The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

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Site Info

Members: 11998
Series: 261
Stories: 5874
Chapters: 25331
Word count: 47363839
Authors: 2160
Reviews: 40827
Reviewers: 1750
Newest Member: KpopOt7Bias
Challenges: 255
Challengers: 193

Reviews For Twisted Reality

Name: Sono blackbean-sama (Signed) · Date: 04/11/14 - 04:44 am · For: Reality Check
OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU FOR CONTINUING THIS! I HAVE READ AND RE-READ THIS FOR THE SAKE OF ITS AWESOMENESS AND IN HOPES THAT IT WOULD CONTINUE! Sorry about the caps, but I just couldn't hold it in. Have you ever thought of posting it on fanfiction?I feel that you would get a huge fanbase off of it.

Author's Response: How have I never responded to this review before? I feel just terrible and evil about that. Anyway, the story is to be online soon if you're still around. I'm just struggling to come up with a title for the rewrite. Reality Check doesn't really quite work anymore. Also, I'm creating a new account for me stories under a new identity as Masumi is just not really quite me anymore. But I think you'll find me pretty easily when I update under the new identity. Anyway, thanks for this awesome review full of excitement. I actually have considered posting on, but I'm kind of loyal to TONFA with my Naruto fanfiction. I do post non-Naruto stuff on there occasionally, though. Out, The Wreyck

Name: Cloud Enix 2 (Signed) · Date: 08/08/14 - 06:06 pm · For: Reality Check
lol TONFA can't handle Cyrillic text!

Author's Response: No, they cannot. ^_^

Name: Cloud Enix 2 (Signed) · Date: 07/08/14 - 04:28 pm · For: Reality Check
I look forward to it, either way you go, I'll be along for the ride

i0;l3;l6;m1;k6; j9;l5;l0;l2;l9;

Author's Response: Thank you. I'm starting these dangerous thoughts in my head for the story on the rewrite, though, that would change it dramatically. Debating whether I should go with it or not.... Anywho, thanks and out for now, Masumi TAT

Name: NinjaRace (Signed) · Date: 06/08/14 - 09:23 pm · For: Reality Check
You have got to be the most quirky, talkative writer I have ever seen. I haven't read your book yet but it seems popular so maybe I'll give it a go :)

Author's Response: If you haven't read my story yet, how can you know I'm a quirky and talkative writer? XD Hmm, though I won't deny it. I must warn you, I read the first chapter of RC to kinda re-insert myself into the story, and I was appalled. So don't be surprised if the writing isn't too good, especially in the beginning. It really is quite horrendous. Anywho! I'm off, thanks for this review of saying hi. Out, Masumi TAT

Name: Cwille (Signed) · Date: 10/11/12 - 01:09 pm · For: Reality Check
such was not my meaning. this is one of the few stories I am unable to anticipate. I like being suprised.

Author's Response: Is that so? Well, I suppose it's a shame then, to see it go. For me at this stage it no longer seems all that surprisng because her entire story is so engrained in my head. But I suppose at the very least you did not see this coming either, so, tis at least ending as it began. Out, Masumi TAT

Name: Cwille (Signed) · Date: 10/11/12 - 09:00 am · For: Reality Check
that's anticlimactic.

Author's Response: I don't care what you think. I'm doing what's best for me. Not everthing in life has to be exciting and extreme. That's something I'm slowly learning. I'm learning to be content with what God has sent my way. Out, Masumi TAT

Name: Rowanrose (Signed) · Date: 09/11/12 - 07:56 pm · For: Reality Check
^_^ I have nothing more to say about your farewell than I already have. In any case! That sounds like a great idea, the last parts! The betaing thing - and the reviewing thing! I must do that too. XP

Author's Response: Ah, hai hai. I know you've gotten a better explanation than most. I hope people can understand from what I wrote. Ah, but I am excited about what the future shall bring! Out, Miya-chi TAT

Name: Oni Nexus (Signed) · Date: 09/11/12 - 06:20 pm · For: Reality Check
I don't know what to say, this is just so sad.

could you beta for me? you can't argue that I need it. I'm certainly glad to here you ain't leaving though! Don't worry, things have a way of working themselves out.


