Reviews For He Always Knew
Name: ForyourLove (Signed) · Date: 18/06/09 - 10:40 pm · For: Chapter 1
Ahh! So close.
Your writing seems like it will be good but then you keep reading and you realize it is!
You dont go out there and try to reach out to really pull the audience in!
Its muted details. You're reaching out there to make it interesting and gripping but you're just missing!
Again, I have to say. SLOW DOWN! Take your time and feel the story, dont let it get away with you. CRACK A WHIP AND CONTROL IT! Show the story you're the boss.
Try harder to make it personal!
Better then a lot of other stuff on this site though, I have hopes for you!
If you ever want help, I'm always here for you! I'm nice, I swear! XD I wont bite your head off if you ever contact me.
Good luck on other stories!
Author's Response: Again, thank you for the constructive criticism ^-^ I want to become the best writer I can be, and I love to know what I can do to make my fics more enjoyable.
Name: crazykittylover (Signed) · Date: 17/06/09 - 01:50 pm · For: Chapter 1
tht was soooo moving...i feel sort of teary eyed, sorta! anyway good job and Write On!
crapy joke i no^_^