Well, I have a lot of catching up to do...
So let's see... Temari is a really prominent character. You could probably do this whole story from her POV, she's always everywhere. ^^ But it's kinda cute, because Shika is always by her side.
That scene when he ate the bread just so she wouldn't get her feeling hurt... aw! I'm more of a ShikaNaru girl, but any Shika pairing is sweet. (So is any Naruto pairing. Well, not any, Naruto and Shino... ugh..)
But that's not the focus! Oops, I'm getting off track. ^^'
Kenshin is so nice. It just shows in the way you make him think and talk; there hasn't been much development in his and Sakura's relationship (yet), but there's been a pretty big leap with Sasuke and Naruto. ^^
The latest chapter was so cute and I couldn't stop giggling when Sasuke said he thinks Naruto's a dobe when they were trying to start fresh. ^^ Cute!
I'll admit, the way you brought up Sakura's scar in the middle of class felt a bit awkward, only because it was a bit dramatic to have during a class. I would have suggested in the halls between classes, or during classes when it's just the three of them. It's not too big of a deal, though.
But anyway, I'm happy there was such a nice SasuNaru chapter and I'm guessing the beach trip is going to be interesting. Or at least, I'm hoping. ^^
Anyway, keep up the great work as usual!
Author's Response: Temari is probably my favorite "Naruto" character. I love everything about her!!! She's so prominent because I like her a lot. I also like the way her personality is developing. I think she's a character you want to keep an eye on.rnI'm trying to make Kenshin as sweet as possible. He has to be that kind of guy. I don't know why-- he just has to have that whole gentility encircling him and his loved ones. I like him a lot, too. He's a lot of fun to tease. (What is that supposed to mean, Sarah?)rnYeah, I thought that Sasuke would be the kind of guy to pull that kind of stunt-- to "start fresh", then to intentionally ruin it, even though it wasn't really ruined at all. rnLet's see...I think I'm changing the scar chapter. You'll see it-- I'm going to fix it by having the rest of the class in the classroom, and then Ino (who witnessed it), Naruto, and Sasuke finishing up their dissection. So it's only them. And you can just forget about Orochimaru-sensei. rnOn that note, isn't it awesome that he's the biology teacher?! So cool! Orochimaru, I thought, was a great villain. I was kinda of sad to see him go. But I really bawled when Sasuke killed Itachi. I knew all along that Itachi wasn't bad! I knew it! I knew it, I knew it, I knew it! DAMMIT, SASUKE! That was probably the only time I really disliked Sasuke, but then, if he hadn't killed Itachi and then found out that he had murdered the older brother that was so desperately trying to protect him...we'd have never have gotten to see Sasuke's tears (nook 42 or 43).rn
Hahahahahahaha!!! Oh my goodness, I love the last two lines. "...and I think you're a dobe." Funny and cute and just so Sasuke.
But no, seriously, this was a really good chapter. My favorite, but I might just be biased. Naruto was emotional and an idiot and Sasuke was so nice and cute... I think this is really one of those chapters that are going to make the SasuNaru fangirls squeal. ^-^
Author's Response: Thanks. I was worried that this chapter would be super OOC. But I guess it's okay...?
Ha. Kenshin is such a teacher; that last line he says really shows it, in my opinion. ^-^
You know what I love about your chapters having different POVs, Sarah? That you're able to make each character have their own voice really shine through. When it's Naruto's POV, you can tell, and not just because you label the chapters. I mean, the personality you created for Naruto shows in the way you write his thoughts and speech and action.
The same stays true for Sakura but especially Kenshin. His quiet personality and his confusion over his feelings for Sakura are obvious with the style you used to write this chapter.
Great job!!!! You're hard work payed off, as it usually does. ^-^
Oh! BTW, there was one itty bitty mistake.
"-- confessing all this to s student..." I think you meant for that "s" to be an "a", right? That's all.
Again, amazing job, you should be really proud!
Author's Response: Thanks. <3 So far, Kenshin and Temari are, in my opinion, the best characters in this story. And that's all wrong, right, because it should be Sasuke and Naruto? Those two are awesome characters, but Temari is so dynamic and cool and Kenshin is, well, just awesome.rnI worked really hard to have his personality shine through, but it's hard because I'm not a twenty-two year old school teacher who has feelings for his student. I had no idea what that would be like-- I mean, I've fallen for a teacher before...well, that's a lie, I've fallen for a coach, actually, but never once have I fallen for someone younger than me. Okay, that's a lie too, he was half a year younger than me, but whatever! You know what I mean. rnSo I was hoping and praying that this chapter would turn out convincing. rnAnd I guess it did. :)
Oooh. Intense. I was expecting more of her (Sakura) accidentally seeing a cuddly moment, but that's just my fangirl-ness getting ahead of me.