Author's Response: You know, I know it seems sad at first thinking about it, but it's not really sad, Donny. I've been struggling quite a bit with RC for awhile now, and I'm sure no one's missed it considering my infrequent updates. A lot's been going on in my life, and I've found myself falling away from my stories, and hating that I was. I know it won't be quite the same without RC, but it's not my life, and maybe, just maybe, Masumi was someone I needed to let go of in order to move on with my life. I'm content with how things are now, and I've opened up some new paths by doing this. I'm really not worried at all about this. I know what I'm doing, and I'm excited about what's sure to start coming my way in the future. Ah, beta? It's been awhile since I took a look at your stuffs, and I don't think I've seen updates. Are you prepared to move forward with your stories finally? Send them my way, and I'll check them out for sure. Out, Masumi TAT

Name: Cwille (Signed) · Date: 24/10/12 - 01:35 pm · For: Reality Check
this is a very VERY interesting story

Author's Response: Well, thank you. Do I sense some sarcasm there, though? Regardless, a review is a review, and I'm always happy to get a new review. So, thanks for the review. Out, Masumi TAT

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 13/10/12 - 10:28 am · For: Reality Check
First of all, Niji-chan: you are evil. I love the Christmas season (both because of why we celebrate it and simply because of how everyone acts at this time). It's like you're just teasing me over the two months I have to wait T_T.

I loved this chapter, both because of the fact it's Christmas and just, well, seeing this. It makes me really want to write a Christmas special despite my planned break. I feel a little sad that everyone else doesn't get to feel the holiday joy. The message you tried to get across also made this chapter feel so much more special. And to bring in the Bible..... For whatever reason, it just made me long for Christmas more, as well as love this chapter more. Great job, Niji-chan. I loved this.

Author's Response: Meh. I don't paricularily like Christmas. I don't like holidays in general. When someone asks which holiday is my favorite, I really say none. I like the idea of Christmas and what it means, but actually Christmas day or Christmas eve? Sucks. As does New Years and Easter and Fourth of July and Thanksgiving and so on. Holidays are when I feel the loneliest, because holidays are when I am surrounded by family yet still feel like a total stranger. New Years, Christmas, and Fourth of July are the worst, though. New Years and July because they have fireworks, and fireworks truly make me feel lonely. Christmas because in my mind I seem to have extra special feelings/notions/ideas for what it could be but is not, so, yeah.... It was certainly a chapter with a different feel. I've done serious chapters with Masumi before but nothing like this. But I had to bring the Bible into it, of course. It's the only thing that for both Masumi and myself makes Christmas even tolerable. *shrugs* I'm glad you liked this chapter so much, Sasa-chan, and, as aways, thanks for the review. Out, Niji-chan TAT

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 12/10/12 - 08:13 pm · For: Reality Check
Masumi! Do not forget about Kazan! You cannot forget about him!

Kazan: Do not bring me into this =_=.

*sigh* Fine, buttmunch. But I loved her being interrogated about that. It was absolutely hilarious XD. And then, just to follow that up, everyone is bugging her about training with her. Now that was hilarious, especially since I think most wanted to just for the fun of it. That was a really hilarious way for the chapter to go. Then we have Seiichi's overprotectiveness. Good ol' Seiichi-san. Always so much fun.

Overall I really liked this chapter, though I saw a few places you forgot to add in the " at the beginning of the sentence. I am very eager to see where her training goes, and just what it will lead up to. Great chapter, Niji-chan!

