anonymous) · Date: 31/07/09 - 05:04 pm · For: Chapter 5: Refusing To Be Broken
Okay,this is very interesting,and almost impossible to stop reading.I love it!

Name: bre2k8 (Anonymous) · Date: 31/07/09 - 04:44 pm · For: Chapter 4: Just a Kiss
HAHA!She kicked Naruto in his private part.that's hilarious.I don't really like Tenten from Naruto,but your Tenten is a lot better.

Name: bre2k8 (Anonymous) · Date: 31/07/09 - 04:23 pm · For: Chapter 3: Call To Darkness
Gasp How could you do that to poor Tenten!?She's going to die in six months,and you have her kidnapped.How cruel.On the happy note,it was a good story.

Name: inuyashas_only_1 (Signed) · Date: 31/07/09 - 12:42 pm · For: Chapter 11: Moon Society
Hey, also-- the picture that's in the summary. Is it your own work?

Author's Response: no it isnt, unfortunately. i found it on - I'ts a REALLY cool site, with so many pictures its insane.

Name: inuyashas_only_1 (Signed) · Date: 31/07/09 - 12:41 pm · For: Chapter 11: Moon Society
OH MAN!!! Tenten's spilled her shocking secret to Lilah, Naruto, and KIba!!! I wonder what's gonna happen next. I'm so excited!
Also, the thing about Tenten staring at Aiden, and then closing her eyes, then opening them to find him staring at her was sweet. And was it she who instigated the kiss, or him?
I'm beyond psyched for the next chapter and our lovely prince Aiden to come to the rescue!!!!

Author's Response: haha thank you very much. and it was Aiden who initiated the kiss, not her. though she didnt really mind it that much...heh heh heh...

Name: bre2k8 (Anonymous) · Date: 30/07/09 - 06:49 pm · For: Chapter 2: Too Late
Wow!This story is so amazing.If it wasn't for the fact that you're using Naruto characters,I'm sure you could publish it.So far there's some drama, suspense,and mystery with this boy,and it's only chapter two.

Name: bre2k8 (Anonymous) · Date: 30/07/09 - 06:32 pm · For: Chapter 1: Graduation
Wow!That was great,Crimson.I'm so sorry it took me so long to read it,but I reread your story for the heck of it.I still haven't read The Bridge of Fate one yet.But if it's as good as this and the one with Katsumi,I know it will be good.

Name: inuyashas_only_1 (Signed) · Date: 28/07/09 - 01:44 pm · For: Chapter 10: Anger
...Wow. Intense. Tenten's quite the pistol. I bet Aiden's just dying for the chance to treat her like the ripe little peach she is.
Aiden not only had Tenten's tangent coming, but so did Tenten. I can understand that she'd pissed-- I don't blame her. But, actually, with my personality, I would actually be kind of flustered--in a happy, good way-- that Aiden would be coming to save me. Because Aiden is...a CASANOVA!

Author's Response: thank you. yes...he is secretly thinking that, but its so deep down that he doesnt even know it yet. :D

Name: Miki Everless (Signed) · Date: 25/07/09 - 04:18 pm · For: Chapter 1: Graduation
I did; I liked the chapter!
I was just commenting on the thing that caught my eye the most.
Sorry, haha. I should have been more thorough with my review.
I mean, it's understandable why she was so pissed; she's juggling so many things in her mind right now: guilt about Neji, mixed feelings for Aiden, the fact that her friends are slaves, the creepy, beady-eyed guy that's supposed to kidnap her, and all the other messed-up things in the Vampire / Werewolf's world.

Name: Miki Everless (Signed) · Date: 25/07/09 - 03:07 am · For: Chapter 10: Anger
Godshit. Somebody's a little tempermental.

Author's Response: damn...i KNEW that i made her too angry...dammit! sorry, but did you like the chapter at all...?

Name: inuyashas_only_1 (Signed) · Date: 23/07/09 - 02:47 pm · For: Chapter 9: Trust
Hey, I have a question: werewolves like Naruto...are they like normal werewolves (I can't believe I just said 'normal' werewolves...) and turn on the full moon, or his awesome and can, like, wolf out whenever he wants? (Wolf out...that's kind of a cool term...)

Author's Response: the werewolves can transform whenever they want to. Just imagine the twilight werewolves and you'll get the idea. my werewolves are just so much cooler though...well...because they're MINE!!! :D

Name: inuyashas_only_1 (Signed) · Date: 22/07/09 - 07:42 am · For: Chapter 9: Trust
YESSSSS!!!! I loved this chapter. I have to say this was my favorite, probably because Tenten was keeping score. Ah, that was so funny! I started just shaking with laughter. Oh, you are too good, Crimson Lily. You are too good.
Well, in answer to your question about Tenten and Aiden: are they moving too fast? Well, to be honest, I thought about it. I really did. And, my answer is: in my opinion, you're doing just fine. I mean, YOU might think you're moving too fast, but that's because you're the author. Personally, I end up thinking I'm moving too slow. But it's only because you don't see your story from the perspective others do, being the author. You're also the one writing it, not reading it, and thus, your sense of time is off-balanced. Because it takes much longer to write than to read, no?
So, in light of all that, I congratulate you-- you're moving along just fine. And also, keeping Tenten's personality at the same level-- her snappiness and cool sarcasm-- combined with her newfound desire is good too. I would've hated you so terribly much if you had started making her all sappy. I would've stopped reading. >:)
Anyway. Elias is gonna kidnap Tenten?! Wow, that's intense. And Prince Aiden is gonna save her, right? Right?
And then, bringing up Neji. Ah, i hated that, but at the same time, I immensely enjoyed the fact that she is falling out of love with Neji and falling in love with Aiden. Even though I love NejiTen. But whatever-- it's your story. Things go the way YOU want them to go, no?
Well, anyway. I am so psyched to read the next chapter.
No, I didn't do that right...
There-- that conveys my emotions much better. :D
Also... *blushes and looks away* ...Nice touch, adding the stuff Tenten and Aiden were doing. I mean, it was kinda...awesome. No joke. I may be a pervert, but it was awesome. Like, adding that in every once in a while, I'm ashamed to say, keeps people's interest.
Okay. That's all.

Name: Rowanrose (Signed) · Date: 21/07/09 - 01:07 pm · For: Chapter 9: Trust
P.S. I've just added a story of my own called Kokoro Uchiha. Could you please read it and review? You don't have to though. And, I accept criticism. It helps me see my bad points and improve on them! Thank you! :)

Author's Response: sure, of course i will! cant wait! :D

Name: Rowanrose (Signed) · Date: 21/07/09 - 12:58 pm · For: Chapter 9: Trust
Tenten: 1
Aiden: 2
Haha! :)

Author's Response: :D

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