Reviews For You Found Me
Name: Krisleen (Anonymous) · Date: 06/04/11 - 09:47 pm · For: Sasuke, the Strategist
It was Beautiful! I loved every moment of it!! In fact, I was moved to tears and i loved the character, Kenshin Arisaka, will there be more of him? It was the best story I've read, ever! Good job and keep up the good work
Name: ontuva (Signed) · Date: 15/06/10 - 08:55 am · For: Epilogue
Noo, it ended! I almost started crying! (Right now Mikko is looking at me with a funny expression probably wondering if I've lost my mind or something...)
I loved this story, it was so... so... I don't have words! I'm speechless. You amaze me with your writing skills and talent. Huh, maybe I'll get my story finished some day... It's been on hiatus since January. ^^"
Finally Sasuke and Naruto, and Kenshin and Sakura found each other! The story's name fits this perfectly. 10/10!
Author's Response: Thanks, Ai-chan!! It means a lot to me that you went and read this goofy story. ^_^ now quick!! Go read my updated chapter in my new story!!!
Name: ontuva (Signed) · Date: 15/06/10 - 08:47 am · For: I'm Sorry
Ok, this chapter made me frown a little. But since this is a story (and your story!), I'm not going to let it affect my reading experience. ^^"
But if you want to be more realistic, there's no way Naruto could've gotten out of the hospital without anyone noticing and dragging him back to his bed. If he is in a need of a blood transfusion after getting hit by a car (which would probably mean there's a lot of broken bones and a concussion), he wouldn't even be in a shape to get out of the bed.
Author's Response: Hahahaha, I'd always wanted to make a character check himself/herself out of a hospital, no matter how crazy the situation. So I used naruto. ^-^ yeah, it was ridiculous, I know, but don't send me down from my uber-high over getting to do something that stupid in a story.
Name: ontuva (Signed) · Date: 15/06/10 - 08:40 am · For: Heaven
Nooo! Naruto you big idiot! Get your ass back there and confess your feelings!
Name: ontuva (Signed) · Date: 15/06/10 - 08:36 am · For: Wonderful Tonight
!! This chapter made my day. Sakura and Kenshin, aaah, they are my favourite couple at the moment. So cute. So adorable. I don't even have words!
I love this story. ^^
(Ps. You misspelled Tarja Turunen. It reads Tururen in the story. ^^")
Author's Response: Ah, whoops...that's my automatic spelling correcting thing, it always screws up her name. -_-"
Name: ontuva (Signed) · Date: 15/06/10 - 08:18 am · For: Closer Than Being Next to Me...
Oh, this chapter was awesome! Kenshin and Sakura dancing in the moonlight, and Naruto and Sasuke! I look like this now "=^_^=". Although this chapter was a bit sad (both Sakura and Naruto are finally growing up and realising it), I like the end were Naruto finally realises his feelings towards Sasuke. This chapter made me feel happy. ^^
Author's Response: Awwww, thank you!! This story, lookingback on it, was just as fun to write as firefly tears... I can't decide while story is better, though.
Name: ontuva (Signed) · Date: 15/06/10 - 07:30 am · For: I Love Her
Awwww, Kenshin and Sakura are so cute together! At first I was frowning a bit to the age difference, but I decided "Aw, what the hell, they are so cute!" :D Sneaking around at night and seeing Orochimaru wearing a pink bathrobe - priceless. XD
Author's Response: Yeah...I know in a lot of places, a big age difference is frowned upon; I don't know if Finland is one of those places, bu when I shared this story with some of my friends in Ireland they were all freaking out over how much older he was. I mean, my parents are seven years apart, and my aunt and uncle are twelve years apart, so I've grown up never really caring about that.