Author's Response: (Masumi: How did Kazanget dragged into this? This happened months ago, before I ever met him. *nods* Besides, Kabuto and I have nothing real. *shrugs indifferently*) I loved this chapter, too. It was quite fun to write. :3 I missed quotation marks!? Gasp! *really does gasp quite dramatically* I'll hafta go over it again with yet another edit! Anywho, thanks for the review, Sasa-chan. It's a spark of goodness in my dreary-ish day. :) Out, Niji-chan TAT

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 05/10/12 - 04:36 pm · For: Reality Check
I can't say the whole religion thing really gets to me - I'm not that strict of a Christian. But as someone who also hates it when people think of Christmas as the hustle-and-bustle and trading gifts and all, I do appreciate the very peaceful and calming interpretation of Christmas Eve. This was a very short chapter (something I guess I'm just surprised at considering it was a holiday chapter - those kinds of chapters are always much longer), but it was still a very tranquil piece. Kinda makes you think about life in a way.

Not a favorite chapter, as you said and I'll admit it, but this was still a very good update. Nice job.

Author's Response: I don't actually like most holiday chapters that you see come up. Well, actually, I don't really like holidays period, but that's not my issue with fanfiction holiday chapters. This is because the Narutoverse doesn't actually have most of those holidays that we celebrate. There's no Thanksgiving over there, no Halloween, no Fourth of the July, no Easter, no Christmas. The only holiday we share is New Years, and we don't even celebrate them in similar ways. I only did a Christmas chapter because it would be a very important holiday to Masumi herself. I have planned on a Christmas holiday from the very beginning, though I originally had thought it would be more lighthearted. But as I sat down to write this chapter, I realized that wouldn't suit Masumi at all, and so we have this serious, thought inducing chapter. I'm very glad I wrote this, very glad indeed. I hadn't an idea of how long it would turn out, but I think the shortness suits it well. There will be one other holiday special, which is New Years and is coming up, and that one is a funloving, long day. Thanks for the always thoughtful review, Wolfy-chan. Out, Mimi-chan TAT

Name: Oni Nexus (Signed) · Date: 05/10/12 - 04:36 pm · For: Reality Check
:) interesting that you thought of this. I can see why. I hope noone critisizes. it really does explain a lot about Masumi though!

Author's Response: Ah, I've been planning on having a Christmas chapter from the very beginning, but I just didn't know how it would take place. I had always somehow assumed it would be a more carefree and lighthearted chapter of the story, but when I sat down to write this it just hit me that a fun, more carefree first Christmas in the Narutoverse just wouldn't suit Masumi, so this is how it turned out in the end. It wasn't very ln, but I am really glad I wrote it. Thanks for the review, Donny. Out, Masumi TAT

Name: Oni Nexus (Signed) · Date: 29/09/12 - 10:06 am · For: Reality Check
so, you took that saying to heart then! great chapter, I'll bet a great deal that the person she bumps into is Kabuto!


Author's Response: Thank you for the review, Donny! XD I guess I did take that saying to heart. It's stuck in my head now. *shrugs* Hmmm. Bumping into Kabuto, eh? Well, perhaps it will be a while before something like that happens. ;)

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 28/09/12 - 05:02 pm · For: Reality Check
I'm gonna side with Kiriko on this one and say that Masumi and Kabuto are going to end up together ;D C'mon, you know that's what you want to happen, Mimi-chan XD

I also think it was pretty funny how everyone wanted to help her train just because they made it seem like she didn't know anything about training. And then fought over her like she was a prize. Oh Masumi, you're just so popular, obviously.

Anyway, nice job on this update. Good to see that you're doing well now. I'm happy things are alright and you're able to update. Keep up the good work with your writing.

Author's Response: You're the first reviewer of this chapter, Wolfy-chan! Go you and your amazingness! Yeah, I really do want that to happen. X3 Lately I've been really leaning towards another pairing, though. So much so in fact that I even find myself writing little oneshots for it. And this other pairing seems more realistic, too, so.... We'll just have to wait and see! *laughs maniacally* This chapter was especially fun for me t write as it was just so, well, fun. ;P Thanks for this lovely review. I'm doing fine, more than fine really. I'm better than I've ever been I believe quite possibly. Out, Mimi-chan TAT

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 02/09/12 - 03:16 pm · For: Reality Check
Yes, I know I'm a week behind. Don't remind me because now I'm not. Speaking of behind, weren't you supposed to read CS this weekend? Exactly. No reminding me!

