Reviews For Meteor Midna & The Akatsuki
Name: DropDeadThenDance (Signed) · Date: 14/02/09 - 07:24 pm · For: Dying in the Desert
HEY!! Why did you stop updating this? Its so cool! I obviously can't read it if you don't update :(
Anyway, its really funny and I love it! I really hope you update again soon!
Author's Response: I'm sorry. I wait for a specific read count before updating. I guess since you actually like it I'll update come 20 read counts. ^
Name: MyLifeIsABadFanFiction (Signed) · Date: 31/01/09 - 01:44 pm · For: Busting Through the Leaves
I really like that little alien girl... Reminds me of Silva! Anyway, I really like your story, its cute how Minda doesn't seem to really understand anything. This brings back great memories of my old Alien OC Silva though sadly she never made internet... Hmm... Maybe I'll bring her back! Yeah, I think I will. Thanks!!
Again though, great story, funny OC and lots of fun possibilities XD
Author's Response: Thank you very much. It feels great getting a first review with such inspiring words. Oh-I want the read count to hit 30 already so I can add a new chapter. And if you do bring Silva to the internet, let me know!!! I'd love to read it. =3