Name: ontuva (Signed) · Date: 15/06/10 - 07:24 am · For: Snow Cones and Stalkers
Hahaa, I totally cracked when I read about Kiba's flaming trunks. They match his personality 100%! (And I can imagine the look on Neji's face. XD)
It's been ages since the last time I read your story! Luckily I have time to read it now. :) (I'm gonna finish this one first and then read the new chapter of your newest story.)
Author's Response: I can't believe that Kibas swimsuit is the thing you noticed (and commented on). It was pretty surprising to get a notification on my email for this story, but I'm glad you're enjoying it. :D
Name: MexGaara2 (Signed) · Date: 11/05/10 - 10:57 am · For: Fair
Name: MexGaara2 (Signed) · Date: 11/05/10 - 10:23 am · For: The Arisaka Fan Club
XD poor sakura
Name: MexGaara2 (Signed) · Date: 11/05/10 - 09:39 am · For: New Students (Wow, what a boring title...)
Rude sasuke bad! >:O
Name: ontuva (Signed) · Date: 07/02/10 - 03:04 pm · For: Naruto's Guilt
Omg, the fact that Orochimaru was the biology teacher came out of nowhere. XD I almost fell from the chair when I read that. Oh dear, now Mikko is again wondering why I'm laughing alone... XD
But the end of the chapter made me curious! Very curious indeed...
Author's Response: I had to think about the Orochimaru thing, and I think you may be the first one to have noticed that he's the biology teacher. :D Well, keep reading, I can't wait to hear more from you!!! Tell Mikko that I am a comic genius, that is why you are laughing. But he probably won't think I'm that funny... *sweatdrop*
Name: ontuva (Signed) · Date: 07/02/10 - 02:23 pm · For: One Glass of Wine
Hm, I didn't know moderate wine drinkers have narrower waists? o_O Where did you find that out? :D (And actually, there's no real studies that show the health benefits of wine, it's all just speculation. And as the wikipedia says "The average moderate wine drinker is more likely to exercise more, to be more health conscious, and to be of a higher educational and socioeconomic class, evidence that the association between moderate wine drinking and health may be related to confounding factors."
But now to the chapter itself! ^^ I loved the way you made Temari describe Neji's relationship with Tenten. It made them look and cute. I almost melted when I thought about them together.
And Naruto and Sakura really talk like siblings. :D I mean the teasing, the "mind-reading" and stuff. Love this. ^^
Author's Response: Well, the wine thing was just a bit of a character filler for Temari. *blushes guiltily.* Heh heh. Anyway, I actually kind of liked this story, now that I look back on it...I can't decide between my stories on which is my favorite...I think Firefly Tears might be...
Name: ontuva (Signed) · Date: 07/02/10 - 01:49 pm · For: New Students (Wow, what a boring title...)
Sarah-himeee! I finally found the time (which I should've had before, but didn't since people tend to come at out place on a very short notice and stay longer than expected ^^''), but now I have officially started reading to this! :D And I'm not disappointed at all. ^^ I really liked this chapter (a story with Lee in it can't be bad!). So off to the next one! I probably won't be reviewing every chapter, but if I find something worth mentioning, I'll definitely say it. ^^ Now, my reading continues ->
Author's Response: Wow, ha ha ha! I can't believe you actually managed to find time to review... Anyway, I really hope you enjoy the story. This, I think, was the beginning of my fanfiction career... *gazes into the distance*
Name: rosauzamaki (Signed) · Date: 06/01/10 - 07:26 pm · For: Epilogue
hi i like to read the whole story than review
i really like that story it made me cry, yell, and laugh. to me the truly good storys are the ones that make the readers react as if they are part of the story.
Author's Response: Well thank you! I was very happy to hear that. :) thanks for reading my story, and I you liked this, then you might like my other stories. As of right now I have kind of a bad grade in geometry so as punisent my parents sai no writing online for a while, but I'll be back up soon. :)
Name: Naruke45 (Signed) · Date: 01/01/10 - 10:49 am · For: Epilogue
i was always against the "gay" relationship everyone puts Naruto and Sasuke, i even avoid all the stories that has NaruSasu on it, but, i made an exception when i saw my favorite author who wrote Firefly Tears, but now i have a different outlook on it, this was an amazing story, i liked your OC. Happy New Year!