I'm not sure what you mean by this not being a good idea; it's defintely stirring up your story, Sarah. ^-^
Was it a bit dramatic? Yes. But again, this was an interesting scene that's peaked my interest, so now, I'm even more anxious for you to post the next chapter. ^-^
Author's Response:You know me-- I'm a drama llama. (Eh?!)
I don't think SasuNaru is a cuddly relationship. I sort of picture it as cautious, wary, but at the same time, open and affectionate in its own quiet way, y'know? And furthermore, the characters' relationships are still developing-- I wouldnt be springing a cuddle fluff right now, right after Sasuke and Naruto were fighting at the fair. And I have a different plan for Sakura to find out about her brother and Sasuke.
Yeah-- the next chapter is gonna be a flashback, I think. It will be about why Naruto got so upset-- the meaning behind the scar on his precious sister's back, and why he feels guilt over it.
Haha. I like Temari's perosnality in your story. She's like the older sister who's guiding the new kids and helping move the story along. Plus she's funny. ^-^
Anyway, this seemed like a filler chapter, and by that I mean it didn't move the story along too much. But is was cute and fun to read.
Plus that info about wine is good to know. ^-^
Author's Response: Yeah, I love fillers. Sometime sthe fillers are better than the actual story.
Wine's major health benifit would be its contribution to the circulatory system.
Author's Response: !!!! Thank you. I'll add that in. Heh heh heh, you saved me from looking like a complete fool. >_< See, my aunt drinks one glass a day and those are the reasons she says she does, so...that's what I used. Thanks again!!!!!!
Mmm, this het relationship is moving along nicely.
Honeslty, I'm sitting on the edge of my seat. Not 'cause this is a life or death cliff hanger, but cause I know the pairings that are going to happen in the end, I have just have no idea how you're going to make them happen. And that is where the excitement/suspense is coming from.
....AHH!!!! The next chapter is Naruto and Sasuke! Post it soon!
Author's Response:To be honest, I'm enjoying KenSaku (that has a nice ring to it!) more than the SasuNaru, only because I don't get real into yaoi like some people. I mean, the only yoi pair that I'm super enthusiastic about is KuroFai from Tsubasa Chronicle. Oh, and Toya and Yuki from Cardcaptor Sakura. And King Ashura and King Yasha from RG Veda...but actually, I think Ashura is a girl, because he/she is cursed to be genderless, so I say King Ashura is really Queen Ashura. And I also like Watanuki and Domeki from xxxHOLiC-- but I also like Watanuki and Himawari-chan...
Erm...it's obvious that I sorta like yaoi pairings. But still, I have more fun with het relationships because I can relate to them better and I know how to work through situations better.
There's no way that was as fun to write as it was to read- seriously, Sakura is great and all, but as a SasuNaru/NaruSasu fangirl, I was grinning like the idiot I tend to be when I read their little fight.
I love Sasuke's personality and Naruto's reaction. Amazing job Sarah, you're making fangirls proud. ^-^
Author's Response: I'm glad you enjoyed their fight-- it's inspired by my all-time favorite person, my swim coach, who often has conversations along those lines with me. The theme of them seems to be "Let's see how flustered we can make Sarah!" (Dark aura swirls as I crack knucles and start to laugh a little hysterically)
Hmm. The "I hope we can be friends" line. I looking forward to seeing how you take on this relationship; this'll definitely be interesting. Plus, the second Kenshin picture was cute. ^^ Lucky Sakura.
But I'm even more interested to see how Sasuke and Naruto are doing. Now there's a dynamic couple. ^^ Can't wait for the next chapter. Keep up the good work.
Author's Response: I've posted some new chapters-- I don't know if you've seen them yet, but I've developed both of the relationships a little bit.rnOriginally, the shaking hands after the "I hope we can be friends" line was going to continue on with Kenshin continuing to hold on to her hand, then saying, "Hi, I'm Kenshin Arisaka, and I'm going to be teaching you literature." Sakura would be a little surprised, then she would laugh as she realized that he was starting fresh with her.