You know how you said I may start liking another pairing more? I like this one, but I still like Hakusumi more. This one is just fun to read and like a game of cat and mouse, only the roles keep on switching. It's very entertaining. I can tell you that I will either Hakusumi or this one. Not Zabusumi or Masaru, simply because when I think of a Zabuza pairing I think of Ross and with Masaru.... I don't know. Just don't like it as much. But you may just have more planned, huh?

This "date" was very interesting to read. I find what seems to be your like of Teuichi as a character (I may be wrong) fun to read. I don't think enough people really pay attention to him, but I'm starting to like him as well as I read this. Him and Konohamaru are growing in my views of them. So I'm going to say you're doing a great thing as a writer by being able to do that.

So, Kiriko knows Kabuto, huh? It makes me wonder how long they've worked together and their first mission..... That would be a fun Lost Story to read (referring to the story-like thing I have called The Lost Stories). Their interaction was really fun to read.

So that's the drawing you have at FFW, right? I believe that is the same design. I think it was called "Date Clothes" or something similar. That definitely helped me picture the clothing.

Adding it to your Tonfa, huh? Masumi-san, have you ever written a story? I'll have to see if I find it. Wait! Are you really her and you've returned to the real world to share what happened to you in the Narutoverse 0_o?

There were a couple mistakes a noticed, but that may just be because I was actually looking out for them.

Great chapter overall, Niji-chan. I really did enjoy it, and I may have forgotten to put something in the review because I feel like I did. I can't wait for this Friday to read more. I absolutely love this story!

Author's Response: I know I was supposed to read CS this weekend! But who could have known that my internet would zonk out!? *wails for like ten minutes at being reminded of this depressive thought that she's already been stressing over all weekend* Yes yes, a game of cat and mouse, but it gets to be much more serious as time passes while still never giving up the game. That is their one weakness. Neither Kabuto nor Masumi know how to just open up and let the game go, so it can never move forward, no matter how much both may or may not want it to. C: I just may have more planned. Yes, indeed. *very mysterious smile* Exactly! Teuchi is AMAZING! I am obsessed with Teuchi and the role that a person in his position has the potential to play. I might even write an original fic based off of him (different person and restaurant/stand). Ah, I've got a Secrets of Reality going, and now you have inspired me on another story for it to write! XD Ah, yeah, now that you mention it, that drawing is on FFW, isn't it? *grins* Well, it's a bit of a complicated thing. She is based off of me, but she is not identical to me in ALL ways. She was created after I'd entered the fanfiction world (NEFN-no longer online-and others that I never got online) and after the fanfiction world was deeply in me and her and a huge part in part of who I am/she is, so it stayed with her, but her fanfictions are not the same fanfictions as my own, but they're there. Ah, I somehow rambled a lot this time. =_= Thank you for the review, Sasa-chan! I heart you as always! Out, Niji-chan TAT

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 31/08/12 - 08:18 pm · For: Reality Check
Well, I see where Masumi gets her nickname now. I'm very curious as to how that misunderstanding came about.......

Kabuto!!!!! He has finally made himself known! Though I have mixed feelings, seeing as I still can very clearly imagine Hakusumi. I do like their interaction, though. It is quite interesting. Kabuto's own curiosity and Masumi's fangirl-y-ness and knowledge make it so fun.

A "date" with Kabuto, huh? This ought to be interesting to read. Then again, any interaction with the two will be interesting to read. I'm really curious to see which pairing you're going to do.

She fell out of a tree. Oh what fun *sigh*. Gotta love Masumi. I love the fact she did it all so graceful, and then just fell. Kabuto, that is the most evil thing you have ever done!