Author's Response: Wow, I am so honored-- first that I am your favorite author and second that you're now a SasuNaru fan. I'll tell you the truth...I am not really a Sasuke and Naruto fan-- I like Naruto and Sakura. I just write Naruto and Sasuke stories because they're very fun to write about and also I just love pairing Sakura up with an OC because people tend to really enjoy my OCs. Happy new year to you too, and again, thank you!!!
Name: Naruke45 (Signed) · Date: 31/12/09 - 06:49 pm · For: Wonderful Tonight
lol i was on pandora and at the end of the chapter this song came on!!
Author's Response: Whoa, that's really neat!! I love it when stuff like that happens. :)
Name: Naruke45 (Signed) · Date: 31/12/09 - 02:52 pm · For: New Students (Wow, what a boring title...)
lol that sums up everyones character lol but one thing that kills me when i see it, HINATA AND KIBA ARE THE WORST COUPLE EVER!!! but the rest is good Hinata and Naruto forever!
Author's Response: LOL, there are a ton of kibahina hatera but I can't stand naruhina. I actually luke nejihina too nut people never react well to that...
Name: ChicagoIsCalling7 (Signed) · Date: 21/07/09 - 10:04 am · For: Epilogue
Awwww! Man, I need to get a more creative beginning. Anyway, okay, I still think the epilogue wasn't a necessity, but it was definitely sweet and a great way to end this story.
I'm sad it's over but I'm also happy, because everyone is where they need to be.
You did a great job, again, you should be so proud of yourself, and if your next story is anything like this, it'll be incredible. In fact, I have to go read that right now. ^_^
Author's Response: Thanks a million. I actually thought the epilogue was kinda crappy...whatever.
Name: ChicagoIsCalling7 (Signed) · Date: 21/07/09 - 09:56 am · For: Soulmates
Awww!!! AWWWW!!!!
That was such a sweet perfect ending that you don't even need an epilogue! And I finally get the title. Oh, hey, speaking of titles, "Firefly Tears"? Is that from that one free song of the week?
But anyway, Sasuke is so rational and understanding and sweet and I love his response to Naruto. "Welcome home, dobe." Cute, funny, sweet...
Author's Response: It was good, no? Satisfying, right? I think Naruto and Sasuke's relationship is quiet, subdued, and sweet... and don't you just love what sasuke said abotu falling, not in love with Naruto the boy, but in love with Naruto, the soul? I think that was the best line in the story!!!!
Name: ChicagoIsCalling7 (Signed) · Date: 21/07/09 - 09:52 am · For: Only Sasuke
Again not much to say. That was annoyingly unsatisfying. I'm glaring at you right now. But that's okay, because I can just click the next button and find out what happens...
Author's Response: How was it unsatisfying? Sakura acknowledged that Sasuke was the only one for her brother, no?
Name: ChicagoIsCalling7 (Signed) · Date: 21/07/09 - 09:49 am · For: I'm Sorry
Muhahaha! I called it! At least the weepy teary Sasuke part. Anyway, I don't have much to say about this chapter at all because I'm really anxious to see what happens with Sasuke and Naruto, so yeah, that's all.
Author's Response: Yeah. This chapter and the next are pretty brief. They needed to be..I don't know why, though...
Name: ChicagoIsCalling7 (Signed) · Date: 21/07/09 - 09:38 am · For: Kenshin
Okay, first off, when Sakura was all happy to see Kenshin, I realized now, a bit late, what a difference there was in those two chapters - Sakura's happy confession with Kenshin and then, BAM! Sasuke get's turned down by Naruto because he loves him so much! Happy, fluffy high and then depression!
