Reviews For On the Bridge of Fate
Name: hinata no akatsuki (Anonymous) · Date: 25/09/11 - 08:12 am · For: Chapter 4: Placement
that story was the most awsomest thing in the internet!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Name: DestinyGirl (Signed) · Date: 01/10/10 - 12:23 pm · For: Chapter 29: Alüa Tereia
Ohmygoodness this is absolutely amazing!!! This is my most favorite Naruto fanfiction I've ever read! It's full of fantasy, romance, action, suspense, and so much more.... I really really love this!:D
I hope they can rescue Haru in time - her and Neji are just so cute together! Well, I hope everyone makes it out alive (I'm a happy person:P) and i hope you update this real soon because it's great! Terrific writing, I love it! ♥
Name: Ardisaur_rawr (Signed) · Date: 22/12/09 - 06:04 pm · For: Chapter 29: Alüa Tereia
I'm more of a Shika/Tema person, but that was way cute.
So, the demons just attack like that?
How come Konoha didn't see them coming?
Were they teleported there?
Author's Response: haha thanks. yeah, you know the whole pressure earth-moving thing? That was that evil dude, Marcus, teleporting them there. and Konoha didnt see them coming, cuz Tsunade is being a butt and not listening to Yuki. Arg i hate making her so annoying, but it was necessary...
Name: Ardisaur_rawr (Signed) · Date: 09/12/09 - 06:55 pm · For: Chapter 27: Which Path To Take
Okay, Naruto's speech made me cry.
I honestly teared up and everything. That was amazing.
You have such a way with words and it makes me wish that I could write like that!
I know you took all that stuff from the manga, but you wrote it in such a way that it was put into a completely different perspective. Oh man! This was an amazing chapter.
I know how you feel. School is such a drag. lol
Research paper after research paper.
I have an exam for every single one of my classes next week, too. GEEZ!
7 exams in one week!
School is the very bane of my life!
Name: Ardisaur_rawr (Signed) · Date: 31/10/09 - 08:56 pm · For: Chapter 26: Tsunade’s Decision
That's not very Tsunade-ish...
I wonder if the demons have influenced her... or she's just really bitchy that day...
Poor Neji... crying.
This is getting intense!!!
Name: Persy321 (Signed) · Date: 31/10/09 - 07:10 pm · For: Chapter 26: Tsunade’s Decision
very good chapter :) i loved it! 10.
Name: Ardisaur_rawr (Signed) · Date: 28/10/09 - 01:55 pm · For: Chapter 25: Rising Storm
Wow.... Haru is a killing machine?
That's not very nice. Stupid angels && demons!
Author's Response: yup! but was it a good chapter? i liked it, but im not sure that people liked it cuz nobody's sad...
Name: Ardisaur_rawr (Signed) · Date: 05/10/09 - 02:07 pm · For: Chapter 24: Moonlight
Where's Haru!? :(
That was so mean just tearing them apart like that!!
Anyway... good chapter.
Name: Ardisaur_rawr (Signed) · Date: 26/09/09 - 07:06 pm · For: Chapter 23: Last Time
It was so perfect!!
Those damn demons had to ruin the perfect moment between them!!
You're so mean with all of your cliffies!!!
Author's Response: bwahaha im just horrible arent i? Sorry, i hate it too, but as i writer i have to create some conflict and cliffies to keep readers on their toes. Sniff...I know, i wanted to cry when i wrote that last scene between them, cuz i knew that it would end so horribly...cry cry....
Name: Ardisaur_rawr (Signed) · Date: 12/09/09 - 11:33 am · For: Chapter 22: Intertwined
Even though I dislike Sasuke because he's a major douche, I don't want him to die.
Anyway, sucks for Sakura if he does!!
Name: MySoxRock (Signed) · Date: 11/09/09 - 03:34 pm · For: Chapter 21: Lessons in Seduction
waaah!!!! cliff hanger much!!!! brilliant story, update please XD
Name: Ardisaur_rawr (Signed) · Date: 06/09/09 - 05:50 pm · For: Chapter 21: Lessons in Seduction
Ahahahahaha.... Naruto's such a doofus, but you gotta love him!!!