The thing I'm most looking forward to, I think, is the meeting of Kabuto and Seiichi. Ooh, I really want to see that!

Well, I want to read more, but I'm busy *sigh*. Great chapter, though. I absolutely loved it!

Author's Response: HakuSumi. KabuSumi. ZabuSumi. MasaSumi. So many choices! *laughs maniacally* Well, I can't make the final decision on that till I see where everything goes on Kishimoto's end of the deal, so we'll still have to wait and find out. And who knows, after seeing how these two work together, you might come to support KabuSumi more than HakuSumi. ;) Oh, I love the rivalry between Kabuto and Seiichi. I think you will, too. Thanks for the fun review, Sasa-chan, though you're a week behind everyone. ;) Out, Niji-chan TAT

Name: Oni Nexus (Signed) · Date: 31/08/12 - 01:44 pm · For: Reality Check
first reviewer again! Great chapter Audi-chan, this has been very interesting. I think Masumi is begining to lighten up a litle, or is that just acting? anyhow, great chapter!

Author's Response: Perhaps she is lightening up. Perhaps it is just acting. Perhaps it's a bit of both. You'll just have to keep observing her as the story progresses. XD Thanks for the review, Donny. Out, Audi-chan TAT

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 31/08/12 - 08:48 am · For: Reality Check
I'd have to add it to my bio on... TONFA... Best line ever. Made the whole chapter for me :3

Hmm, I wouldn't necessarily call this date 'cute' but it was pretty interesting. Then again, Kabuto and Masumi are both interesting characters and have an almost challenging manner in the way they confront each other, like they're trying to win a game. So I wonder if everything is a game with Masumi?

What made me curious is that in the end of one scene, Masumi seems to be getting along with Kabuto's teammates; then in the beginning of the next as they're leaving, she says they dislike her and Kabuto... How on earth did that happen so quickly? O_O

Anyway, interesting chapter here. Masumi really is an actress, I realize as I further read this story. Good job on showing it, and nice work on this chapter.

Author's Response: I was a little hesitant about the TONFA line and did consider taking it out, but in the end it was just too tempting. I'm glad it went over well. X3 Ah hah! You saw it! The game! It always seems like no one can see it. But you saw it! Yes! *is very overly ecstatic about this* Everything is a game, for the most part. She tries to avoid the serious stuff that she can't shove into the game, though she's not too good at it. :3 Notic the tension, the questioning from Misumi and Yoroi. She may be getting along well with the rest of the group, but there is immediately some suspicion on those two's part. Actress actress actress. It's always an interesting thing to write. Thank you for the lovely review, Wolfy-chan. I am off to respond to more. Out, Mimi-chan TAT

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 26/08/12 - 09:13 am · For: Reality Check
Ooh, Kabuto has made an appearance :3 It's about time haha. I've kinda been waiting for him to show up. Just so I could see how Masumi and he interact ;)

Whoa, whoa, what is this nonsense?! Masumi has a date with Kabuto before she goes on a date with Konohamaru?! The poor little guy is being forgetten! T_T

Wow, even I almost forgot about Adrian O_O Now I feel terrible... I wonder where he has gone. Is Masumi just so wrapped up in her new life that she doesn't need anything that reminds her of her past? I'm curious...

Anyway, nice job on this chapter. I did see a few spelling mistakes and such, it might be a good idea to do another run-through of this and proofread. But as I said, it was still a good chapter. I'm looking forward to more.

Author's Response: Thanks for the lovely review, Wolfy-chan. Yes, Kabuto-kun has arrived. X3 We should feel bad for Konohamaru, shouldn't we? He'll get his date eventually, though, as well. So you almost forgot Adrian? I think probably a lot of people did, so I this little insert will keep people on their toes, right? It wasn't originally part of this chapter, though. Spelling mistakes? *is in horror* I don't have as good of a spell checking system now, and quite a bit of this chapter was added into it just a few days before the update. I guess I should have gone over it myself I few more times. I keep that in mind for next time. Thanks again. Out, Mimi-chan TAT

Name: Oni Nexus (Signed) · Date: 24/08/12 - 07:34 pm · For: Reality Check
I stayed up late to read this chapter XD as I'm writing this, it's now 10:32 my time. great chapter, I knew this was coming eventualy, the banner and all, I think it's interesting, the differences. There's nothing I can point to, the effect is rather subtle.