And now, a car accident? Are you trying to kill our blond?
But hey, I trust you. You've done great so far you must know what you're doing. Anyway, I'm sorta expecting a tearful Sasuke coming to Naruto's bedside and confessing again, and then Naruto says yes because this accident makes him realize that he and Sasuke could be ripped apart at any moment and he doesn't want that to happen before Sasuke knows how much he loves him.
Aww, wouldn't that be sweet?
Anyway, another well written chapter! And another great job!
Author's Response: Yes-- I wanted to make the happy story of Sakura and Kenshin dramatically different than Naruto and Sasuke's, because then, Naruto and Sasuke's story is a whole lot better. Conflict in small doses is good, no?
Name: ChicagoIsCalling7 (Signed) · Date: 21/07/09 - 09:26 am · For: Heaven
What did you do.
Okay, first off, great job with the song scene, I thought the DJ thing in the last chapter was what you mean, but you meant the SasuNaru one, and I felt all tingly seeing my scene only better! Kyah, great job Sarahkins! But anyway.
So Saskue's all cute and confessing in his adorable way and your writing is getting better and better by each sentence and the lyrics are having a great affect (is that with an a or an e? It's a... verb? Whatever) and I'm so giddy and then.... Naruto's thinking about Temari? And I'm thinking, "What the hell? You think about HER, NOW?!"
And then he's all sweet and thinking for Sasuke's sake and usually you'd think he'd jump in the guys arms and be all "YES! YES! TAKE ME!" (Yeah, I'm having fun with this ^_^) but instead he says.... NO!?!? And then the lyrics are still sweet but their sickeningly ironic now (great touch by the way)...
I don't know why I'm rewriting the scene, you wrote the dang thing, you know what I'm talking about.
The point it, THAT WAS AMAZING!!!!!! That has to be one of my favorite chatpers because it was so unexpectednd wrong yet it made perfect sense and your wrote it perfectly!!! I loved it!!!!!!
I don't know what else to tell you! AMAZING! SUPERB! BRILLIANT!!!! But now I need to move on because there's no way in hell you're leaving it at that, right? So, moving on...
Author's Response: HA! I KNEW you'd react like that-- I had a hell of a good time reading this. Okay-- on your comments: 1) affect or effect. In this case, it's effect. Affect is... here lemme use it in a sentece... "She was affected by the way the movie's character was portrayed." Now effect: "It had a great effect on me." Okay, 2) Naruto thinking about Temari. He wasn't thinking about Temari as much as he was thinking about her reaction. 3) Sickeningly ironic lyrics. That was a nice touch, wasn't it? 4) You hated it, but you think it was amazing. Yes, it was unexpected and wrong and horrid, wasn't it, but you just cant wait to see what happens, right?
Name: ChicagoIsCalling7 (Signed) · Date: 21/07/09 - 09:13 am · For: Wonderful Tonight
AWWWW!!!! Sarahkins that was too sweet, I think my teeth are rotting. Seriously, I once had this overly sweet chocolate muffin, but this doesn't even compare to that! Het is really your thing, but I'm expecting as much romance form the SasuNaru moments! o_<
Anyway, yeah, I see what you mean about using one of my scenes. ^_^ I'm glad I was able to help. Anyway, this chapter turned out B-U-tiful and you should be so proud of yourself, I know I am.
I'm just sorry it took me so long to get around to it.
But anyway!
Again, great job, it made my heart warm, but I must continue on...
Author's Response: AWWWWWWWW, thank you! Remember how in Skip Beat, Yashiro thought Ren was so corny that he barfed sand? That was how you were, right? Ha ha ha... anyway, het is my thing. I never know what to do with yaoi. I mean, I feel like it should be done the same way as het, but there's a barrier holding me back...and I think, "It's different! I can't do the same things in yaoi that I do with het!" And all that time, I know that I CAN do the same things with yaoi as het... I mean, KuroFai...!!