Hahahaha- "What was the first reason?!" Haha, that's funny. ^^
Actually, I can see how that scene with Naruto and Sasuke would be fun to write. It was really funny and fun to read. I love how aloof Sasuke is and how twisted up he's getting Naruto. I can't wait to see how they progress.
There were a few teeny mistakes here and there; like when Sakura asks Naruto on advice for clothes, there was a little capitalization and spelling that needed fixing, but no big deal. It didn't distract from the fun of this chapter.
I also love how you introduced their "nicknames" for each other. Very... subtle, I guess is the word. ^^
Again, I can't wait for the next chapter.
Author's Response: Yay! Thank you for your response-- I did put a lot of effort into making their nicknames subtle. La la la. <3
Sakura with an older man. I like it.
^^' That may have sounded a bit odd, but moving on.
This was another good chapter. Naruto's and Sakura's characters are developing nicely, great job there.
As are there relationships. ^^ I'm assuming you're going to alternated point of views, meaning Naruto is next? If that's how you're doing this then I'm even more anxious to read the next chapter. I'm sorta excited to see how Naruto and Sasuke are doing. ^^'
Anyway, again, a great job as usual, and I can't wait for more. As usual.
Author's Response: Thanks. <3 As you may know, the next Naruto-Sasuke chap. is up, and soon is the Sakura-Kenshin. Here we go!!!!
Don't worry 'bout the text Sarahkins, people can enlarge it. It's fine though.
And leave it to you to find a way to put hearts in there- which were very cute by the way. ^-^
But moving on.
OMG!!! I was so excited I could hardly wait, and you know what? I wasn't disappointed. I mean, I know not much is happening yet, but I love how your subtly revealing that Naruto and Sasuke both don't like girls. ^-^ Genius.
So you went with Kenshin Arisaska, eh? Not bad, not bad. I still prefer the one with the cute nickname, though I don't remember what it was.
... Actually, never mind, this is growing on me. Plus it works for the sensei you have planned. ^-^
AH! So excited! If you couldn't already tell.
Anyway, this little het scene was very cute. A nice intro to a developing relationship. I can't wait for the next chapter. No, seriously. I'm almost bouncing in my seat I'm so looking forward to it. ^-^
Author's Response: I'm psyched that you're psyched!
I'm excited. I have to say, I've really been looking forward to this, the time where you write a yaoi story.
And you know what? This was a great first chapter. It wasn't boring and it didn't put me to sleep. The characters were introduced nicely ( I like the description of their clothing, it just helps, I dunno, picture them a bit better. Also the fact that you even described the characters was great, because some authors don't because, since it's a fanfic, it's kinda assumed that people know what the characters look like from the shows or mangas. Never assume that. I should take my own advice sometimes... ^^'). I like that Sakura and Naruto are twins. I've read stories where they're siblings, but I don't think I've seen twins yet, so very original.
Hmm... oh, I love Sasuke's entrance and everything he says. It's just so... Sasuke!
Ah, I can't wait for the next chapters! As usual, keep up the good work. ^^
Author's Response:See, I was real worried about the clothes thing. Would it bore people? Was it really necessary? That sort of thing. With all writing, that's the sort of thing that gets me.
Keep reading! Next chapter's up soon!
i like it keep it up.
love Aiko
Author's Response: Thanks for reading-- continue to, please, and also review! It's fun and encouraging to get reviews!
Okay, this is a total "kya" moment for me.
AH!!!! This is so exciting!!!! Your first yaoi story, yay!!!
Okay, now, on to the review portion.
I liked it. No surprise there, but it was good and cute. Kinda funny.
I love when Sasuke is being so blunt- and I mean, REALLY blunt. I think you've given him a very nice-jerk personality and I can't wait to see that develop, especially with Naruto ^-^.
I really have no suggestions or criticism for this chapter. But there is one little type- when Shikamaru is complaining about Sasuke blowing the surprise (Oh! By the way, I love how you tell everyone's outfits, that really helps the imagery. And I love that gum line! "Girls go through guys like gum-too fast" or something like that. I can totally relate! I go through gum in like, a week, and I'm like, hey, where'd it all go? Okay, sorry, soo off topic..) Where was I? Blowing the surprise! Yes, the mistake is when Shikamaru is talking about that. He says "We were going to surprise you or your first day..." but it should be "you on your first day.."
That's all.
I can't wait for the next chapter! Great job!
Author's Response: As you can see, I'm totally going through all the reviews I missed and replying. Thanks for your review!