Can't wait for the next chapter!!!
Author's Response: haha my thoughts exactly. Thanks for reviewing!!
Name: Miki Everless (Signed) · Date: 05/09/09 - 10:00 pm · For: Prolouge: Konoha
No, haha, I was agreeing with Neji and Naruto, but I can see where you got the insult thingy.
Sorry, anyway.
Name: Miki Everless (Signed) · Date: 05/09/09 - 05:13 pm · For: Chapter 21: Lessons in Seduction
My thoughts exactly.
Author's Response: that an insult or where you just agreeing with Neji and Naruto's situation? Thanks for reviewing though!
Name: Ardisaur_rawr (Signed) · Date: 02/08/09 - 12:41 am · For: Chapter 20: Planned Compromise
Wow. I love this story. It just keeps getting better and better!!!!
Name: Persy321 (Signed) · Date: 26/07/09 - 07:06 pm · For: Chapter 20: Planned Compromise
omg! sooo good :) i loved this story! cant wait to read more of your stories! :) good job! 10!
Name: ItachiUchihaLover (Signed) · Date: 25/07/09 - 07:23 pm · For: Chapter 20: Planned Compromise
omg! hurry with the next chapter! I'm at the edge of my seat wanting to no what happens on the mission!!!
Author's Response: haha thanks sooooo much! i had so much fun writing this chapter! hey, have you checked out my other stories, A Vampire Rose and Diaries of The Supernatural? You should, i think they're quite good...well of course i would think that, but watever. :D
Name: ItachiUchihaLover (Signed) · Date: 25/07/09 - 07:13 pm · For: Chapter 19: Advice
awwwwwwww!!!! so cute but so sad that she took it the wrong way.
Name: ItachiUchihaLover (Signed) · Date: 25/07/09 - 06:54 pm · For: Chapter 17: Falling
Author's Response: yes, i know. i hated killing him off too...but it was necessary. sorry! :(
Name: Miki Everless (Signed) · Date: 25/07/09 - 05:56 pm · For: Prolouge: Konoha
Haru is extremely ignorant, haha.
It's so obvious that Neji's in love with her, but she's just so... thick.
Her and Naruto should get together for friggin' tea and biscuits.
Author's Response: yes, i know. sigh...its kinda annoying sometimes. it is painfully obvious, but i have to put some humor in there. Haha i was contemplating putting her and naruto together in the begining, but then decided that i liked naruto and hinata MUCH better. and neji is just a deprived loner/arrogant freak, and he needed Haru to brighten his life a bit. :D
Name: Rowanrose (Signed) · Date: 18/07/09 - 01:26 pm · For: Chapter 19: Advice
Haha! How sweet! Please write more! You're an A-class writer! (that's really good by the way) :)
Author's Response: thanks! :D
Name: Rowanrose (Signed) · Date: 14/07/09 - 05:20 pm · For: Chapter 18: Confessions and Silence
Hahahaahahaha! I could hardly stop laughing after reading this chapter!
Is the story over? I hope not! PLEASE write more!
Is the guy who killed Lee dead? I hope so. *bloodthirsty grin* :)
Author's Response: thank you very much! no, the story is not over (thank god, because i still have SO much to explain!!) And also, no, the guy who killed Lee is not dead. He plays an important part in the rest of the story, so i cant kill him off just yet. Dont worry...i want to so badly...but i cant. :(
Name: Rowanrose (Signed) · Date: 13/07/09 - 11:14 pm · For: Chapter 6: First Page
Name: Rowanrose (Signed) · Date: 13/07/09 - 10:39 pm · For: Chapter 1: New Beginning
Author's Response: :D
Name: Ardisaur_rawr (Signed) · Date: 10/07/09 - 01:24 pm · For: Chapter 18: Confessions and Silence
Hmm..... That was a comedy of errors....
That's sad that she thought Neji rejected her.
I think it's funny that he went into shock!!!
Author's Response: um...wat does a "comedy of errors" mean??? is it a bad thing??