Author's Response: Oh, wow, thanks so much, Donny! You have no idea how much this cheered me up! I was just about to give up and try to get some sleep, but for some reason I felt like pointlessly checking TONFA first, and there was actually a new review! I thought for sure you'd be in bed already. Your reviews are never long like the girls', but I still always really like them. A subtle effect, eh? I like that. Thanks again, and Night, Audriana TAT

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 21/08/12 - 01:11 pm · For: Reality Check
And now she's perfectly content again... I'm getting whiplash haha. I do hope she learns more about what's up with this weird ability of hers though. And I'd love to see her go on a date with Konohamaru :3

Nice job on this chapter, Mimi-chan. Keep up the good work.

Author's Response: The whiplash might not have been so bad had you not read them all in one go? Haha I wouldn't say she's PERFECTLY content, though. Everyone has their good days and bad days. There will still be plenty of struggles. It'll take a lot of hard work to figure out this ability. I've designed it to be VERY complicated. X3 Everyone wants to see the date! lol It's a coming, it's a coming! Soonish. =_= Thanks. I'll continue to work hard. Out, Mimi-chan TAT

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 21/08/12 - 12:35 pm · For: Reality Check
Her attitude is very cocky sometimes, like when she was fighting the genin. I find it almost scary that she's so good, even if she studied under Zabuza. But she only learned taijutsu, so it's a bit freaky that she's so good.

And now she has a magical healing ability? O_O I really wonder where you are going with this story, it's becoming rather Mary Sue. Not sure if I'm excited for that, personally, but I'll keep reading for now.

Author's Response: You've got to remember that though she only learned taijutsu herself, she was learning taijutsu while being faced by someone using ninjutsu and genjutsu as Zabuza obviously wouldn't go easy on her. So she's used to fighting people who normally use ninjutsu and genjutsu, and these are only genin, remember. It has got some Mary-Sue, yes. I won't deny that, and I do think I warned you of this way back in the beginning of the story. But, yeah. Anywho, as always, thanks for the review, Wolfy-chan! Out, Mimi-chan TAT

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 21/08/12 - 12:13 pm · For: Reality Check
*facepalm* I'm actually disappointed with Masumi for changing her mind. Indecisiveness has always irked me so it's rather annoying to see her flip out over leaving or staying so much, even if it is a part of life to change your mind every now and then.

This was still an interesting chapter. Now I must read more.

Author's Response: I knew you would be. As I was writing this chapter, I was literally thinking about what your reaction would be. X3 The original was that Masumi would return to Konoha after bumping into Riley. That obviously couldn't happen, anymore, but I felt like the emotions she experienced in chapter 17 were far too important, and had to be kept, but Masumi couldn't return to Zabuza. She has so much more to do in Konoha. So you can blame the author for making her indecisive this time around when she usually isn't. XP Thanks for the review. Out, Mimi-chan TAT

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 21/08/12 - 11:56 am · For: Reality Check
Huh.... One moment she's completely fine with living in Konoha and the next, she's thinking of Zabuza and deciding to leave. I feel like that moved really fast. I liked the emotions you showed in it but just the way they were presented seemed out of the blue for me.

Anyway, this was still a well written chapter. I'm off to read all these other updates now :D

Author's Response: Thanks for the reviews, Wolfy-chan! It was kind of abrupt, but that was kind of the idea? As you may have discovered already, Masumi doesn't dwell on these kinds of things. It just suddenly hits her, and her reaction is immediate. And EXTREME. She knows no in between. And I'm off to respond to the other reviews now. Thank ya again, and out, Mimi-chan TAT

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